The global financial system continues to groan under the strain of the accumulated weight of trillions of dollars worth of debt and derivatives, which have built up to even more fantastic levels than those that precipitated the near collapse in 2008, thanks to the policy of solving liquidity problems near-term by creating even more debt and derivatives, Quantitative Easing being the most obvious example. However, while the majority consider the situation to be hopeless, there is actually “light at the end of the tunnel”. If only a way could be found to freely tap the funds of savers at will, … Continue reading

The post The War on Cash and Gold appeared first on LewRockwell.

Some of you may have noticed that I have “gone quiet” over the last few weeks regarding the Precious Metals sector, and I have actually been asked by one subscriber if I have given up on the sector. My response was: “We have not lost sight of the thunderous bull market that is currently incubating in gold and silver, that will spin off huge opportunities in Precious Metals stocks, which is an inevitable outcome of the deepening financial crisis resulting from a snowballing of the debt and derivative problems that were not solved following the crisis of 2008, but were … Continue reading

The post Green Is the New Gold appeared first on LewRockwell.

A major “Sword of Damocles” overhanging global stock markets has been the situation with Deutsche Bank, which has a monumental derivative book and whose stock has been plunging to new lows. We have largely ignored this situation up until now, on the assumption that everyone else will until the SHTF, a strategy that has until now paid off. However, we should keep in mind that this is potentially a very dangerous situation that could dwarf the Lehman debacle and send world markets into a tailspin. That said, however, we have just seen a turnaround on stupendous record volume in DB … Continue reading

The post Deutsche Bank: The Sword of Damocles appeared first on LewRockwell.

Over the longer-term the prospects for both gold and silver are very bright indeed, because of the inexorable global trend towards hyperinflation, driven by the stark reality that there is now no way back for the Keynesian extremists who have created the present shambles. Given the current debt structure, any serious attempt to “apply the brakes” will result in a total implosion and collapse of the system, which will disappear into a neutron star like black hole. They therefore have to keep ballooning the money supply and debt until the system is eventually consumed by a hyperinflation firestorm, which will … Continue reading

The post Gold, Silver, and Money Printing appeared first on LewRockwell.

The situation is paradoxical – gold and silver have broken out upside despite already extreme COT readings, yet the dollar has still not broken down. This setup continues to warrant caution, yet if the dollar should break down from its potential top area and drop hard, gold and silver will go into a vertical meltup – and here we should not forget the tight physical supply situation. In the last update, we expected gold and silver to drop due to the COTs extremes, but they have done the opposite resulting in even greater extremes, which in silver’s case are “off … Continue reading

The post Gold and Silver Melt-Up? appeared first on LewRockwell.

This has been a momentous month for gold, with it finally breaking out of its long downtrend to commence a major bull market. Thus, it is amusing to see Goldman Sachs talking about it dropping back to $1000 again. Those timorously wondering whether they are right should stop and ask themselves whose interests are paramount to Goldman, the government, and Wall St, or the Little Guy trying to protect what’s left of his capital. Those still in doubt should read Goldman Capitulates. We have been wondering over the past week whether gold and silver have been starting to mark out … Continue reading

The post Curb Your Enthusiasm—Just a Little appeared first on LewRockwell.

For the 1st time in years, everything is in place for a major bullmarket phase to get underway in gold and silver. There are two big reasons for this. One is that the dollar is looking set to drop – and has started to already. The other reason, which is of course related, is that those in power look set to attempt to loosen the intensifying deflationary stranglehold on the world economy by unleashing a global QE blitz that could dwarf anything that has come before, and will end in hyperinflation. Egon Von Greyerz talks about this in an article … Continue reading

The post Why You Should Care About the Baltic Dry Index appeared first on LewRockwell.

The recovery rally in the US stockmarket that we have been expecting for a week or two started on Friday with a robust advance that gathered strength into the close. The trigger was Japan’s announcement that it is going into NIRP (Negative Interest Rate Policy) in a big way, which means that as they slip deeper into the abyss of bankruptcy they are going to resort to robbing savers. This is real “endgame stuff” – another milestone on the road to ruin, and it looks like it was the result of the Japanese attendees at Davos being taken to one … Continue reading

The post Bail-Ins and the Looting of Pension Funds appeared first on LewRockwell.

The purpose of this update is to define exactly where we are on the market clock, because if we know where we are, broadly speaking we will know where we are going. Before going any further I want to point out that so far we have tracked this nascent market crash well, first looking for the market to cave in last Summer, in the Preparing for the Crash series, calling for the Biotech sector to plunge before Christmas in Biotech Inverse ETFs update – Perfect Entry Point for New Shorts, for China to crater at the end of December in … Continue reading

The post Charting the Crash appeared first on LewRockwell.

Today we are going to review irrefutable evidence that a slow motion train wreck is already well underway across global markets, that will end with the last wagons on the train, the S&P500 index and the Dow Jones Industrials, disappearing into the abyss right after their immediate predecessors. There are still a remarkable number of investors out there, and an even more remarkable percentage of mainstream financial journalists, who seem to think that everything is alright just because the flagship indices like the Dow Jones Industrials and the S&P500 haven’t caved in yet, but as we will now see they … Continue reading

The post The Great Train Wreck of 2016 appeared first on LewRockwell.

The fiat money system should be branded a “crime against humanity” because of what its unbridled excesses must inevitably lead to – chaos, destitution and war – which is what we are clearly heading towards. Over the past year or so, the Fed let the idea take hold that it was going to gingerly start a rate rise cycle, which helped to fuel a big rise in the dollar. The ruse worked and the Fed got a lot of bang for no buck. However when push came to shove and the time arrived a few weeks back when they had … Continue reading

Everyone is so focused on looking at the Fed and whether or not it decides to raise rates by a puny 0.25%, that they are completely overlooking the fact that it is the market’s role to set interest rates, and if the Fed is not up to the job, then the markets will eventually take over and do it in a manner that is likely to involve rises vastly greater than a mere 0.25%, which given the current fragile and extremely unstable debt structure, can be expected to have catastrophic consequences. The chart for Junk Bonds looks terrible – and … Continue reading

We are now in the “full on” market crash phase predicted and earlier prepared for on many weeks in advance – it comes as no surprise to us whatsoever. The purpose of this update is to consider what is likely to happen over the next few days and especially tomorrow, Monday. When a market tips into a crash on a Friday, what typically happens is that the thousands or even millions of investors who believed the mainstream media and didn’t see it coming spend the weekend “stewing” over their investments – and many of them decide to bail out … Continue reading

It’s a shame more Chinese investors didn’t get to read our timely warning of an impending mega-smash in the Chinese stockmarket – it would have been worth the cost of a subscription TO AVOID LOSING THEIR LIFE’S SAVINGS. It was mentioned as an aside yesterday’s update on the oil sector, in which we took huge profits in United States Oil Fund Puts, that the Chinese market was massively oversold and now exhibiting extreme technical compression and thus starting to look attractive for a rebound, and we will now proceed to see exactly why that is on the charts for the … Continue reading