Feds To Doctors: Stop Prescribing Addictive Painkillers
Prescription painkiller crisis: Why do americans consume 80 percent of all prescription painkillers?
Prescription painkiller crisis: Why do americans consume 80 percent of all prescription painkillers?
Harvard students lash out against “white people” saying they should commit mass suicide.
Majority of people are seeing right through tactics being used by the establishment.
Find out who the winners and losers were after five more states finish voting.
The GOP is looking for a brokered convention to stop the rise of Trump.
Gerald Celente goes off on liberals who disrupt private events.
Eugenicists have known the importance of gut health for a long time.
Caller says he has been blocked from Google+ and Youtube for speaking out
Total opposite of what Martin Luther King Jr. preached.
World known martial artist speaks out against world government, and says Trump scares globalists.
Globalists take humanity’s greatest developments and use them against us.
Attacks on the human body are increasing every day.
Precedent is set for major events to take place in near future.
Conservatives in Hollywood meet at undisclosed location to watch GOP debate.
Americans would get more upset at tampering with college basketball than rigging a presidential election.