There are plenty of differences between men and women, but one that may have gone under the radar for most people is they fact that the sexes have different techniques for taking off their shirts. While women tend to cross their arms over their waists and pull off their shirts up from the bottom, men are inclined to put their hands over their heads and grab their tops from behind to take them off. Noelle Devoe, a web editor at, found herself asking why this is, and after coming up with her own theories, she did some research and learned that … Continue reading

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If Donald Trump is elected US president it will spell the end of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. At least, that’s how a phalanx of US foreign policy pundits and establishment figures see it. Trump once again caused uproar recently with comments that were viewed as undermining a «cornerstone» of US foreign policy since the Second World War. Ahead of accepting official nomination as the Republican party presidential candidate, the billionaire property magnate told the New York Times in an interview that, if elected, he would not automatically deploy American military forces to defend another member of NATO if it were attacked. As the NYT noted … Continue reading

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The Turkish government’s strong suspicion that Washington sympathized with or covertly backed the recent failed military coup — even if completely unfounded — may seriously damage the Western alliance. After all, the preamble to the 1949 North Atlantic Treaty emphasizes the determination of the signing countries “to safeguard the freedom, common heritage and civilization of their peoples, founded on the principles of democracy, individual liberty and the rule of law.” Emphasizing the high political stakes for the alliance, India’s former Ambassador to Turkey M. K. Bhadrakumar recently declared that the “Turkish allegation has no precedent in NATO’s 67-year old history … Continue reading

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You don’t realize how ill-prepared you are for a power outage until the lights go out. I found that out the hard way a few days ago when a microburst tore through my small town and laid waste to the city’s power grid. We sat in the dark for nine hours that night—a small power outage compared to some major disasters, but still a painful one when it’s hot, humid, and you haven’t eaten anything. Whenever we write up those long lists of emergency supplies you need to survive a disaster—whether it’s a storm, earthquake, or fire—the common denominator is that … Continue reading

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Donald Trump has a message for Russia: find Hillary Clinton’s missing emails. The Republican presidential nominee, holding a Wednesday press conference, said that the 30,000 missing emails from Clinton’s private email server would reveal ‘some beauties’ and made an extraordinary plea for a foreign power to locate them. ‘Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,’ Trump said. ‘I think you’ll be rewarded mightily by our press!’ Trump, whom Democrats have accused of having cozy ties with Russian President Vladimir Putin, repeatedly declined to condemn the actions of Russia or any other … Continue reading

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There is still a lot that is murky about it, the most murky being US involvement and foreknowledge, but I believe some conclusions can be drawn. There was a real, home-grown coup being plotted against Erdoğan. It probably combined Gülenist and Kemalist elements. While these two seem unlikely allies, coup alliances – especially ones planning to assassinate the leader – are animated more by what they are against than by what they are for. The plotters often cannot think past The Deed: Brutus and Cassius expected that with Caesar gone, the “republic” would re-appear; the killers of Sadat imagined that … Continue reading

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During the warm summer months, most U.S. breweries offer special seasonal beers specifically crafted to be sipped in the hot sun. Craft beer trends like fruit-infused IPAs and sours are growing more and more popular, but whether they’re wheat beers, pilsners, or even dark beers like porters, they can easily be thrown into a cooler and taken to the beach or backyard BBQ on lazy summer days. Here are 50 American beers to try this summer. 1. AGAVE WHEAT // BRECKENRIDGE BREWERY // COLORADO Courtesy Breckenridge Brewery Breckenridge Brewery calls this wheat ale the “nectar of the beer gods.” Perfect for … Continue reading

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China has completed production of the world’s largest amphibious aircraft which will be used to fight forest fires and perform marine rescues. The aircraft, dubbed the AG600, is around the size of a Boeing 737 – far larger than any other plane built to take off and land on water. It has a maximum flight range of 2,800 miles and can collect 12 tonnes of water in 20 seconds. Its maximum take-off weight of 53.5 tonnes. The state-owned Aviation Industry Corporation of China unveiled the first of the new planes on Saturday in the southern port city of Zhuhai. The … Continue reading

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Vertigo – also called benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) – is described as a sensation of spinning and dizzy spells and can be quite dangerous the older we get. It can increase the risks of falls which lead to more serious injuries. In an epidemiological study, researchers estimated that 35 percent of adults over the age of 40 in the United States have experienced some form of vertigo. Furthermore, the National Institute of Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD) reports 2.4 million Americans report chronic dizziness and 80 percent of senior Americans (those over 65) have experienced dizziness and vertigo. With … Continue reading

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John McDonnell, UK Shadow Chancellor of the Treasury (at least it sounds important) appealed to his -Labour- party on Sunday morning TV to “stop trying to destroy the party”, and of course I’m thinking NO, please don’t stop, keep at it, it’s so much fun. When you watch a building collapse, you want it to go all the way, not stop somewhere in the middle and get patched up with band-aids. It’s alright, let it crumble, it’s had its day. And if it’s any consolation, you’re not alone. Nor is that some freak coincidence. ‘Labour’-like parties (the ‘formerly left’) all … Continue reading

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They’re something we all yearn for but washboard abs are also something many of us struggle to achieve. We all know that ditching alcohol and doing plenty of sit-ups can help shift the weight around our middle but did you know there’re certain foods that will actually help you lose stomach fat? From almonds and olive oil to whole wheat bread and even frozen yoghurt, we round up the foods you should be eating for a flatter tummy. WHOLE WHEAT BREAD If you’re desperate for a flat stomach but can’t sacrifice carbs, whole wheat bread is the best option. As … Continue reading

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Prime Minister Theresa May has found herself in the middle of a bizarre internet conspiracy theory involving claims of a secret EU Illuminati society. Mrs. May used the hand signal – already frequently used by German Chancellor Angela Merkel and European Commission President, Jean-Claude Juncker –  on July 11 when speaking at Westminster before her elevation to 10 Downing Street. The hand signal is listed on the Illuminati hand signs conspiracy theory website illuminatiRex and described as a ‘Merkel-Raute’. The ‘Merkel-Raute’ is a reverse variation of the first Illuminati ‘Roc Sign’ – roughly in the shape of a diamond or pyramid … Continue reading

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A senior French police officer has claimed that the interior ministry “harassed” her into altering a security report from the deadly terrorist attack in Nice. Sandra Bertin, the officer in charge of Nice’s CCTV control room, told the Journal du Dimanche newspaper on Sunday that an unnamed interior ministry official contacted her after the attack and pressured her into altering her report for the night of the incident. On July 14, a truck driver plowed through a Bastille Day crowd in Nice, killing 84 people and wounding 200 others. Bertin claims that she was “harassed for an hour” by the official who wanted … Continue reading

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Good, sharp kitchen knives can seriously enhance your cooking prowess. But if you’ve purchased a starter set of blades and have no idea which ones are designed for what task, this handy primer by English knife manufacturing company Robert Welch provides amateur chefs with an easy overview. It lists the names of each cutting tool, briefly explains its purpose and tells you how it’s used. Even if you don’t end up slicing and dicing your way to the top of the culinary world, at least your friends and family will no longer mock you trying to chop vegetables with a … Continue reading

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