Global British Coup vs. the United States – LaRouchePAC Fireside Chat

Global British Coup vs. the United States – LaRouchePAC Fireside Chat

At Jackson Hole, Wyoming, on August 23rd, Bank of England Governor Mark Carney proposed that Central Bankers take control of the entire world as a new financial crisis begins, replacing the dollar as a reserve currency with a digital currency controlled by Central Banks. His proposal was seconded by BlackRock, LLP, the world’s largest hedge fund which features many central bankers on its board. They advocate central bankers taking control of all spending, world-wide, ending the reign of nation states. Obviously, the globalists have now come totally out of the closet, as their intelligence minions did through the attacks on the presidency. The last time such a financial scheme was put into place was by the Nazi Finance Minister Hjalmar Schacht in coordination with the Bank of England’s Montagu Norman. As in that scheme, fully implemented by Adolph Hitler, an ideology, neo-Mathusianism in the form of the climate change myth, will be used to justify world-wide deindustrialization and genocidal population reduction.

Now, the genocidal motive of the coup against Donald Trump comes clearly into view. In reality, these people, working through such institutions as the IMF and the City of London’s Green Finance Institute have been campaigning for this result for some years, promoting a basket of currencies, such as the IMF’s SDR, to replace the dollar and promoting “sustainable development” as the mantra for keeping developing nations in check. Trump’s invocation of Glass Steagall, the American System, defense of the nation state, an end to endless wars, and now, his Moon-Mars space program, are primary and deadly threats to this program.

Tonight we will discuss the status of the coup, the attack on the space program by the Democrats, the defeat of which will be a central focus of ours, and the critical relationship between the third and fourth laws of Lyndon LaRouche, the necessary basis for making Artemis an actual program for economic revival. How do you create a population capable of assimilating and acting upon major breakthroughs in science, such that society, as a whole, advances? Join us.

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