Trump: “Cultural Change is Hard, But Each Of Us Can Choose To Build A Culture That Celebrates The Inherent Worth And Dignity Of Every Human Life.”

President Trump, joined by Vice President Pence, addresses his remarks August 5, 2019, in the Diplomatic Reception Room of the White House on the mass shootings over the weekend in El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio. (Official White House Photo)

From Hong Kong to Moscow; from El Paso to Dayton; from the endangered US-China relations to the scuttling of the INF Treaty and US military leaders pushing for military encirclement of Russia and China; the London-centered forces presiding over the collapse of their system have launched a series of destabilizations, designed to induce overwhelming pessimism about the future of mankind. Helga-Zepp LaRouche addressed this global crisis today in her weekly webcast (below). She addressed the culture of death and violence being spread by the Green New Deal and the Extinction Rebellion, and the financial swindles associated with decarbonization which are designed to bail out the bankrupt system for at least a few more months, while the real economy collapses.

Zepp-LaRouche emphasized that the pessimism must be addressed by bringing the space-faring nations together — the US, Russia, China, India and Japan — as the core of international cooperation, to prove that the Earth is not a closed system, and move from confrontation to cooperation, proving, as Lyndon LaRouche always insisted, that the unique human quality of willful creativity offers a solution to all these crises.

President Trump today took a dramatic step towards addressing this fundamental pessimism driven by the cultural decay in western society. Speaking to the world from the White House regarding the horrendous mass killings this past weekend in Texas and Ohio, President Trump spoke about the role of guns and reforming gun laws, the need for new policies on mental health, and for recognizing “red flags” of potential killers, but most importantly, he emphasized the urgency of addressing the cultural issue:

“We must stop the glorification of violence in our society,” he said. “This includes the gruesome and grisly video games that are now commonplace. It is too easy today for troubled youth to surround themselves with a culture that celebrates violence. We must stop or substantially reduce this, and it has to begin immediately. Cultural change is hard, but each of us can choose to build a culture that celebrates the inherent worth and dignity of every human life. That’s what we have to do.”

The multiple destabilizations come in the wake of President Trump’s historic meetings with Presidents Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping in Osaka, and his visit to North Korea to meet with Chairman Kim Jong Un. These acts of personal diplomacy by the President are the only means to break through the war-mongering of the neoconservatives around him and in both parties in the Congress. This personal diplomacy, together with his announcement of the Artemis Moon-Mars mission to establish a permanent base on the Moon by 2024, has unleashed a contagious surge of optimism in the American population — which has had no reason to be optimistic over these past four decades and more.

The LaRouche movement is the natural beneficiary of this renewed optimism, as older people recall that LaRouche had introduced these ideas fifty years ago, while younger people are hungry for leadership to achieve this new paradigm.

Our petitions for the Moon-Mars Mission and for the exoneration of Lyndon LaRouche are the tools necessary to galvanize this new optimism into the necessary political muscle to achieve this revolutionary transformation.

British Launch Global Destabilization Operations—Scientific Cooperation in Space is the Antidote

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