The Fed’s Mega-Bailout and the Monetarist Fraud of ‘Helicopter Money

Video of The Fed's Mega-Bailout and the Monetarist Fraud of 'Helicopter Money

Bailing out the system won’t ‘work’ in this crisis as it did in 2008. The solution lies in dumping monetarist beliefs and taking a lesson from Lyndon LaRouche’s discoveries.

Impeachment Trial Proceeds While Int’l Bankers Inject Billions To “Save” Their System: Coincidence?

Video of Impeachment Trial Proceeds While Int'l Bankers Inject Billions To "Save" Their System: Coincidence?

As billionaires meet in Davos to push their green bubble, which would bail them out while destroying what’s left of an industrial economy in the west and likely condemn several billions to death, the Federal Reserve has now decided it must pour tens of billions of dollars to bail out hedge funds directly. This is occurring as the impeachment trial of Donald Trump proceeds in the U.S. Senate.