The golden age of air travel calls to mind images of luxurious cabins, decadent in-flight meals, and stewardesses clicking down the aisles in high-heeled shoes. It was also a time when security was lax and engines roared so loudly that it was impossible to hear the person sitting next to you. It goes without saying that the commercial flights of today look a lot different than they once did. Here are 11 quirks you’ll no longer encounter when traveling by plane. 1. NO I.D.? NO PROBLEM.  In the early days of commercial aviation, airlines were much more trusting that the … Continue reading

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If you’re one of the unlucky ones who get eaten alive by bugs during the summer months, you’ve probably spent a small fortune on stinky, chemical-laden insect repellents. A custom blended essential oil is a great way to save money, avoid harsh reactions to unknown ingredients or known allergens, and customize for the particular pests in your area. Choosing your perfect potion You may want to focus your insect repellent oil blend based on your geographical region. Mosquitos hate citronella, lemon, thyme, clove, eucalyptus, peppermint, catnip, basil, lemongrass, geranium, and lavender. Grapefruit, juniper, rose geranium, thyme, and oregano is your best … Continue reading

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Originally published by FPC Releases Statement on Proposed “No-Fly” and “Terror Watch-List” Laws Sacramento, CA – In response to renewed calls for a ban on firearms by persons on the federal government’s secret “no-fly” and “terror watch-lists,” Firearms Policy Coalition President Brandon Combs released the following statement: No person that participates in terrorism should be allowed to acquire or possess firearms. And no one that is provably planning to commit a crime or heinous act like the tragedy in Orlando, Florida should be free to walk our streets. Terrorists and violent criminals should be arrested, tried, convicted, and imprisoned — … Continue reading

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What was the NSA’s reaction to 9/11 … the greatest intelligence failure in history? After all, overwhelming evidence shows that 9/11 was foreseeable. Indeed, Al Qaeda crashing planes into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon was itself foreseeable. Even the chair of the 9/11 Commission said that the attack was preventable. And a top NSA whistleblower says that the NSA had all of the information it needed prior to 9/11 to stop the attacks. The only reason NSA didn’t share that information with other agencies is because of corruption … in an effort to consolidate power. And see this. As … Continue reading

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For thrifty motorists, squeezing an extra few miles out of each gallon of fuel can become an obsession. But some have been striving for a semi-mythical goal of achieving 100 miles per gallon of fuel from their vehicles. Now an inventor in Texas claims to have built an engine that can reach this efficient milestone – using a design that is more than 200 years old. Josh MacDowell, combined a Stirling engine – first created by a clergyman in Scotland 200 years ago – with thermopile technology that converts heat energy into electricity. Mr. MacDowel, from San Antonia, Texas, is … Continue reading

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The Japanese island of Okinawa sees one of the biggest demonstrations in two decades, involving at least 50,000 people who protest against heavy US military presence after a local woman was murdered by an ex-Marine and a string of other incidents. The rally, which organizers said numbered more than 65,000 – including Governor Takeshi Onaga and officials from opposition parties – has taken place in Okinawa’s capital Naha located in close proximity to US air bases Kadena and Futenma. Simultaneous solidarity protest took place outside the national parliament in Tokyo. The demonstrators were protesting against heavy US military presence and … Continue reading

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Since the 1920s prohibition era, the martini has represented a mix of class and flair, style and elegance. And while prohibition is (thankfully) long gone, the drink’s popularity—and ABV—remain strong. Today, the martini has become a half drink, half art form, and bartenders far and wide are experimenting with ways to refine and perfect this iconic cocktail. For this year’s National Martini Day (June 19), we’ve compiled seven tips and tricks from some of the most revered cocktail experts to help you have your most delicious martini yet. 1. SAY NO TO VODKA. While some dry martini recipes may call … Continue reading

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How closely is Daniel Miller tracking the news ahead of the referendum on whether Britain should leave the European Union? “Hourly!” he grins. The Sun’s recent editorial calling for the UK’s departure got him quite excited. Miller, though, is not from London or Liverpool. He hails from Longview, Texas, and we are talking in a cafe in the bleakly industrial Gulf coast town of Port Arthur, some 5,000 miles from Westminster. Culturally, too, we are a long way from Europe. Heck, we are even a long way from Dallas. But the referendum matters deeply to Miller and like-minded Texans. As … Continue reading

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Bloating is the single most common digestive complaint afflicting people today, with millions around the world suffering from it, yet it is also one of the least understood. We try to do all the right things — avoid common allergens and inflammatory foods like gluten, sugar, and dairy, limit processed foods, exercise regularly — and yet still find ourselves with uncomfortably swollen abdomens after virtually every meal. It has certainly plagued my life for as long as I can remember, and I worry about it constantly. It’s stressful, it’s embarrassing, and it often leaves me feeling utterly defeated. I also worry about it constantly which, … Continue reading

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It is a commonly accepted view in mainstream archaeology that civilization started in Iraq, in ancient Mesopotamia with the great civilization of Sumeria. However, there is an archaeological discovery at the Al Ubaid archaeological site, where many pre-Sumerian 7,000-year-old artifacts were found, depicting humanoid figures with lizard characteristics. The Ubaidian culture is a prehistoric culture in Mesopotamia that dates between 4000 and 5500 BC. As with the Sumerians, the origins of the Ubaidian people is unknown. They lived in large village settlements in mud-brick houses and they had developed architecture, agriculture and farmed the land using irrigation. The domestic architecture included … Continue reading

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Thanks to increasingly luxurious vehicles, more and more travelers are opting to hit the road when it’s time to cover a lot of miles for a vacation or visit. While amenities like satellite radio and distractions for passengers are nice, it’s more important to make sure your car is prepared for a prolonged trip. Here’s how to make sure you (and your vehicle) can go the distance. 1. GRAB AN EMERGENCY KIT.  The only thing worse than breaking down is breaking down on a busy stretch of highway without the necessary equipment to make sure you and your passengers remain … Continue reading

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The US Navy has held meetings to discuss highly controversial technology which could one day allow the government to track the movements of every single citizen in the country, The Sun has learned. A number of naval officers visited the home of an American presidential candidate and “transhumanist” called Zoltan Istvan, who believes human beings should be fitted with technology to boost their brain power or enhance physical attributes. Istvan said they discussed the possibility of implanting humans with chips fitted with global positioning (GPS) technology. We have seen the correspondence between  Istvan and Vice Admiral James Wisecup, who has retired from full-time service to work … Continue reading

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Is honesty always the best policy – even when it might offend a friend, seem discouraging to a child or create an awkward moment? Mindy Mackenzie, the author of new book The Courage Solution, believes so – even when a little white may seem like the easier response. ‘It can be very tempting in each circumstance to dodge potential discomfort by telling a little ‘white lie’ or to deflect and not really answer the question, but in most situation, it is far more helpful if you tell the truth,’ says Mindy, who specialises in corporate training on the efficacy of … Continue reading

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It’s the seemingly simple maths puzzle that is driving people on Facebook to despair as they debate what the correct answer is. The puzzle, which was posted to Facebook page Trending in China, features flowers being used in place of numbers in equations. It has drawn a lot of attention on the social media site, where it has had more than 1,200 likes and 1,700 comments. In the puzzle, which is posted as a graphic, there are three lines showing what different combinations of flowers add up to. Then a new combination is shown, with no total, and it’s up … Continue reading

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