‘Voluntary’ group connected to One-percent World Economic Forum campaigning for mandatory global mask-wearing on behalf of their masters

About Us:

#Masks4All is an all-volunteer org that started and powered the movement for people and Governments to follow the overwhelming scientific evidence that shows we need to wear homemade masks in public to slow COVID-19.

Now that this is widely accepted as a fact by Government, news, and health leaders, we’re focused on getting masks to be required across the U.S. and the world.

The Story:

In mid-March, only ~10 countries recommended wearing masks.

As of mid-May: 
1. 100+ countries and 10 U.S. states require them
2. The U.S. CDC recommends them 
3. 95% of the world’s population lives in countries that require or recommend masks (including China, the USA, Germany, Russia, South Korea, Brazil, India, and France)

What happened and why did this change?

In March, a group of researchers and scientists started #Masks4All after realizing that there was clear scientific evidence showing that cloth masks limit the spread of COVID-19 (which contradicted the global consensus at the time).

Read More: Cloth masks can help stop the spread of COVID-19, save lives and restore jobs

The Trigger

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