Obama Admits U.S. Role in 2014 Ukraine Coup
And George Soros funded the coup through his front groups.
And George Soros funded the coup through his front groups.
American producers decimated.
The problem has never been too little money printing but too much printing.
America turning into a nation of proles.
NFL distracts the population, allowing the government to grow without resistance.
NFL distracts the population, allowing the government to grow without resistance.
The globalists benefit from violence.
The globalists benefit from violence.
Reporters were required to have a staff member escort them to bathroom.
Reporters were required to have a staff member escort them to bathroom.
That’s the government’s intent, unfortunately.
That’s the government’s intent, unfortunately.
Kit Daniels | Student can’t even leave isolation booth for lunch.
Student can’t even leave isolation booth for lunch.
Student can’t even leave isolation booth for lunch.