George Orwell once said that “in a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” Since he offered those words decades ago, we have seen deceit become a pervasive and global problem, where the general public really has no clue what is happening around the world. The truth is, we live in a world of secrecy, and many prominent figures throughout history have been trying to tell us this for years. Even President Theodore Roosevelt warned us of the secret government, revealing that “behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government, owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people.”  (source) (And he’s … Continue reading

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There are real reasons to worry about President Donald Trump’s foreign policy, including his casual belligerence toward Iran and North Korea and his failure to rethink U.S. alliances with Saudi Arabia and Israel, but The New York Times obsesses on Trump’s willingness to work with Russia. On Saturday, the Times devoted most of its op-ed page to the Times’ favorite conspiracy theory, that Trump is Vladimir Putin’s “Manchurian candidate” though evidence continues to be lacking. The op-ed package combined a “What to Ask About Russian Hacking” article by Louise Mensch, a former Conservative member of the British Parliament who now … Continue reading

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A growing number of the worlds super rich are preparing for the apocalypse by purchasing ‘doomsday bunkers’. But don’t expect the one per cent to slum it out in drab, concrete dwellings as they survive the end of the world – these bunkers feature some of the most lavish layouts imaginable that are designed for the more modern survivalist. ‘Your father or grandfather’s bunker was not very comfortable,’ Robert Vicino, CEO of Vivos, told CNN. ‘They were gray. They were metal, like a ship or something military. And the truth is mankind cannot survive long-term in such a Spartan, bleak environment.’ Vivos … Continue reading

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Theresa May will trigger the two-year process of leaving the European Union on March 29, No 10 has announced. Sir Tim Barrow, the UK’s ambassador to the EU, formally notified the office of Donald Tusk, the EU Council president, with a letter on Monday morning. On Wednesday next week, Mrs. May will formally notify Mr. Tusk by writing him a letter and then giving a statement to MPs later in Parliament. The Prime Minister’s official spokesman said: “There will be a letter. We have always been clear we would trigger by the end of March and we have met that timetable.” The spokesman … Continue reading

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You know what everyone is really nostalgic for? The good old days during the Cold War when everyone thought humanity was going to be wiped out by a nuclear holocaust. There was something cozy about nuclear fallout shelters and cowering under a desk as the air raid sirens blared in the distance. Now-a-days, people don’t seem to be peeing their pants as often about the possible extinction of our species at the hands of governments and their nefarious technologies winding up in the wrong hands. The Trump election was a good little boost to the doom the media sells, but … Continue reading

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Over the weekend, we reviewed the state of the solar data for March 2017. Now, there’s a two-week straight lack of sunspots, the longest stretch since 2010. Overview The sun is currently blank with no visible sunspots and this is the 14th straight day with a blank look which is the longest such stretch since April 2010 according to Historically weak solar cycle 24 continues to transition away from its solar maximum phase and towards the next solar minimum. In April 2010 – the last time there was a two week stretch with no visible sunspots –  the sun … Continue reading

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Those who support the idea of globalism and strive for closer European integration believe the results of the Dutch election indicate the tide has been stemmed, with Eurosceptics and «populist» forces on the defensive. The buck stops here. This is the end of domino effect. The reshaping of Europe has been prevented. The pro-NATO, pro-EU establishment elites are to see glory days again. Is it really so if you get to the bottom of it? The future of Europe remains to be at stake, including the UK, Germany, and France. Will the concept of United Europe exist in one form or another? Will Scotland … Continue reading

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        “Mass surveillance is different.  If you’re truly worried about                attacks coming from anyone anywhere,                           you need to spy on everyone everywhere.”                                                                                                        Data and Goliath  p.90 Our NSA (National Security Agency) does not have an open and transparent history.  The NSA was created in secret in 1952 not by Congress, but by a pen stroke of Harry Truman in a 7-page document that remained classified for years.  Even its name was undisclosed. And it stayed hidden until finally, in 1971, NSA analyst Perry Fellwock blew the whistle on NSA and their secret program Echelon with … Continue reading

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A regional and international proxy war that began in 2011 could well be on its way to becoming a hot global conflict as Russian and American troops arrive in the same Syrian city. According to the Military Times, the U.S. military has launched a “reassurance and deterrence” mission in the Syrian city of Manbij, which is set to become more complicated with the arrival of Russian troops and continued advances by Turkish-backed rebels. The situation was already complex due to the presence of Syrian Kurdish forces on the ground, who are opposed by forces loyal to Turkey. The Kurds are … Continue reading

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Whole body vibration (WBV)—a less strenuous form of exercise—has been found to provide similar muscle and bone benefits as regular exercise does. In a recent study published in the Endocrine Society’s journal Endocrinology, researchers found that WBV yielded results comparable to regular exercise in terms of bone and muscle health in mice models that were both genetically modified and normal. First author of the study Dr. Meghan E. McGee Lawrence commented on the study, stating, “Our study is the first to show that whole-body vibration may be just as effective as exercise at combatting some of the negative consequences of … Continue reading

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Dr. Mercola presents an approach to re-balancing your life that seemed to make sense to me. So I read the book and have been following the Healing Principles. It has only been one week and the results I have experienced are startling: Decreased cravings for sugar, processed foods, junk foods, etc. Decreased sluggishness. Increased energy – REALLY! Decreased stiffness in my joints. As a result of a calming to my negative emotions: I am more relaxed. Feel less stressed. Experience less overreactions to frustrations. Thyroid flare ups have been replaced with a calmer steadiness. There is an overall sense of … Continue reading

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Originally published by USA – While some people do conceal and carry a full-size pistol on a daily basis, it is not the easiest thing to do – which is why full-size handguns have given way to compacts and subcompacts as the dominant CCW pistols in recent years. However, there are some people who insist on a larger handgun for daily carry for a number of reasons. After all, the best gun to have on you in case things go south is one that you can shoot well and some people just don’t find most small pistols measure up to … Continue reading

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There’s a lot of talks these days about the “Deep State,” especially among supporters of President Trump, some of whom believe that this Deep State is working hard to destroy anyone loyal to Trump, both inside and outside of the government, and ultimately, Trump himself. General Flynn was forced to resign after a media scandal surrounding his contacts with Russian ambassadors – a scandal which, by most accounts, was highly exaggerated. After Flynn’s resignation, a prominent neoconservative and NeverTrumper Bill Kristol tweeted: Obviously strongly prefer normal democratic and constitutional politics. But if it comes to it, prefer the deep state … Continue reading

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The government is already spying on us through spying on us through our computers, phones, cars, buses, street lights, at airports and on the street, via mobile scanners and drones, through our credit cards and smart meters (see this), television, doll, and in many other ways. The CIA wants to spy on you through your dishwasher and other “smart” appliances. Slate reported in 2012: Watch out: the CIA may soon be spying on you—through your beloved, intelligent household appliances, according to Wired. In early March, at a meeting for the CIA’s venture capital firm In-Q-Tel, CIA Director David Petraeus reportedly … Continue reading

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Silicon Valley is teeming with psychopaths, it has been claimed. According to a panel of experts at SXSW festival this week, the tech hotspot harbors a high proportion of psychopathic CEOs, whose tendency to be charming and manipulative, all while lacking empathy, may help them climb to the top. The presence of investors and carefully-crafted human resource departments in Silicon Valley may also play a role in their dominance, as these groups often enable their behavior. Psychopaths are known to lack remorse and can be callous and manipulative while still coming across as charming to others. And, in the last … Continue reading

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