New schools are popping up. Some offer one year programs but no college degree. Good idea? Ben Carlson at Wealth of Common Sense is irked by the question: Is College Worth the Cost? Reddit co-founder Alexis Ohanian gave some advice to young people in a recent interview with the New York Times: “Do you really need to go to college? There is a huge student loan debt problem in this country. I think there’s going to need to be a drastic change in how these universities work. And I also think we’ve lambasted the trades for way too long. You can make … Continue reading

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Spanish prime minister Mariano Rajoy, the man who said there would not be a vote, now has to face the facts: 90% Voted for Independence. 📊 Resultats del Referèndum de #1OCT — Govern. Generalitat (@govern) October 1, 2017 90% of the 2.26 million Catalans who voted on Sunday voted in favour of independence, according to preliminary results released by the region’s government. The region has 5.3 million voters. Officials said 770,000 votes were lost due to disruption which resulted in polling stations being raided by Spanish police. Carles Puigdemont, Catalan’s leader, announced in a televised statement that the region had earned the … Continue reading

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The Equifax security breach scandal keeps growing and growing. Their handling of the data breach that affected as many as 143 million accounts has been horrendous. Executives dumped their shares before reporting the stolen data. Following the breach, their website did not function properly, people got signed up for programs they did not want or need, and customer service has been dismal all around. Equifax is Not Your Friend InTheseTimes reports The Equifax Hacking Scandal Is a Reminder That Credit-Reporting Agencies Are Not Our Friends. Last week, Equifax—one of the country’s three major credit-reporting agencies alongside Experian and Transunion—revealed that its security … Continue reading

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German media is solidly behind Angela Merkel as the US media was behind Hillary Clinton. German reporting of the recent terrorist truck incident was in a single word “pathetic”. Thanks to chancellor Merkel, it’s politically incorrect to presume refugees are a problem. Worse yet, the media cooperates. Culture of Denial The following via email from Eurointelligence. Why are the most advertised Gold and Silver coins NOT the best way to invest? The discussion about the terror attack in Berlin has turned political very quickly, with some commentators now wondering openly whether this might cost Angela Merkel the elections. This is … Continue reading

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The eurozone cannot survive without Italy. The serious problem at the moment is the Eurozone also cannot survive with Italy. Two of Italy’s three largest parties are anti-Euro. The only party in Italy that does support the euro is ex-prime minister Matteo Renzi’s Democratic Party. And with Renzi gone, there’s a huge risk the party splinters. Regardless, there are no likely scenarios that can keep things from flying apart according to Wolfgang Münchau. I believe his analysis is solid. Münchau makes a detailed case why the eurozone is doomed in Italy Poses a Huge Threat to the Euro and Union. Myths, … Continue reading

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Global financial repression picks up steam, led by India. After declaring large denomination notes illegal, India now targets gold. It’s not just gold bars or bullion. The government has raided houses, no questions asked, confiscating jewelry. For background to this article, please see my November 27 article Cash Chaos in India, 86% of Money in Circulation Withdrawn; Cash Still King in Japan. Large denomination means 500-rupee ($7.30) and 1,000-rupee notes ($14.60), which account for more than 85 percent of the money supply. They are no longer legal tender, effective immediately. As one might imagine, chaos ensued. And it continues. Myths, … Continue reading

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UK prime minister Theresa May will address the UN General Assembly on Tuesday. She seeks UN Action to Control Mass Migration Flows. In contrast, I propose a 10-point “common sense” solution, not UN action. Let’s start with May’s proposal. Theresa May will use her first appearance as British prime minister at a United Nations General Assembly meeting starting Monday to urge fellow leaders to do more to control mass migration, which she’ll argue hurts both refugees and the countries they enter. May will say the migrants should be encouraged to claim asylum in the first safe country they reach. Meanwhile … Continue reading

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Things are not going well for the Hillary campaign these days. She is without a doubt sick, but no one knows what. Anyone trusting the pneumonia diagnosis as the full truth has mush for brains. Her “deplorables” comment backfired miserably. And today we learned that the Clinton campaign has been dinging donors multiple times for “one-time” donations. Recurring “One Time” Donations Please consider Hillary Clinton Campaign Systematically Overcharging Poorest Donors. Hillary Clinton’s campaign is stealing from her poorest supporters by purposefully and repeatedly overcharging them after they make what’s supposed to be a one-time small donation through her official campaign … Continue reading

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On Sunday, an “Overheated” Hillary Stumbled or Fainted at a 911 Ceremony. Hours later, came news flash Hillary’s Doctor Discloses Pneumonia Diagnosis Made Last Friday: Questions Abound. Since then, a video by Dr Ted Noel has made the rounds. Dr Noel makes a seemingly convincing case Hillary has Late Stage Parkinson’s disease. Snopes says Noel’s claim is false. I question the analysis of Snopes. Some Mish readers who are medical doctors have some interesting comments. Physical Gold & Silver in your IRA. Get the Facts.  Late Stage Parkinson’s? In the above video, Dr Ted Noel makes a seemingly convincing case … Continue reading

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Those who got Donald Trump totally wrong in the nomination process, still have not figured out why. Thus, it’s no surprise they are still wrong now. I propose,  that instead of being the demise of the Republican party, Donald Trump will be its savior. Still Not Getting It Let’s kick the discussion off with Nate Silver’s analysis Why Republican Voters Decided On Trump. Donald Trump is going to win the Republican nomination. If you’d told me a year ago that Trump would be the nominee, I’d have thought you were nuts. For a candidate like Trump to win the nomination, … Continue reading

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Austria and nine Balkan countries have had enough of Angela Merkel’s idiotic refugee plans. The defiant group of ten took matters into their own hands late last week. The countries held a refugee conference and did not invite the chancellor. The countries all restrict the number of refugees they will take. Merkel is furious but there is not a damn thing she can do about it. Curiously, Merkel Faces a Dilemma because Germany is already the beneficiary of Austria’s actions. The decision by Austria and nine Balkan states to unilaterally choke off the flow of migrants across their borders has … Continue reading

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The Blowout Victory of Syriza has taken on some new meaning outside of Grexit possibilities. Please consider Greeks Rebuff EU Call for More Russia Sanctions. A spokesman for the ruling coalition of Alexis Tsipras, prime minister, said Greece had not approved a statement from EU heads of government that asked their foreign ministers to review further sanctions in response to the latest flare-up of violence in eastern Ukraine, blamed by the US and most European nations on Russian-backed separatists. The Greek statement raised questions over whether the new government, led by the radical leftist Syriza party, would support a continuation … Continue reading