2020 Is the Window of Opportunity for LaRouche’s Policies

Helga Zepp-LaRouche and Lyndon LaRouche at his birthday party, September 12, 2005. (EIRNS/Stuart Lewis)

The British are hell-bent on converting 2020 into the year of chaos, wars, coups and cultural hell. Ours is the opportunity to seize, Helga Zepp-LaRouche told associates yesterday, of making 2020 the year of Lyndon LaRouche’s policies for a world in breakdown crisis.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has thrown a well-conceived monkey-wrench into the whole British geopolitical game plan, Zepp-LaRouche stated, by developing and now deploying the hypersonic Avangard missile system, which kicks over the entire chessboard of existing nuclear war fighting postures by rendering them technologically obsolete. But Putin has not only deployed the Avangard: he presented it to American officials for examination, and he has offered to include the Avangard in negotiations for a New START Treaty, which is currently set to expire in February 2021.

Putin is offering to negotiate an entirely new global security architecture with President Donald Trump, which is a discussion the two leaders should take up at a meeting at the Elbe on April 25, and/or at Moscow’s Victory Day celebration on May 9. We should push this initiative, Zepp-LaRouche stated, much as we urged President Trump to participate in the first Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation in 2017 in China, since it is essential to building a new platform of U.S.-Russia and U.S.-China relations. It is the best way to strike back against Britain’s coup against Trump, by hitting them on their exposed, vulnerable flank.

Such a new security architecture for the planet is urgently needed, Zepp-LaRouche stated, but the only way it can function is if it is premised on a common economic policy built around the dynamic of the New Silk Road. Such a policy, as Lyndon LaRouche long specified, must be centered on a bankruptcy reorganization of the current speculative financial system—“the financial crisis is hanging over us like a Damocles Sword,” Zepp-LaRouche said—and joint commitment to the common aims of mankind, emphatically including the rapid development of Southwest Asia, Africa, and other regions tortured for centuries by British imperial policies.

“That economic perspective, however, will only function if it goes along with a Renaissance of Classical culture,” Zepp-LaRouche stated. “Our intervention in this has to be from the standpoint of really demanding that the United States and the whole world move into a completely New Paradigm of thinking, a new set of relations among nations. The idea of geopolitics has to be absolutely out, forever, because it’s the kind of thinking which led to two world wars already.”

We must fight today for the world we wish to create 50 or 100 years from now. Each nation must find its own self-interest in fighting for the common aims of all mankind, and for the Classical cultural renaissance to be built on the shoulders of Beethoven, of Schiller, of Cusa, of Confucius—and of Lyndon LaRouche.

“The aim of civilization is the continued development of our species as the only creative species in the universe,” she continued. “More people [must] take that idea of a sublime view of mankind, of a creative identity, which is in correspondence to an anti-entropic, developing universe.”

To this end, Zepp-LaRouche concluded, we will build and educate such a movement as we organize towards a Schiller Institute national conference this spring. As part of this, the LaRouche movement will launch in March an international Week of Action around the planet, especially among students and youth, which will be based on Zepp-LaRouche’s call for making 2020 the year of LaRouche’s policies, the year we move decisively to achieve the common aims of mankind.


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