School punishes first-grader after ‘misgendering’ a gender-confused classmate
School punishes first-grader after ‘misgendering’ a gender-confused classmate
School punishes first-grader after ‘misgendering’ a gender-confused classmate
Hair conditioner found to bind radioactive elements to your hair, functioning as a MAGNET for nuclear fallout
400 people die as Myanmar cracks down on Rohingya
IAEA has no reason to inspect Iran’s military sites: Officials
Hard Pressed: Swedish media label government critics as ‘threat to democracy’
‘We cannot destroy mosques’: Duterte makes a U-turn on his controversial mosque bombing statement
Al-Shabab bombing kills 12 in Somalia’s Puntland
Boko Haram terrorists kill 18 people in northeast Nigeria
Austria’s ruling party sues foreign minister ahead elections
David Icke Shatters The Antifa Left/Alt Right Paradigm – Videocast Trailer
Syria militants plan chemical attack to blame government: Russia
East Texas residents are warned river levels could rise to 82 FEET as the Army is forced to open reservoir floodgates after Harvey’s trail of destruction leaves 38 dead and destroys 48,700 homes
Are Trump’s Generals on the Verge of Committing the Biggest Blunder of His Presidency?
1.4 million more bogus Wells Fargo accounts emerge with Congress asleep at the wheel
Forced by court order, Netanyahu reveals almost weekly phone calls with Trump backer Adelson as corruption scandals mount