French philosopher Jean Paul Sartre said that “words are loaded pistols.” In the hands of Russ Baker, they are hydrogen bombs. On each and every page of his masterpiece, “Family of Secrets,” he exposes the myths and lies that powerful forces have perpetrated on the American consciousness. He digs beneath the surface in a form of journalistic archeology to reveal the hidden history of one of America’s most powerful families, leaving no stone unturned. Moreover, he names all of his sources and documents the materials he relies on to unmask the hypocrisy behind the myth. From Prescott Bush’s ties to … Continue reading

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Class is no longer dictated by wealth as style, demeanour and worldliness can now be tell-tale signs of a sophisticated person. Saying ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ is the cornerstone of  a proper upbringing, according to a new survey of 2,000 Brits, followed by reading widely and having good table manners. Avoiding text speak, being bilingual and maintaining great posture also made the top 50 touches of class.   While for men having a firm handshake, knowing when to admit you’re wrong and owning a tailored suit made the cut. A spokesperson from European fashion brand Peter Hahn, who commissioned the … Continue reading

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The notoriously bearish Marc Faber is doubling down on his dire market view. The editor and publisher of the Gloom, Boom & Doom Report said Monday on CNBC’s “Trading Nation” that stocks are likely to endure a gut-wrenching drop that would rival the greatest crashes in stock market history. “I think we can easily give back five years of capital gains, which would take the market down to around 1,100,” Faber said, referring to a level 50 percent below Monday’s closing on the S&P 500. In fact, stocks would need to fall by at least that much in order for … Continue reading

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Ron Paul is the most intelligent, articulate and courageous spokesman of foreign policy realism in the US. Though for most of his career he has been an outsider his views on foreign policy are gaining a wider audience. If one were to believe the western narrative, a political dissident is someone standing up against a political regime which has fallen out of favour with NATO. For example one could point to Ahmed Chalabi, the thieving Iraqi con-artist who authored many of the lies which were repeated by George Bush and Tony Blair in the run up to the disastrous war … Continue reading

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The NFL regular season will kick off in a few weeks, and if you don’t want to mess with rabbit ears, cable subscriptions, and regional blackouts, that means it’s time to look into your streaming options. Like previous years, it’s a mess. This year, Twitter is getting into the streaming video mix with Thursday night streams, DirecTV’s NFL Sunday Ticket is expanding its availability to more people, and PlayStation Vue and Sling TV are adding NFL Network. Which is all to say: streaming NFL games is somehow more complicated than previous years, even though it looks like you have more … Continue reading

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Omega-3 fatty acids are associated with a ridiculous number of health benefits. They’ve been shown to protect against skin cancer and skin infections, and help to protect the brain from various damages. But perhaps the most well-known health benefit associated with omega-3 fats is heart health, with a new study suggesting that omega-3 fatty acids may also help heart attack patients recover by improving heart functioning and reducing scarring in the heart muscle. Source: Always Omega-3s There is some conflicting research concerning omega-3 fatty acids, but multiple studies have shown that these fats – particularly fish oil – prevent heart disease. In … Continue reading

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Post-apocalyptic movies are popular for a reason. We live in a world that is brimming with long lines, bills, traffic jams, bureaucracy, and stressful jobs. So even though we intuitively understand that living in an apocalyptic hellscape would be an absolute horror show, in the back of our minds we kinda wish that we had an excuse to blow off all of our modern responsibilities. In that sense, post-apocalyptic movies and TV shows provide the perfect fantasy for us. They give us loner protagonists wandering through the quiet, windswept ruins of our cities, scavenging for food and fighting off zombies … Continue reading

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Data provided by is helping shed light on America’s incarceration problem, demonstrating that only the small archipelago of Seychelles, located in the Indian Ocean off East Africa, has a higher incarceration rate than the U.S. But when studied carefully, the rates demonstrate yet another trend: America’s white prison population has been increasing in recent years while the number of blacks in prison has been dropping — and nobody is talking about it. According to the Prison Policy Initiative, America holds “more than 2.3 million people in 1,719 state prisons, 102 federal prisons, 942 juvenile correctional facilities, 3,283 local jails, and 79 … Continue reading

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Originally published by USA – As part of my job, I’m constantly checking out new gun holsters. Dozens of them are in the holster rotation at any given time – literally. After accumulating a couple of hundred gun holsters in the unused holster box, which has grown to several boxes, I thought it would be interesting to step back and examine what firearms holsters I’m using over the long haul. Not which ones I should be using, or which ones the internet says I should be using, but what gets strapped on voluntarily on a regular basis and that I … Continue reading

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Pistol rings, shooting keys, cigarette cases, and belt buckles – all these goofy gadgets are part of the traditional arsenal of secret agents and spy flicks. In fact, such weapons and gadgets appeared long before the first Bond movie came along in 1962. SS belt buckle © PHOTO: ICOLLECTOR.COM The camouflaged devices were initially designed as a “last chance” means of protection against criminals. However, with the efficiency of such gadgets leaving much to be desired, wealthy citizens preferred more traditional Derringer pistols, canes with a sword hidden inside or just a whip. A key gun Keys were one of the first everyday objects to be converted to pistols as their hollow … Continue reading

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“He was great, he was unreal – really, really good.” “He had this kind of music that nobody else was doing. I thought he really had something crazy, something great. He was like a living poet.” [Today’s first trivia question: both of the above statements were made, on separate occasions, by a famous Laurel Canyon musician of the 1960s era. Both quotes were offered up in praise of another Laurel Canyon musician. Award yourself five points for correctly identifying the person who made the remarks, and five for identifying who the statements refer to. The answers are at the end … Continue reading

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Filmmaker Lalange Snow photographed and interviewed 14 members of 1st Battalion The Royal Regiment of Scotland before they were sent to Afghanistan, after three months’ service, and mere days after coming back home from their deployment. The series, titled “We Are The Not Dead,” is meant to expose how war changes a person, both psychologically and physically, the trauma literally written on their faces. War changes people, and the soldiers’ faces show a glimpse of the toll that fighting in Afghanistan takes on the troops. As you scroll through the following photos, take a look at the physical change that is so evidently … Continue reading

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My husband always jokes that mosquitos like him because he’s so sweet (thereby implying that I am mean because I almost never get bit). It’s a joke, but there’s definitely something to it. We can go outside and I’m completely fine while he’s covered in bites. This begs the questions, why are some people more prone to mosquito bites than others? It turns out there are reasons why and knowing what they are could prevent future bites. In this time of the Zika virus and other serious mosquito-borne illnesses, it pays to understand a little about what make someone a mosquito … Continue reading

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Murray N. Rothbard is now recognised as one of the foremost economists of the last century, and rightly so. Not only does he write in a clear concise manner, but he takes what could be an unintelligible subject and explains it in terms everyone can grasp. In this beautiful hardbound book, Rothbard gives us an exceptionally clear, detailed description of what money is and how it has come to be manipulated by governments and central bankers into almost worthless inflationary fiat paper currency.He explains how gold became the most respected and trustworthy currency of choice, how this developed into the … Continue reading

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Much of archaeology involved digging for small artifacts to piece together a picture of life in the past, but occasionally, much bigger finds occur. When enormous ancient ruins are discovered, it’s always exciting for those who wish to know our history, and these sorts of discoveries have been made all over the world. 10 The Temple Of Pan Archaeologists excavating the ancient city of Hippos in Northern Israel found a large bronze mask depicting the Greek god Pan. Additionally, an enormous entrance to a large stone building was found, and it’s believed to be the remains of a temple compound … Continue reading

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