Gates-owned WHO and his gofer Tedros: Coronavirus remains ‘public enemy number one’ & pandemic may get ‘worse and worse and worse’ – YEAH, YEAH, YEAH, YAWN. YAWN, YAWN

The Covid-19 pandemic is set to get “worse and worse” if countries do not stick to strict healthcare guidelines, the World Health Organization (WHO) has warned. The disease has already killed more than half-a-million globally.

Speaking on Monday during a press briefing from the agency’s headquarters in Geneva via videolink, WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus gave an alarming prognosis on the pandemic’s course.

“Let me be blunt. Too many countries are headed in the wrong direction, the virus remains public enemy number one,” Tedros said. “If basics are not followed, the only way this pandemic is going to go: it is going to get worse and worse and worse.”

The grim prognosis comes after the WHO registered a record daily increase in active coronavirus cases worldwide since the beginning of the pandemic. On Sunday, the global health watchdog registered some 230,370 new cases of the virus. The Covid-19 death rate remains steady, claiming around 5,000 lives on a daily basis.

Read More: Coronavirus remains ‘public enemy number one’ & pandemic may get ‘worse and worse and worse’ – WHO

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