Trump Reports Beijing Regime Is “Massing Troops on the Border with Hong Kong”; He Grovels in Abject Appeasement, Calling the “Hong Kong Thing … a Very Tough Situation … I Hope It Works Out for Everybody, Including China”; This Greenlights the Looming Crackdown, Making Immediate Impeachment Mandatory; Tax Wall Street Party Calls on Beijing to Refrain from Violent Repression, Grant Freedom of Assembly and Free Elections!

United Front Against Austerity|Tax Wall Street Party American System Network|Tuesday, August 13, 2019 Benedict Donald in Craven Retreat on Tariff Front, with Duties on Key Chinese Products Delayed Until December 15; Wall Street Comment: “Don Blinked”; Beijing Months Ago Proclaimed “People’s War” Against U.S.! Anti-Dictatorship Demonstrators Wave American Flag Over Departures Concourse at Hong Kong […]

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