Still more confirmation that masks are simply taking the piss

Morning all,
After listening to the latest cast, where David is talking about contradictions and utter insanity everywhere, I felt compelled to share this with you.
Yesterday I phoned my 87 year old mum who told me this.

She has a pacemaker, leukaemia and chronic osteoarthritis, and was transported to St George’s Hospital in Tooting along with other elderly people to attend a pacing clinic.They were not allowed into the hospital unless they were wearing masks of course. After the appointment you have to wait for ages in a room for transport home.

So they were all sat there in their masks when someone comes round with tea and biscuits! This resulted in most of them removing their masks and tucking in, whilst looking at one of the porters standing in the corridor spinning his mask on his finger!

My Mum by the way had an out of the blue call from a mystery doctor in April and was pressurised into consenting to DNR on the spot without consultation or time to think, a decision that she has now reversed.


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