U.S. Sends F-22 Fighters to Reassure NATO Allies Facing Russia
Beefed up military support for NATO’s eastern European allies against Russia.
Beefed up military support for NATO’s eastern European allies against Russia.
“The community is not convinced about women driving.”
If confirmed, this could get interesting.
More and more people are signing up to be frozen for a chance at life after death. So the question is, would you?
“For the KKK, Clinton is our choice.”
Explosion of tiny sparks erupts from egg at exact moment of conception…
Court convicted them of “debauchery and incitement to debauchery.”
New gov. seeks to assert its authority…
Flores said no offers have been made at this time…
Sale would be less than 5 percent of the company…
Martial arts legend accuses ‘sky criminals’ of waging secret war on public.
And don’t think America is safe…
Obama now says ISIS “the most urgent threat to our nations”.
A $15 minimum wage will mean wiping out thousands of entry-level opportunities for people without many other options.
“Target’s policy is exactly how sexual predators get access to their victims,” petition states.