Worst Day of 2019 on Wall Street as Major Indices Fall 3%; Traders See #TrumpRecession Ahead Due to Inverted Yield Curve as Interest Rates on Short-Term Treasuries Exceed Returns on Longer-Term T-Bonds for First Time Since 2007 on Eve of Subprime Panic; Massive Flight to Safety as Long Bond Yield Hits Record Low of 2.015%; Canada and UK Bond Yields Inverted; German 10-Year Rate Goes More Negative!

United Front Against Austerity|Tax Wall Street Party American System Network|Wednesday, August 14, 2019 World Contraction of Real Economy: After UK, Germany Posts Decline in GDP; China Reports Worst Industrial Production Performance in 17 Years; Macy’s Leads New Phase of Retail Apocalypse; Dow Transportation Stocks Fall on Dwindling Freight Volume Frantic Trump Attempts to Blame Fed’s […]

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