Obama Announces Draconian, Unconstitutional Gun Regs by Executive Fiat
Justice Dept. wants to ban more Americans from owning guns.
Justice Dept. wants to ban more Americans from owning guns.
Justice Dept. wants to ban more Americans from owning guns.
Huge divide between East and West as new Cold War emerges.
There’s more to reality than you experience first-hand.
MSM openly admits it backs known liars.
Obama’s, Fed’s destruction of economy blamed on “winter weather.”
“I will force the expiration of the NSA illegal spy program,” he said.
Russian authorities drew up the list in response to EU travel bans.
Sen. Paul announced Saturday that he would not consent to any effort to speed up debate on a House-passed surveillance reform bill.
Their game plan is: Never allow an honest debate on immigration.
Artillery could pose a threat to nearby Vietnamese bases.
U.S. destroyer Ross was moving along the edge of Russia’s territorial waters.
Rigged 37% price increase has priced millions of people out of the market.
“I will force the expiration of the NSA illegal spy program,” he says.
This is what happens when you get addicted to electronics.