Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) may have more sense than all the other democrats (and most republicans) in congress put together. Ms. Gabbard appeared on the Chutzpah News Network (CNN) and answered questions about her alignment with President-elect Donald Trump on foreign policy. Gabbard denounced the US policy of regime change and support for radical Islamic terror in Syria, accusing Washington of direct material support to the terrorists. Jake Tapper: “Are you really suggesting that US govt is funding these terrorist groups?” Tulsi Gabbard: “Ah, I’m not only ‘suggesting’ it. This is… this IS the reality that we’re living in.” Tapper: “Not directly … Continue reading

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Written with an eloquent flowing style, this book makes the case for Vitamin C as a remarkable medicine that has been overlooked by the medical establishment. Although the crowning achievement of modern medical science is the invention of antibiotics which cures bacterial infections, we have no antibiotics effective for acute viral illness. Dr. Levy says this is incorrect because Vitamin C is a curative “antibiotic” for viral diseases when used properly in high enough dosage by IM or IV route. Dr. Levy’s book makes a number of points: Why are the most advertised Gold and Silver coins NOT the best … Continue reading

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PALM BEACH, Fla.—Now that President-elect Trump has promised to supercharge the economy, vanquish China as a trade competitor, and make us all billionaires, you might be a little confused. You’ve never been a billionaire. You don’t know where to start. I’m here to help. First of all, you’re gonna need a suit. I can already hear your objections. “I don’t need a suit. I have three suits.” Current Prices on popular forms of Gold Bullion But you’re a billionaire now. You can’t wear those suits anymore. Billionaires don’t wear suits from Men’s Wearhouse, or Joseph A. Bank, or Brooks Brothers. … Continue reading

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It’s that time of year when bugs are rife and we’re more sociable than ever – making a stinking cold almost inevitable. So what can you do to stay snot-free throughout the party season? And what’s the quickest way to get over the lurgy if it does strike? Here, leading medical nutritionist Dr. Sarah Brewer, and author of Eat Well, Stay Well, reveals which of nature’s cold remedies are worth trying – and why… PELARGONIUM WHY TAKE IT? To get rid of symptoms of a cold – possibly within 24 hours Instant Access to Current Spot Prices & Interactive Charts … Continue reading

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Isn’t it ironic how the mainstream media has the nerve to lecture everyone else about “fake news” when they are the primary source of fake news on a consistent basis stretching back years? Fake news stories and fake narratives put out by the mainstream media have resulted in deaths, destruction and people’s lives being ruined. The most harmful fake news is routinely published by the mainstream media. They are the main progenitors of fake news. Current Prices on popular forms of Silver Bullion – The fake news that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction and that Iraq was involved in … Continue reading

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Brain fog isn’t a medically recognized condition but it is characterized by the feeling of confusion, forgetfulness, lack of focus, and poor mental clarity. Patients describe brain fog as the inability to think clearly. Brain fog can be associated with lifestyle factors or can develop as a side effect of a medical condition or medication. Determining the underlying cause of your brain fog is the first step towards treating it and thinking clearly once again. Brain fog has been commonly associated with fibromyalgia and menopause, for example. What causes brain fog? Lack of sleep: Sleep is a restorative part of … Continue reading

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Facing threats of legal action, the Washington Post has been forced to add an editor’s note distancing the paper from a dubious website, PropOrNot, which it had initially endorsed as a group of nonpartisan experts on “Russian propaganda.” The Post came under fire on social media for its provocative hit piece which claimed that “Russia’s increasingly sophisticated propaganda campaign” actually influenced the US presidential election. The article, published late last month, referenced “independent researchers” who allegedly determined that Russian state media, RT and Sputnik News among them, produced “misleading articles online with the goal of punishing Democrat Hillary Clinton, helping … Continue reading

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Most of us never consider the link between diet and chronic fatigue or insomnia. A body produces negative warning reactions when it has too much or too little of any given thing. Most of us lack vital nutrients like the B vitamins, which are found in most vegetables. They are weakened by cooking, and they are destroyed whenever they are microwaved. Iodine is an element that is found in trace amounts throughout the human body. It is the foundation of all nutrition since cells need it to regulate their metabolism. When lacking iodine, people are known to suffer from swollen … Continue reading

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EVER since the 1950s, the US government’s Area 51 – located deep within the remote Nevada desert – has been the subject of intense conspiracy theories. But now Google Maps has offered a rare glimpse of the mysterious government site – revealing a massive build up of infrastructure at the base over the past 30 years. Physical Gold & Silver in your IRA. Get the Facts. Area 51 pictured from above in 1984 By 1990 another runway appears to have been constructed Read the Whole Article

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Whenever the word “secession” is uttered, it is assumed that angry, racist honkies from the South are trying to stand athwart history, keeping America from reaching the great beige future imagined by the Founders. After all, the story of America is Yankee New England imposing civilization on the rest of the nation and, from time to time, those barbaric slack-jawed yokels from the South threatening to leave. Everyone knows this because it is in our history books and movies. In reality, the birthplace of secession in America is not Fort Sumter, but Salem Massachusetts. In the late 18th and early 19th … Continue reading

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Originally appeared at Powerful bipartisan opponents of any cooperation with ‘Putin’s Russia’ virtually monopolize the American political-media establishment and seem unrelenting. This means that pro-détente leadership both in Washington and Moscow sides is crucial, as suggested by the past. Détente had a long 20th-century history. This history teaches that at least four prerequisites are required: a determined American president who is willing to fight for détente against fierce mainstream political opposition, including in his own party; one who can rally at least some public support by prominent American figures who did not support his candidacy for the presidency; who … Continue reading

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This article was submitted by Shubhendu Pathak, a finance professional working in the Bay Area. Past: Capital One Shubhendu earned his Bachelors (B.Tech) and Masters (M.Tech) from IIT Delhi, and MBA with a concentration in Finance from Emory University. Seeking Alpha published my two articles Will India Be The First Domino To Fall?and You Can’t Just Invest On Hope in which I predicted a currency crisis in India. On November 08, 2016, Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced the demonetization of 500 ($7.5) and 1,000 ($15) rupee notes, which constitute more than 85% of the currency in circulation. These notes ceased to exist … Continue reading

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It’s hard to believe that Stanley Kubrick, the personification of the auteur theory, left us almost 18 years ago at the ripe, young (by today’s standards) age of 70. His career began with a self-described amateurish feature, 1953’s Fear and Desire—a war film which, in 2012, Village Voice critic Tim Grierson described as a “pretentious, muddled mess”—and culminated with his final film, 1999’s Eyes Wide Shut. Over the course of a film career, then spanned nearly 50 years, Kubrick directed just 13 features—which was a testament to the filmmaker’s reputation as a consummate perfectionist and stickler for even the smallest … Continue reading

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Marc Faber’s ‘Contrarian’ Trump Strategy: Buy Gold, Emerging Markets Marc Faber, the editor and publisher of “The Gloom, Boom & Doom Report,” speaks to Brian Sullivan. “I think that in 2017 my recommendation would be to overweight emerging economies, and I would also overweight Europe, partly because I think that the sentiment about the U.S. dollar is far too optimistic. I think the dollar is terribly overbought and overvalued, so I wouldn’t get into the U.S. dollar at this time,” Faber said. Current Prices on popular forms of Gold Bullion Reprinted from

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Shocking video and images have emerged from inside the doomed Oakland warehouse depicting a squalid ‘hell-hole’ not fit to live in – as a tenant told how cats urinated everywhere and it was the venue for an orgy. The footage and photos, obtained exclusively by, shows the living quarters of some of the residents of the building known as the Oakland Ghost Ship. While photos on the art collective’s website show an eclectic and creative space for artists and musicians, the reality of life behind the scenes in this dilapidated building is horrific. Dark and dingy rooms don’t look … Continue reading

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