Witness: TSA Caught Holding America Hostage
TSA wants more funding, since they can’t get it they’ll just make everyone wait.
TSA wants more funding, since they can’t get it they’ll just make everyone wait.
Will this settle the 9/11 debate or spark more controversy?
The states have to stand up to the overreaching federal gov’t.
Long lines at airports are forcing TSA to entertain angry passengers.
It’s time for Texas to tell the federal gov’t enough is enough.
Not much has changed when it comes to US foreign policy.
Federal gov’t doing anything it can to get ahold of public land.
The Defense Authorization bill is supposed to be an opportunity for Congress to shape national defense priorities .
Clinton changes her email investigation into a grammar argument between inquiry and investigation.
Clinton sex scandals, Iranian holocaust and more – Full Show
Bold attempt to synthesize all three billion units of human DNA from chemicals.
Studies show smartphones reduce human attention span.
State Department responsible for US Ambassador’s death.
Huge news blitz covering all the latest stories – Full Show
The European Union is attempting to install “superstate” similar to Nazi, Germany.