The media have found a creative new way to explain away Hillary’s Clinton’s crushing defeat and their own humiliation. They have dubbed the agent of their mutual undoing “fake news” and talk about the phenomenon as though it made real sense. In an all too typical New York Times opinion piece this week Michael Lynch defines “fake news” as “pure fiction masquerading as truth” and presents it exclusively as a “right wing” phenomenon. Like many of his colleagues, Lynch suggests the Russian government was involved in planting fake news items and believes that such items, regardless of source, may have … Continue reading

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“The White House is like a subway. You have to put in coins to open the gates.” Such were the immortal words of one Johnny Chung, who admitted to a Senate committee in 1997 that he funneled $100,000 from the Chinese military to the Democratic National Committee.  In the Clinton White House, it was pay to play all the way.  That either Bill or Hillary had a political life after their treasonous run on Asian piggy banks is a testament to the ever escalating corruption of the American media. The White House honcho who made the subways run on time … Continue reading

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The Black Lives Matter movement began as a hashtag in July 2013 immediately after the acquittal of George Zimmerman in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin. Although the movement would be reinforced along the way by any number of lies — “Hands up don’t shoot” comes quickly to mind — not enough attention has been paid to the original lie, one that may eventually launch a thousand riots before it burns itself out, namely that Trayvon Martin was an innocent little boy. On the night of February 26, 2012, George Zimmerman shot and killed the seventeen-year-old Martin. For a week … Continue reading

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Friday night, Hillary Clinton said out loud what our progressive friends have long been thinking. It may cost her the election. Half of Donald Trump’s supporters, claimed Hillary, were merely anxious about the future. The other half belonged in a “basket of deplorables.” What made them deplorable, said Hillary, was that they were “racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic, you name it.” Having been called all of these things, I can assure you that to be so defamed one need only express a common sense opinion on, say, affirmative action, gender differences, traditional marriage, immigration or terrorism — an opinion that … Continue reading

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In a Sunday New York Times article, oddly insensitive to the would-be socialists who comprise the Times readership, reporter Gardiner Harris fantasized about how much money Barack and Michelle might pocket from their post-White House memoirs. “Publishers hope that Mr. Obama’s writing ability could make his memoir not only profitable in its first years but perhaps for decades to come,” gushed Harris, who compared Obama’s literary talents to those of Theodore Roosevelt and Ulysses Grant. Unlike John F. Kennedy, whose authorship of Profiles in Courage “has been questioned,” Obama’s literary skills, according to Harris, are “widely” accepted. To confirm that … Continue reading

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Playing a coveted role in the most one-sided assault in the history of political journalism, NBC News ran an article last week that managed — in the headline — to insult both the candidate and his base, “Trump’s Conspiracy Theories Aren’t Far Outside GOP Mainstream“. Today, if a politically troublesome issue arises, the media feel no pressure to investigate. Confident their peers will slack off as well, they tend to dismiss the issue as a “conspiracy theory” and deride those who raise it as gullible, paranoid, and probably racist. Donald Trump has raised any number of such issues, and the … Continue reading

The post A ‘Conspiracy Theory’ Trump Should Push appeared first on LewRockwell.

It has been four weeks since my book, TWA 800: The Crash, The Cover-Up, The Conspiracy, debuted. Despite a two-week media hiatus due to the conventions, I continue to receive one or two new leads a day, many from inside the investigation. I would encourage those with information to share to contact me in confidence through my website, As one new source told me, he never knew before where to turn. Another, a retired international captain, said I was the first person in the media to listen to him after years of trying to break through. As a quick … Continue reading

The post TWA 800 appeared first on LewRockwell.

As I was writing my new book on TWA Flight 800 –TWA 800: The Crash, The Cover-Up, The Conspiracy, now available wherever you buy books — I wondered how Hillary Clinton’s success would affect the book’s. On the up side, if Hillary were nominated, the book would be more relevant as she was at the quiet center of the action. On the downside, her nomination would increase the odds that a protective major media would continue to ignore the great untold story of our time. The media run the risk of being the only adults who do not know this … Continue reading

The post The Corruption of the TWA 800 Case appeared first on LewRockwell.

On the pleasant summer evening of July 17, 1996, TWA Flight 800 left JFK Airport in New York bound for Paris. Twelve minutes after takeoff, about ten miles south of the popular south shore of Long Island, at least two surface-to-air missiles blew the 747 out of the sky, killing all 230 people on board. I write the above with 100 percent confidence. I owe that confidence to the efforts of a small corps of committed individuals — eyewitnesses, independent researchers, whistleblowers from within the investigation, and family members who have turned their grief into action. In attempting to get … Continue reading

The post The Downing of TWA 800 appeared first on LewRockwell.