USELESS The battle lines are forming. Why are the most advertised Gold and Silver coins NOT the best way to invest? You’re standing on the prow of an ocean liner cutting through the icy waters of the North Atlantic. A huge iceberg looms dead ahead. You’ve seen it for some time, but now it’s too close, and the liner too big and fast, to avoid the collision. You quietly make your way to the lifeboats, knowing they’re the only chance for saving yourself and your loved ones. Below decks, an orchestra plays a waltz and oblivious revelers dance. Most people … Continue reading

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By Jack Matlock, the 4-year U.S. Ambassador to the Soviet Union from 1987-1991, at the time that the USSR fell. Before that, Matlock served as the Director of Soviet Affairs in the State Department, the U.S. Ambassador to Czechoslovakia, and the Special Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs and Senior Director for European and Soviet Affairs on the National Security Council Staff. Originally posted at Posted with permission of the author. Our press seems to be in a feeding frenzy regarding contacts that President Trump’s supporters had with Russian Ambassador Sergei Kislyak and with other Russian diplomats. … Continue reading

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Intriguing details of the Führer’s final moments, as well as clues to his relationship with lover Eva Braun and the truth behind Rudolf Hess’ peace mission to the UK, have been revealed in a book by the person who found Hitler dead. The collection of photos belonging to Hitler’s personal bodyguard, Rochus Misch, inside the book also offer an intimate look into the private lives of the Nazi dictator and those close to him. Candid pictures show Hitler and Eva Braun, among others, relaxing on the terrace at the Berghof residence, inside one of Hitler’s many studies and homes and … Continue reading

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This is a must read, and is possibly the best, simplest and most current explanation about the “war on the American people”. Constitutional lawyer Whitehead has gathered lots of good information (with 44 pages of footnotes!) documenting the increasing militarization and intrusiveness of the local, state and federal police forces and the military/industrial/media surveillance industry, and how we are on the cusp of a complete fascist state (a system of ‘national socialism’ where government and corporations are unified). All that’s needed now to make it complete is a charismatic leader. The one fault here is the apparently rushed editing which … Continue reading

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We’ve all had those days where we wake up and just don’t feel restored. Exhaustion and fatigue kick in, and we are sluggish for the rest of the day. While this can be caused by factors like genetics and old age, there is one contributing factor that you do have the power to control: diet. Diet plays a huge role in the energy you have throughout the day. Unfortunately, a lot of people don’t eat an energy-efficient diet and end up relying on crutches like coffee and energy drinks to make it through the day. However, if they were to … Continue reading

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Every government in the world today is founded on a “big lie” that you’re about to see explained below. This is true regardless of party affiliation, nationality or era in which the government operates. All governments — past, present, and future — are founded on this “big lie,” without exception. What is this BIG LIE? It’s the idea that those who are in power will represent the interests of others who have no power. This “big lie” fantasizes that selfish, power-seeking, egoistic human beings are magically transmuted into humble, compassionate, ethical “representatives” the minute they win an election. We are … Continue reading

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With the passing of David Rockefeller, I started to reflect on his views of the world. Time and time again he pushed for a New World Order and a one world government, which would allow the elite and world bankers to hold complete control over the global population. This got me thinking: Do people even understand the gravity of the situation at hand, or what a one world government would mean? What the New World Order Would Look Like Myths, Misunderstandings and Outright lies about owning Gold. Are you at risk? Throughout history, numerous politicians and members of the elite have spoken … Continue reading

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In the wake of the terror attacks in England, France, Germany and elsewhere, can we finally admit that the war on terror is an utter and complete failure? 10 Ways to Reduce Terrorism So if the war on terror has failed, what should we do to stop terrorists? I. Stop Overthrowing the Moderates and Arming Crazies We know it’s a difficult concept to grasp, but if we want to stop terrorism we should – (wait for it) – stop supporting terrorists. Current Prices on popular forms of Gold Bullion Specifically, we’re arming the most violent radicals in the Middle East, … Continue reading

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The point at which the Roman Republic moved from republic to empire is generally placed at the point when the Senate granted Octavian almost unlimited power and he adopted the title Augustus. Some historians argue it was when Caesar crossed the Rubicon or when Octavian defeated Anthony at Actium. The implication is that once the transition was started, there was no turning back. The more useful analysis is to think of it as a process, with roots in the Republic, that evolved to the point where dictatorship was inevitable. The die was most likely cast when the Republic began to compromise its … Continue reading

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The Big One may be overdue to hit California, but scientists near LA have found a new risk for the area during a major earthquake. They claim that if a major tremor hits the area, it could plunge large parts of California into the sea almost instantly. The discovery was made after studying the Newport-Inglewood fault, which has long been believed to be one of Southern California’s danger zones. The fault runs under densely populated areas, from the Westside of Los Angeles to the Orange County coast. Major earthquakes on the fault centuries ago caused parts of Seal Beach near … Continue reading

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Well, Mas Ayoob has done it once again, a superbly researched and well-written book on the use of deadly force in a self-defense situation. This book is loaded with lots of very sound and well research information and provides you with a library of recommended reading material that you should also study. Great Stuff! The following is a list of the chapters in this book and a brief synopsis of what each chapter entails. Chapter 1: Introduction In this section, the author gives you a standard introduction on what to expect in this book. A couple of things, in particular, … Continue reading

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Government’s meddling in the healthcare business has been disastrous from the get-go. Since 1910, when Republican William Taft gave in to the American Medical Association’s lobbying efforts, most administrations have passed new healthcare regulations. With each new law or set of new regulations, restrictions on the healthcare market went further, until, at some point in the 1980s, people began to notice the cost of healthcare had skyrocketed. This is not an accident. It’s by design. As regulators allowed special interests to help design policy, everything from medical education to drugs became dominated by virtual monopolies that wouldn’t have otherwise existed … Continue reading

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Originally published by When making a major purchase, a smart consumer will research options, read reviews, and compare products. A good student will do the same when seeking a firearms instructor and evaluate the quality of training offered. You are making an investment with your consumer dollars — and your life may someday depend on this training. The first step is to learn where your instructor received training and make sure that you’re getting quality and correct information. Modern gunfighting skills have not changed too much in the past decades as far as standards of safe gun handling and … Continue reading

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There probably isn’t any part of your body that is more sensitive, exposed, or crucial to your survival than your eyeballs. You use these soft, delicate organs during every waking moment and for just about every task, but unfortunately, the only thing that protects them are a few eyelashes and 1mm thick eyelids. Evolution is cruel like that. So given the vulnerability of our eyes, it would be wise to brush up on the first aid measures that should be taken in an emergency to protect them. Below are the most common eye injuries and the protective procedures that you … Continue reading

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The United States suffers from a chronic trust deficit, to put it mildly. Anything that its leaders say must be weighed against years of deception and relentless criminal conduct by US governments. Only a fool would trust anything that comes out of Washington. US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson visited Chinese President Xi Jinping at the weekend, vowing greater cooperation to reduce tensions boiling up on the Korean Peninsula. Only a day before, however, Tillerson was threatening that the US would use pre-emptive military strikes against China’s ally North Korea if “we believe” it presented a threat “to us”. So what’s it to be then? Cooperation or … Continue reading

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