Google Translate Lists ‘Police Officer’ as the Primary Definition of ‘Demon’
Some speculate that the definition is the result of an algorithm error or manipulation.
Some speculate that the definition is the result of an algorithm error or manipulation.
YouTube is taking down this video left and right.
Government admits connection.
Attorney General torches Dems in epic testimony.
BBC confirms Bill Gates’ agenda for all travelers to be inoculated and microchipped to travel, work or leave home.
‘I don’t think that the point to those riots is anything but inflicting as much damage and injury as possible.’
It’s as if the mainstream media wants to push American into a violent confrontation.
‘It got to the point where crime had no consequences.’
Find out the true intentions of the communist vandals.
Violent confrontations between employees and customers influenced decision.
Elite using virus to introduce spy gear.
Communist activists exposed.
‘There will be no return to the old normal for the foreseeable future,” and COVID-19 is “going to get worse and worse and worse.’
The Democrat National Committee draft platform for its 2020 convention mentions ‘whites’ a total of 15 times.