Pew Researcher: Rate of Illegal Immigrant Males in Workforce 12 Percent Higher Than US-Born Males
“Unauthorized immigrant men of working age [16 years of age and older] are considerably more likely to be in the workforce than U.S.-born men.”
“Unauthorized immigrant men of working age [16 years of age and older] are considerably more likely to be in the workforce than U.S.-born men.”
“China is creating a great wall of sand with dredges and bulldozers over the course of months.”
“I have no respect for you… because you’re an enemy.”
Federal education agenda destroying America’s youth.
Major backlash ensues over anti-First Amendment bill.
Both agents were part of Baltimore’s Silk Road Task Force to investigate illegal activity in the black marketplace.
“If Domino’s are making GM pizza bases here in the UK then they really are out of step with their customers.”
Government used FISA to investigate trade secret dispute between two privately owned companies.
Americans fight back against tyranny on the local level.
Feds likely hiding dangerous vulnerabilities.
Officer recently reinstated despite being terminated for robbery, assault on girlfriend.
Suspects in stolen SUV attempt to ram NSA gates.
“290 U.S. paratroopers will arrive on April 20 at the Yavoriv military zone.”
“Your location [data] has been shared 5,398 times with Facebook, GO Launcher EX, Groupon and seven other [applications] in the last 14 days.”
Father died from “excessive and unbearable weight of the officers” and from “multiple Tasings.”