No Return to Pre-Obamacare Carnage, When 2009 Harvard Study Found 45,000 Dead Americans Each Year From Lack of Health Care!; Wisconsin and Michigan GOP Strip Powers of Governors, Ram Through Killer Cuts; North Carolina Probe of GOP Vote Fraud Probe Dee…

Most Hill Republicans Voted to Strip Constituents’ Health Care And Are Massively Vulnerable For Next November; Use House Recess To Stop Sabotage Of Cost Sharing and Individual Mandate; Trump Again Threatening to Cut Off Vital Payments; Scaramucci White House A Hobbesian Jungle: Attacks on Sessions Antagonize GOP Senators, While Priebus Ouster Alienates Ryan Faction; New […]

Despite Threats, Mueller Reported Probing Eight-Person Meeting, Business Dealings With Russian Oligarchs; McConnell Still Trying to Pass Killer Health Bill With Dwindling Votes; Senate Parliamentarian Excludes Key Features From Budget Reconciliation Pa…

Webster G. Tarpley, Ph.D. – World Crisis Radio October 15, 2016

[download audio] Obama’s Friday NSC Meeting Mandates More Talks on Syria in Multilateral Format; Saturday Talks in Lausanne Seen as Constructive, Joined by Lavrov, Kerry, de Mistura of UN, and Seven Regional Foreign Ministers, Who Issue Pledge to Re-Convene; Absurd Saga […]

Webster G. Tarpley, Ph.D. PressTV August 16, 2016

[download video] [download audio]


United Front Against Austerity | Tax Wall Street Party Morning Briefing | Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Welcome to #TaxWallStreetParty livetweet of #Democratic presidential debate in #Iowa-Will #Bernie #Sanders Encouraged by Polls Get Serious?

#FeelTheBern-#Bernie so far has not been serious challenger to #Hillary but #BorderGuard #GateKeeper to help her-Will he get serious as foe?


United Front Against Austerity | Tax Wall Street Party Morning Briefing | Friday, December 18, 2015

“He is a very bright person, talented without any doubt. It is not our business to assess his worthiness, but he is the absolute leader of the presidential race. He says he wants to move to a different level […]

United Front Against Austerity | Tax Wall Street Party Morning Briefing | Thursday, December 17, 2015

Those who remember the shock and surprise generated by Obama’s color revolution-styled primary campaign in Iowa and New Hampshire in 2008 should brace themselves for the Ted Cruz campaign in the same early states. Earlier this week, the […]