Brazil is struggling to ensure Rio de Janeiro, arguably the country’s most chaotic city, is prepared to host the 2016 Summer Olympic Games scheduled to start on August 5. Rio is facing an array of hurdles as the reality of hosting one of the most revered and heavily attended sporting competitions sets in. It may be too much to handle for Brazil, which finds itself in the midst of a crippling recession. 1. Police Don’t Have Enough Money to Buy Toilet Paper Up to an estimated 500,000 people are expected to travel to Brazil for the Summer Olympics. Brazil’s national intelligence … Continue reading

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It has now been 20 years since TWA Flight 800 exploded in mid-air just 12 minutes after taking off from New York’s John F. Kennedy Airport en route to Paris, and many are still questioning just what caused the crash that killed all 230 people on board. The National Transportation Safety Board spent four years looking into the cause in what would become the lengthiest and most expensive investigation in the history of American aviation before publishing their findings in 2000, which stated the explosion was likely caused by a short circuit in the plane’s fuel tank. That scenario seemed … Continue reading

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Great fortunes are notoriously easy to lose. Not so for the nation’s 25 richest clans, who’ve bucked the odds and held onto their wealth over generations, in some cases since the late 1800s. Collectively they are worth $722 billion this year, $11 billion less than the top 25 were a year ago. These scions and builders of America’s great businesses own brands like Campbell Soup CPB -0.71%, Windex, Hyatt Hotels H +1.32%, OxyContin and more. Among this elite group are familiar families like the Waltons and Rockefellers and lesser-knowns like the Sacklers. One newcomer is likely the least known of … Continue reading

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If you have an iPhone, chances are you’ve used a recognition app like Shazam if you’ve ever heard a song you liked and wanted to identify the artist. These recognition apps seem like magic, giving you a definitive answer in just seconds and providing a link to purchase the music you’ve just heard. Once, while on a hike in the Hudson Valley with a friend, we joked that there should be a Shazam app for nature. At the time we were both living in NYC and we felt a big disconnect from the plants and animals we were seeing around … Continue reading

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As America celebrates its 240th anniversary of independence from Britain, Texas’ and California’s campaigns to secede from the US have been given a kiss of life. But are they really ready to follow #Brexit and revive their bids to break away from Washington. #Texit #Texodus Right after the Brexit success, people in Texas began pushing for a ‘Texit’– a Texas split from the USA – on social media. To explain why Texas should secede from the Union, Twitter users showed the map of EU and outlined the area of the Lone Star State. And it looks rather impressive. Current Prices … Continue reading

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Ok, I know I wasn’t supposed to do any more plant lists, but I couldn’t help myself. By killer plants, I do not mean as in Top 10 Carnivorous Plants, plants that kill little insects, and the occasional rat, but plants that are well known to kill people. All plants contain some toxins as protection against predators. We already know, from Top 10 Poisonous foods we love to eat, that even apple seeds contain traces of cyanide. In this list, we are going to look at some plants that contain such high doses, of toxins to which humans are sensitive, … Continue reading

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Graph from p3768 of J. Hansen et al.: Ice melt, sea level rise and superstorms. Guest essay by Eric Worrall The alleged weakening of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation appears to be triggering a growing amount of speculation about abrupt cooling, like the plot of the movie “The Day After Tomorrow”. Crippled Atlantic currents triggered ice age climate change The last ice age wasn’t one long big chill. Dozens of times temperatures abruptly rose or fell, causing all manner of ecological change. Mysteriously, ice cores from Greenland and Antarctica show that these sudden shifts—which occurred every 1500 years or so—were … Continue reading

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In his inimitable style, Swiss stocks guru Marc Faber explains why Donald Trump would make an ideal U.S. president, to the shock of his listeners. He lists a surprising reason. Swiss economist «Dr. Doom» Marc Faber is known for his bold calls, including one urging more countries to exit the European Union following Britain’s decision to leave. This makes him a welcome guest for financial broadcasters, including on «Bloomberg TV Asia» today. Faber plays the role of provocateur perfectly in an interview with several presenters. He begins by lauding Brexit generally and for the Trump camp in particular as positive – … Continue reading

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Originally published by USA – People have asked me, “what is my responsibility to vet a buyer as an acceptable customer when conducting private firearm sales?” The answer to this has several parts. First, I am not an attorney, so consult with an attorney if you want a more licensed opinion. Second, let’s divide this question into five parts: Moral responsibility Responsibility under state law Responsibility under federal law Potential civil liability And practical matters. Moral Responsibility for Private Firearm Sales Current Prices on popular forms of Gold Bullion That’s easy. As a moral person and a responsible, law-abiding member … Continue reading

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When visiting a new country, there are often local customs that can come as a shock to travellers. For example, foreigners in Greece should be aware that some toilets don’t allow you to flush paper down them, due to poor sewage systems, and in Canada it is common for milk to be stored in a bag. A handy infographic reveals some of the biggest culture shocks and how to avoid looking out of place when abroad. Instant Access to Current Spot Prices & Interactive Charts When visiting a new country, there are often local customs that can come as a … Continue reading

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A perfectly-tailored suit, a luxurious wristwatch and… a gun Walter PPK. He gets off from a special edition of Aston Martin and orders vodka-martini; shaken not stirred. These are details of the unchangeable style of the most popular British movie actor, James Bond, immune to fashion and variety, just like the time of the Island. As the facts show, behind the character and the different plots of the films, quite often, are hidden real stories, decoded messages and even considerable foreign policy concepts. In this perspective, the last film of the series shed light on the internal contradictions and the … Continue reading

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The last eyewitness to the inner circle of the Nazis has described the party’s propaganda chief Joseph Goebbels as a ‘ranting dwarf’ and a ‘big pig’. Brunhilde Pomsel, now 105, was Goebbels’ secretary and got closer to the Nazi center of power than anyone alive. From 1942 on, she worked closely with Hitler’s agitator and seducer of the masses – the man who conditioned the Germans to hate the Jews and accept their deportations to an unknown fate. Now her recollections of working for the Nazi monster are featuring in a new documentary. ’Her personal journey into the past leads … Continue reading

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1. Confirmed: FBI Introduced Florida Shooter to ‘Informants’ Tony Cartalucci on the unraveling. . 2. 5 Reasons To Question the Official Story Of the Orlando shooting, from Brandon Turbeville. . 3. I’m Skeptical About Orlando Give me more than pressitute claims, says Paul Craig Roberts. . 4. The Left Is Imploding Get out the popcorn, says Gavin McInnes. NB: adult language. . 5. The Orlando Gay-Bar Shooting Linh Dinh on what it really means. . 6. Hillary’s on the Ropes When’s the KO? Article by Andrew P. Napolitano. . 7. Giving the Bureaucrats a Taste of Their Own Medicine You can use this tool, too. . … Continue reading

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Originally published by Wisconsin –  While you and I prepare for a weekend of R&R in celebration of this nation’s freedom, Wisconsin Republicrat Paul Ryan is working behind the scenes to crush what little freedom you and I have left. That’s right, Ryan — according to a story on AmmoLand News and again on yesterday, “House Plans Vote on Guns Next Week” — will urge the U.S. House early next week to vote for “a counterterrorism package that will include a provision to prevent suspected terrorists from buying guns” and a so-called mental health bill that will effectively disarm … Continue reading

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Are psychopaths trendy? Does saying “I have psychopathic tendencies” pass the dinner table test? Is this merely the latest debilitating condition to be reimagined as a fascinating quirk, à la “I’m a little bit OCD”? If so, popular non-fiction might be to blame. In 2011, Jon Ronson’s The Psychopath Test introduced millions of readers to a checklist, devised by psychologist Robert Hare, that scores people on a range of psychopathic traits. A year later, Kevin Dutton’s The Wisdom of Psychopaths advanced the idea that we all sit somewhere on a psychopathic spectrum, and that aspects of psychopathy can be harnessed … Continue reading

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