Video: Ohio State University Christians Support Killing Babies
Students back abortion despite religious backgrounds.
Students back abortion despite religious backgrounds.
There is so much crazy, insane news you’ve simply got to tune-in to experience the information overload planet earth is now experiencing, but whatever you do share this link to override the censors.
Trump stands in the way of a global human trafficking network.
Special report highlights MSM’s role in manipulating public opinion.
Americans need to stay vigilant to ensure the globalists are defeated.
America deserves to know what’s going on within the FBI.
Proof the left is completely out of touch.
The wall is going to be built and the left cannot handle it.
Find out why POTUS should stay away from a meeting with the former FBI Director.
Watch as patriots stand up to globalism.
Find out how the elite will try to end Western Civilization.
Click below to watch Alex Jones break down what’s really behind geoengineering and where the terraformers are taking us.
Comedy video highlights the insanity of PC culture.
Another anti-First Amendment liberal comes clean about his desire to ban opposing viewpoints.
The worldwide revolution against globalism intensifies.