End Dept of Education For Local Control & Constitutional Govt
Trump could save the American education system.
Trump could save the American education system.
The fight for freedom of speech is intensifying.
Trump being tricked by globalists into an unnecessary war.
Democrats don’t care about the integrity of the appointment, they will stand against anyone Trump selects.
The globalists have been dealt a major blow as humanity revolts against them.
Abortionist ignores law requiring her to take baby to hospital it shows any signs of life.
What is a bigger danger to citizens, drunk drivers or driverless cars?
Major shift in the way the EPA operates initiated by Trump administration.
Kremlin might release secret information on Obama administration.
Obamacare could be totally finished by 2018.
Why are terror attacks in Europe happening so frequently?
Anti-Trump politicians and media outlets continue to refer to unverified claims for proof.
The nightmare scenario that will throw you at the mercy of the judicial system
Mocking reality is Colbert’s way of distracting from the truth.
Mocking reality is Colbert’s way of distracting from the truth.