NEW YORK—I’m standing in “The Oculus” on 9/11 and several thoughts are going through my mind. Like, what the heck is an oculus? I know it’s the Latin word for “eye,” but what I’m standing in looks like a frozen Swiss lake encased in the carcass of a whale that’s in the process of being gutted from the fourth to the 79th vertebra. They should have called it the Costa (Latin for “rib”) or the Ingentibus Costam (“giant rib”) or maybe the Ventre Piscis (“fish belly”) or even the Viscera Ceti (“whale entrails”). Nothing about it looks like an eye. … Continue reading

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Yesterday, my duties required me to go into the Imperial Capital for meetings. Not being a Cloud Person, and living among the Dirt People, it means I have to drive into the city, which is one of the worst things that can be asked of a man. Traffic around the Capital is some of the worst on the planet. I think I’d rather ride a scooter in Tijuana than drive around Washington DC. But, when duty calls you do what you must and that meant two hours of car time navigating the traffic of the capital. One of the things … Continue reading

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Yesterday, my duties required me to go into the Imperial Capital for meetings. Not being a Cloud Person, and living among the Dirt People, it means I have to drive into the city, which is one of the worst things that can be asked of a man. Traffic around the Capital is some of the worst on the planet. I think I’d rather ride a scooter in Tijuana than drive around Washington DC. But, when duty calls you do what you must and that meant two hours of car time navigating the traffic of the capital. One of the things … Continue reading

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Knowing how to stop heavy bleeding can literally be a matter of life and death. It can occur within minutes and more than 35 percent of victims die before they even reach the hospital. So would you know what to do if faced with a victim of a car crash, work accident or even a terror attack? Here, experts reveal the simple steps anyone can take to improve the chances of someone’s survival until trained professionals arrive. Dr Matthew Levy, an associate professor of emergency medicine at the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, says it’s important to recognise what a … Continue reading

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Henry Ford is widely quoted as saying, “History is bunk.” What he actually said was “”History is more or less bunk.” Donald Jeffries has elaborated on this theme in his new book by showing that behind what is commonly perceived these days as history is the real truth, or “Hidden History.” As he writes in his Foreword, “There is a willful desire on the part of those in positions of authority to keep the masses down, to involve us in perpetual wars, and to deny the great majority of Americans true liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Until the Internet … Continue reading

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The early English settlers of Roanoke Island in the New World established homes and lives alongside indigenous populations, but then they vanished completely, leaving behind a coded message for other colonists. If there were survivors of the mysterious events of their disappearance, where did they go? What was the fate of the vanished English colony on Roanoke Island? In 1584, the English attempted to set up a colony in the New World on Roanoke Island, North Carolina. The following year, the colony was abandoned due to the harsh weather, lack of supplies and poor relations with the indigenous people. Three … Continue reading

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The early English settlers of Roanoke Island in the New World established homes and lives alongside indigenous populations, but then they vanished completely, leaving behind a coded message for other colonists. If there were survivors of the mysterious events of their disappearance, where did they go? What was the fate of the vanished English colony on Roanoke Island? In 1584, the English attempted to set up a colony in the New World on Roanoke Island, North Carolina. The following year, the colony was abandoned due to the harsh weather, lack of supplies and poor relations with the indigenous people. Three … Continue reading

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Investor Jim Rogers has some sobering words on the future of the global economy. Even though the leading oil producers are working on price stabilisation, he warns another significant economic crash could be on the cards within a couple of years. Oil prices spiked on Monday after Russia and Saudi Arabia agreed to work toward market stabilisation. The two countries are setting up a working group to help support prices, after the collapse in 2014. RT: What can the two countries do to stabilise prices? Jim Rogers: The Saudis have made it clear they don’t want to cut production and … Continue reading

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Whether it is a job, clothes or a holiday, if you have ever felt annoyed that someone else has the things you want, you’re probably not alone. In fact, most of the population will feel like this a lot of the time, according to a new study. This is because envy is the most common of four basic personality traits that shape human behaviour, scientists have revealed. A new study found 90 percent of the population can be divided into four personality types: optimistic, pessimistic, trusting and envious. Of these, ‘envious’ was the most widespread, describing 30  percent of individuals … Continue reading

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Earlier this month, YouTube, the behemoth video-sharing website was accused of censoring users. Claiming some of their videos had been barred from making money through the company’s ad services, YouTube hosts like Philip DeFranco spoke out against the policy, claiming over “a dozen of his videos had been flagged as inappropriate for advertising, including one dinged for ‘graphic content or excessive strong language.’“ In a video entitled “YouTube Is Shutting Down My Channel and I’m Not Sure What To Do,” DeFranco called YouTube’s policy “censorship with a different name,” since users touching on what the company considers to be controversial subjects … Continue reading

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Two years ago, “Majd” wrote these words in a Facebook posting: “ I am Syrian… living in Syria in the middle of everything. We have seen horrors. It was never a revolution nor a civil war. The terrorists are sent by your goverment. They are al Qaeda Jabhat al Nusra Wahhabi Salafists Talibans etc and the extremist jihadists sent by the West, the Saudis, Qatar and Turkey. Your Obama and whoever is behind him or above him are supporting al Qaeda and leading a proxy war on my country. We thought you are against al Qaeda and now you support them. … Continue reading

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Peeling garlic can be one of the fiddliest and most frustrating jobs in the kitchen. But it doesn’t have to be – if you learn a very simple trick that can remove the papery skin in just 20 seconds. All it requires is a microwave. As demonstrated in a video by Panasonic Asia, start by putting a whole head of garlic in the microwave, and heating for 10 seconds on high. Current Prices on popular forms of Silver Bullion Use oven mitts to remove the head and check to see if the outer layer is falling away. Read the Whole … Continue reading

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On 6 June 2013, the Guardian broke the news National Security Agency (NSA) had ordered Verizon to provide it with the phone records of its customers. As the story developed it became clear that the two other major telephone networks, as well as credit card companies, were doing the same thing; and that the NSA and FBI were being provided with access to server systems operated by Google, Apple, Facebook, Yahoo, Microsoft, and Skype. On 11 June the Guardian reported the source as Edward Snowden, a 29-year-old who had been working at the NSA for four years. Snowden believed it … Continue reading

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The tiny house concept continues to amaze and inspire people to think outside the box. The movement encourages people to downsize the space they live in for a more sustainable lifestyle. Selima Taibi, Felix Starck, and their adorable dog, Rudi Starck-Taibi, live in a bus, but not just any kind of bus. Felix, a filmmaker, and his partner Selima, a singer who also goes by the name Mogli, bought a bus on while still living Germany. “We’re the first customers ever to buy a bus without having seen it in person. Everyone thinks we’re crazy and they’re kinda right you should … Continue reading

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From encouraging your friends to meet at your favourite bar to asking for a pay rise, persuading someone to accept your point of view can be a tricky task. Now experts have revealed five tricks to always getting your own way. The ideas come from famous philosophers such as Blaise Pascal and are combined with modern techniques in psychology – and they could be all you need to change someone’s mind.  1. TELL SOMEONE THE WAYS THEY ARE RIGHT  In the 17th century, French philosopher Blaise Pascal said the trick to persuading others is simple; the most effective way to change … Continue reading

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