Stalin wasn’t all bad, you know. Sure he was a murderous thug responsible for around 50 million deaths while reducing the rest of the population to a state of misery, poverty, and near-permanent terror. Sure his collective farming policy turned breadbaskets into famine-starved hellholes where cannibalism was rife and his Five Year Plans destroyed what was left of the Russian economy after Lenin. But let’s not forget the upsides: he “ended the exploitation of peasants by greedy landlords and to rid of the greedy and troublesome kulaks”‘ and he “helped peasants work together”. This, amazingly, is what children are being taught … Continue reading

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While the MSM is still in full “attack Trump” mode, breathlessly reporting each of his tweets, attacking his cabinet picks, gleefully celebrating how the most liberal court in the land, as well as the one that has the most over-turned rulings by the Supreme Court, has temporarily blocked the immigration pause, we see that one of the biggest bombshells was dropped on February 4, 2017, yet major outlets like Washington Post, New York Times and other mainstream outlets, has either downplayed it or simply hidden it from their audience. Three Pakistani brothers, are under criminal investigation for unauthorized access into … Continue reading

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Researchers from Washington University School of Medicine have found that beet juice, because of its nitrate contents, could be beneficial for individuals who have experienced heart failure. The findings are based on previous research which revealed that beet juice can help boost muscle power in athletes. Lead author Linda R. Peterson said, “It’s a small study, but we see robust changes in muscle power about two hours after patients drink the beet juice. A lot of the activities of daily living are power-based – getting out of a chair, lifting groceries, climbing stairs. And they have a major impact on … Continue reading

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You hear the term narcissist tossed out frequently, but is that date who’s more interested in hearing himself talk really a narcissist or just a jerk? What about your boss who always demands you do things his way? The term stems from the Greek myth of Narcissus, a beautiful and proud young man who was cursed by the god Nemesis to fall in love with his own reflection and died pining for his own beauty. But in real life, psychologists have developed a list of actual criteria for the definition of narcissism. Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD), as it’s called in … Continue reading

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We’re on the verge of a new energy revolution. Except it’s the exact opposite of the one the “experts” at places like BP,  the International Energy Agency and – ahem – the Guardian are predicting. For years we’ve been assured by politicians, energy industry specialists and green advocates that renewables such as the wind and solar are getting more and more cost-competitive while dirty fossil fuels are so discredited and wrong and evil we’ll soon have to leave them in the ground. But to believe this you’d have to believe in a world where Donald Trump and Brexit hadn’t happened; where taxpayers were … Continue reading

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When I was just starting out in the world, I worked for a company that had an active human resources department. This was when HR was being overhauled to accommodate middle-aged women without useful skills. Companies were trying to “diversify” their management so they hired a bunch of women for their personnel departments, re-branded them as “human resources” and set them loose to get involved in things well outside the normal scope of corporate personnel departments. I was new in the world so I had no way to see what was happening. I just assumed it was the way things worked, even if it … Continue reading

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Though the Guardian was the newspaper that broke the Ed Snowden leaks, their editors evidently had to be dragged kicking and screaming to the printing presses. No wonder Glenn Greenwald left soon afterward. The Guardian is just another western establishment/CIA mouthpiece, and it’s readily apparent by the mainstream rubbish they carry. Like this sadly typical “blame the Russians” piece by Robby Mook. With all the attention that was focused on John Podesta, Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, you may not have heard of Mook. He was her actual campaign manager. I guess that’s why he had to be introduced in his own headline, … Continue reading

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When Barack Obama was still in office, Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, one of the perpetrators of the 9/11 terror attacks, penned a letter to him. Though a judge recently ruled that letter could be sent to the White House before the outgoing president left office, the contents were to be withheld from the public until a month later — until after President Trump had assumed power. This week, the Miami Herald obtained and published the contents of the 18-page letter, originally written in 2015 and titled “LETTER FROM THE CAPTIVE MUJAHID KHALID SHAIKH MOHAMMAD TO THE HEAD OF THE SNAKE, BARACK OBAMA, THE … Continue reading

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Ever wonder what you could do with a soda can tab, gum wrapper, Ramen noodles, and a q-tip?  No, this isn’t a pitch for an episode of MacGuyver.  Survival expert Creek Stewart offers practical, potentially life-saving tricks and uses for these and many more common items in his recent release Survival Hacks: Over 200 Ways to use Everyday Items for Wilderness Survival. Rundown Physical Gold & Silver in your IRA. Get the Facts. The softcover book provides plenty of survival ideas using found objects, common goods, and overlooked items we all have laying around the house.  In the list of … Continue reading

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A group of prominent US senators is leading a bipartisan effort to push through the so-called Russia Review Act, which would allow the Senate to veto any attempt of newcomer President Donald Trump to loosen sanctions on Moscow. The group, which currently consists of six senators, is growing, according to a report by CNN, which sees the initiative as Congress’ latest warning to Trump signifying that it will not tolerate unilateral moves by the executive branch to reconcile with Moscow, especially the lifting of sanctions. The group led by Senators Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) and Ben Cardin (D-Maryland) also includes … Continue reading

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Marc Mezvinsky quietly shut down his hedge fund Eaglevale Partners back in December. Bloomberg reports that Mr. Chelsea Clinton and his partners are now working to return money to investors, including Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd C. Blankfein. The decision to shutter the fund came just a few weeks after Mezvinsky’s mother-in-law Hillary lost the election to president Donald Trump. Mezvinsky has kept a low profile ever since Hillary’s loss in the election, but was photographed by heading out for a weekday jog in the middle of the afternoon last week. He and his wife are now both without a … Continue reading

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Bosses the world over are struggling with their millennial employees – they say we confound leadership, are self-entitled, narcissistic, lazy and tough to manage. But according to motivational speaker and author Simon Sinek, this is the result of our parents’ “failed parenting strategies.” After the astounding success of his video on millennials in the workplace, which has had over 56 million views on Facebook alone, Sinek spoke to The Independent about how our parenting, combined with social media, working environments, and our impatience have created a generation plagued by low self-esteem, and what we can do about it. Current Prices … Continue reading

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Bosses the world over are struggling with their millennial employees – they say we confound leadership, are self-entitled, narcissistic, lazy and tough to manage. But according to motivational speaker and author Simon Sinek, this is the result of our parents’ “failed parenting strategies.” After the astounding success of his video on millennials in the workplace, which has had over 56 million views on Facebook alone, Sinek spoke to The Independent about how our parenting, combined with social media, working environments, and our impatience have created a generation plagued by low self-esteem, and what we can do about it. Current Prices … Continue reading

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Waking up to red, bloodshot eyes can leave you scrambling for a way to get rid of them, but before you head to the pharmacy, why not give some natural remedies a try? Check out some of the most effective natural treatments for red eyes below, and learn how to prevent them from reoccurring. How to get rid of red eyes without eye drops Red eyes can be caused by a variety of things, from exhaustion to an infection. Treating them does depend on what the cause of the redness is, so if you feel it may be something more … Continue reading

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