Sylvester Stallone wasn’t born a leading man. Complications at birth left the son of a hairdresser with nerve damage that slurred his speech and curled his lips into a permanent snarl. His childhood wasn’t easy. His parents fought constantly, and he and his brother slipped in and out of foster care. By high school, they’d moved back in with their mother in Philadelphia, but Stallone’s emotional problems followed him. He struggled academically and was expelled from multiple schools. The arts became his refuge. He spent his free time painting and writing poetry, but his real dream was the silver screen. … Continue reading

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When I was in Dublin, I had a lot of fun watching the BBC and SkyNews, mostly because they were still in shock over Brexit. It was as if they learned that the Loch Ness Monster was real. They just could not come to terms with the new reality. Every segment circled back to the vote and how it was the worst thing to happen since Dunkirk. They talked about Brexit in the same way people talk about life-altering tragedies. At one point, someone even said, “I’ll never forget where I was the day I heard the news of Brexit.” … Continue reading

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This week three media goliaths — Facebook, Google, and Twitter, who collectively act as information gatekeepers for the Internet — announced they would begin implementing censorship practices against news sites they deem misleading. Web sites that publish “fake,” misleading, or even satirical news will now be subject to a sliding scale of infractions that will target ad revenue and social media algorithms. Without ad revenue from monetization platforms like Google Adsense, many of these sites would not be able to continue publishing, and without Facebook’s distribution platform, even sites with good organic reach could find their traffic severely crippled. “Moving forward, … Continue reading

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This week three media goliaths — Facebook, Google, and Twitter, who collectively act as information gatekeepers for the Internet — announced they would begin implementing censorship practices against news sites they deem misleading. Web sites that publish “fake,” misleading, or even satirical news will now be subject to a sliding scale of infractions that will target ad revenue and social media algorithms. Without ad revenue from monetization platforms like Google Adsense, many of these sites would not be able to continue publishing, and without Facebook’s distribution platform, even sites with good organic reach could find their traffic severely crippled. “Moving forward, … Continue reading

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Come January, President-elect Donald Trump — the self-described “king of builders” — will be faced with a unique re-modeling opportunity that’s nearly exclusive to him — completely reshaping the Federal Reserve. There are currently two vacant positions on the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, the main governing body of the central bank. Chairwoman Janet Yellen and Vice-Chair Stanley Fischer’s terms will expire by 2018. This means that should Yellen and Fischer follow custom and concede their board seats, Trump will have the opportunity to replace four of the Fed’s seven leading officials with conservative figures during his presidency. And that’s … Continue reading

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Originally appeared at The Free Thought Project Julian Assange cautioned all of us a while back, in the vein of revelations similar to those provided by Edward Snowden, that Google — the insidious search engine with a reputation for powering humanity’s research — plays the dark hand role in furthering U.S. imperialism and foreign policy agendas. Now, as the Wikileaks founder faces days of questioning by a Swedish special prosecutor over rape allegations inside his Ecuadorian Embassy haven in London today — and particularly in wake of the presidential election — Assange’s warning Google “is not what it seems” must be revisited. Under intense … Continue reading

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When push comes to shove, many men eat what they fancy or what’s on offer in the supermarket or work canteen. And in this day and age it’s usually stodgy, beige and a slow but steady route to heart disease. But there a few simple tricks that can make a massive difference to your diet – and overall heath. Why are the most advertised Gold and Silver coins NOT the best way to invest? Here, Rob Hobson, head of nutrition at Healthspan and author of The Detox Kitchen Bible, reveals what every man needs in his diet… SALMON, SUSHI HEALTH … Continue reading

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Hailing 2016 the year of ‘two big political revolutions’ Nigel Farage said Angela Merkel and Barack Obama are ‘in denial’ over the public’s rejection of the political establishment. Speaking on Fox News, the UKIP leader said Obama and the German Chancellor ‘simply can’t face up to the fact that their worldview has taken an absolute beating in the year of 2016′. Myths, Misunderstandings and Outright lies about owning Gold. Are you at risk? He has taken to social media to call 2016 ‘the year of political revolution’ and the ‘underdog’ with the Brexit vote in the UK and the election of … Continue reading

The post Poor Darlings! First Brexit, Than Trump appeared first on LewRockwell.

Donations to the Clinton Foundation plummeted amid Hillary Clinton’s failed presidential run, it has been revealed. The non-profit organization’s latest tax filings show contributions fell 37 per cent to $108million – down from $172million in 2014, according to the New York Post. Donations fell as the former Secretary of State left the group in April last year shortly after announcing her run for the White House. Her departure also meant that revenue brought in from paid speeches plunged from $3.6million in 2014 to just $357,500. Physical Gold & Silver in your IRA. Get the Facts. The foundation became an issue … Continue reading

The post Hillary’s Criminal Enterprise Hits the Skids appeared first on LewRockwell.

Former congressman Ron Paul revealed a list of “fake news” journalists he claims are responsible for “bogus wars” and lies about Hillary Clinton’s chances of winning the election. Journalists from CNN, the New York Times, and the Guardian are included. Why are the most advertised Gold and Silver coins NOT the best way to invest? “This list contains the culprits who told us that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and lied us into multiple bogus wars,”according to a report on his website, Ron Paul Liberty Report. Paul claims the list is sourced and “holds a lot more water”than a … Continue reading

The post Real Fake News appeared first on LewRockwell.

Originally published by USA – WLWT-TV 5 and FOX TV 19 reported in Middletown, Ohio, 11-03-2016 an incident happened after midnight on Monday in the 3100 block of Yale Drive. The homeowner, who is in her 70s, told police that she was in bed when she heard a noise in her kitchen. She went downstairs to check on the noise, only to find an arm reaching in through a window. The victim said “I started scratching, digging at his skin, pushing him, just knocking the crap out of him with my fists.” The hapless burglar was apparently stuck in the … Continue reading

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Both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton called for innovative solutions for what ails America. For the former it was a new fence on our southern border that will supposedly be funded by Mexico; for the latter, it was free (i.e., taxpayer subsidized) college tuition. Fresh ideas, they told us, could “make America great again” and render us “stronger together.” Neither campaign stopped to consider that it was an innovation that led to our current woes, one that most Americans view as their country’s greatest contribution to political science: the U.S. Constitution. Undoubtedly, blaming America’s “paramount law,” as Chief Justice John … Continue reading

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If you’re a basketball player who has been entrusted with the task of intentionally throwing a game in which you are playing, it is an exceedingly bad thing if you sprain an ankle just beforehand and are unable to play.  Granted, it’s not your fault, but you’ve likely received money up front for your services, and being unable to play amounts to your breaching the contract.  Given that the “other party” in this contract can consist of some rather unsavory types with poorly developed senses of humor, you, the sidelined player, may find yourself in a highly difficult situation. I … Continue reading

The post Hillary’s Rough Clientele appeared first on LewRockwell.

Originally published by USA – The Journal News in Hamilton, Ohio reports 11-02- 2016 an 88-year-old resident had just finished washing his car in the front yard of his home Tuesday night when a man and a woman cornered him. They demanded money and forced him into the house. Once inside the victim said they hit him in the face and in the chest. He thought he was going to be severely beaten. The male robber taunted him “You don’t have a gun, do you?” Physical Gold & Silver in your IRA. Get the Facts. Actually the elderly resident’s gun … Continue reading

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