The Science of Optimism, How to Defeat the Extinction Rebellion and the Green New Deal – LaRouchePAC Fireside Chat

The Science of Optimism, How to Defeat the Extinction Rebellion and the Green New Deal

Tonight’s discussion will feature Mike Billington discussing the Extinction Rebellion, christened in Britain last October as a proto terrorist component of the Malthusian green movement now functioning as a major political force internationally. If you witnessed the intellectual atrocity of the Democratic Party debates in the United States over the past 48 hours or the defacing of the statutes of heroes of classical human culture, heroes like Beethoven and Bach, throughout Europe, you are witnessing the new oligarchical effort to shape the world for fascism. Youth are being targeted as the battering rams against industrial civilization and human progress, particularly the revolution inherent in President Trump’s decision to return to the Moon and colonize mars. It is not an accident that Prince Harry announced yesterday that he and his wife have adopted a 2 child policy because the earth can sustain no more people.

Billington will trace the history of this movement and its penetration of nation states internationally. More importantly, he will develop the ideas of Lyndon LaRouche which can be used, as a boxer uses his fists, to defeat it.

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