Watch Live: Creepy Joe Biden & The Dem’s 2020 Panic
Obama VP under scrutiny after sexual harassment allegation.
Obama VP under scrutiny after sexual harassment allegation.
Didn’t HR McMaster already do this? Here’s what you can and can’t say.
People are literally worshipping robots.
Like beef? You better stock up.
Slippery slope puts 2nd Amendment in danger.
Eric Peters joins to talk about the EU’s plan to force cars to obey speed limits using computer control by 2022.
The state is declaring total control over America’s children.
Life in China’s “social credit” system is the model for tyranny by the technocratic elite in US & EU.
The first death in what could eventually trigger a civil war.
Like the FBI who used them, SPLC has been a corrupt institution for a long time.
Globalists continue cracking down on freedom.
Not a single Democrat (including 6 running for President) supported the Green New Deal when put up for a vote in Senate.
A Muslim politician recently complained when a Christian politician prayed to Jesus in front of her.
Chicago Mayor calls ruling “whitewash of justice.”
Bad week for MSM.