Maine Gov. Paul LePage: Bring back the guillotine for drug traffickers
“I like French history,” he said.
“I like French history,” he said.
Increase in reported cases of microcephaly, in which babies are born with unusually small heads.
Here’s what it looks like.
Prime Minister envisions war that will last generations.
Former defense secretary lied about Iraqi WMDs and helped create breeding ground for IS.
There is plenty wrong with Trump, but let’s hope he is not a conservative.
Stonewalling by Justice Department may result in Watergate-level resignations.
Police say they grope girls and ‘slap them in the face when they protest.’
We wonder if perhaps the retailer has entered a terminal decline similar to what befell that other “Mart.”
At Davos, they want to point the blame at everyone but the true culprit: themselves.
Overspending on credit cards, missing payments, defaulting on a loan.
New AUMF allows an autocratic president to wage war anywhere in the world without congressional approval.
Around 700 Christian women in Pakistan are abducted, raped and forced into Islamic marriage every year.
Not paying too much attention to those upset over the annual movie awards.
It’s difficult to imagine what routine law enforcement ends might be served by helping police become more like the NSA.