You don’t have to spend a fortune at the nursery or garden supply center to have a happy and healthy garden. There are a few things you probably have lying around the house that can put some extra green in your thumb—and many of them are items you might otherwise consider trash! Coffee Grounds: What’s better than starting the day with a strong cup of coffee? Saving those coffee grounds and using them as compost, of course! Coffee grounds are an excellent addition to your garden; simply spread them directly onto the soil. Don’t worry about coffee grounds being acidic—since … Continue reading

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Editor’s note: Successful crisis investing boils down to one skill. The ability to go against the crowd to buy beaten-down assets that have been left for dead. Few people know as much about this subject as Jim Rogers. Jim is a legendary investor and a true “international man.” He has earned millions investing in crisis markets. Today, in a classic interview first published in December 2013, Crisis Investing editor Nick Giambruno speaks with Jim about this idea. It’s a fascinating discussion we think you’ll enjoy… Nick Giambruno: Thanks for joining us today, Jim. First off, tell us what you think it … Continue reading

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It appears to be a simple maths question on first glance, but this brainteaser is the latest to have the internet scratching its head. A debate has erupted over the correct answer to the problem, which reads: 9 – 3 ÷ 1/3 + 1 = ? The question originally went viral in Japan, where reportedly only 60 percent of adults could get the right answer. A debate has erupted over the correct answer to this problem, which originally went viral in Japan  While the answers have ranged from three to nine, the correct solution relies on a basic rule that you probably learnt … Continue reading

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A pilot goes through a rigorous training process before being allowed to fly commercially, but even then their mettle can be well and truly tested. One Reddit user asked pilots, “What is the scariest moment of your career that passengers may have been oblivious to?” — and the results may change your feelings toward flying forever. While it may be chaos in the cockpit — from unconscious pilots to toxic fumes — passengers almost always remain blind to the drama ensuing up front. A complete loss of all electrical power The pilot of an Airbus 320 recalled the time his … Continue reading

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God help Donald Trump’s critics. The paroxysms they have after the mogul–turned–GOP nominee’s policy pronouncements can’t be good for their health. The latest is a real hoot. For dealing with our enormous national debt, Trump wants to do what he does best: negotiate with creditors. How so? By pressuring bondholders to accept a haircut on their payments. And if they don’t like the terms? Well, they’ll get their money by hook or by crook. In an interview with CNBC’s Squawk Box, Trump gave a brutally honest take on our dismal fiscal prospects. “We owe so much money—nobody talks about it. … Continue reading

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The need for niacin (vitamin B-3) is often marginalized, even amongst the health conscious. Multivitamins and B-complex supplements typically contain only negligible amounts of it. Although ensuring an adequate intake of niacin should be paramount considering that about one out of every three people die from heart disease in the industrialized world, and clinical depression effects about one in every ten adults. Niacin is an essential nutrient that we typically do not get enough of through our diets, due to depleted soils and processed foods. It is found in dairy products, poultry, fish, lean meats, and nuts. Niacin is vital … Continue reading

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There are many smart people, but few true geniuses. Genius is, after all, quite exceptional. Are YOU a genius? Do you have the brainpower to qualify for that prestigious title? Are you one among the top 4% of the world population? Or are you just one among the 96%? Find out! What is your age? Under 18 Years Old 18 to 24 Years Old 25 to 30 Years Old 31 to 40 Years Old 41 to 50 Years Old 51 to 60 Years Old Over 60 Years Old What is your gender? Male Female In ancient Greece what was a … Continue reading

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Barack Obama’s transgender regime has officially carried its demands for your child’s compliance with sexual deviancy to the level of an imperial directive: Public schools must permit transgender students to use bathrooms and locker rooms consistent with their gender identity, according to an Obama administration directive issued amid a court fight between the federal government and North Carolina. The guidance from leaders at the departments of Education and Justice says public schools are obligated to treat their transgender students in a way that matches their gender identity, even if their education records or identity documents indicate a different sex. The … Continue reading

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When delegates to the Democratic national convention gather in Philadelphia at the end of July to – almost certainly – nominate Hillary Clinton as their presidential candidate, they may be in for a bit of a surprise. The night before the opening ceremonies, a film will be premiered in the city that portrays her in a very different light from the official biography. Clinton Cash is an hour-long cinematic version of the book of the same name that caused quite a stir when it was published a year ago. In lurid images of blood-splattered dollars fluttering down over warlords in conflict … Continue reading

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From the time we’re little children, we’re taught the virtues of bravery, though not always in a positive way. Kids love to taunt each other with language like “You’re yellow!” and “You’re a chicken!” As adults, we lambaste politicians for lacking the courage of their convictions. But the concept of cowardice is an old one, and there are many now-obscure words for, as Yosemite Sam might put it, lowdown yellow-bellies. 1. WHITE LIVER You’ve probably heard a coward referred to as lily-livered. This term shares the same concept: If your liver is white, it lacks the respectable red color of … Continue reading

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“Zero. None whatsoever.” Jim Hedges is the 2016 presidential candidate for the Prohibition party. He isn’t optimistic about his chances of winning. Nor should he be. The Prohibition party got 270,000 votes in one presidential election, but that was in 1892. In 2012, the party made it onto the ballot in only one state and only 518 people voted for it. But this time will be different, Hedges says. The Prohibition party is hoping to be on the ballot in six states. “If I get a thousand votes in each of these six states I’ll be happy,” Hedges says. “It’ll … Continue reading

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“Zero. None whatsoever.” Jim Hedges is the 2016 presidential candidate for the Prohibition party. He isn’t optimistic about his chances of winning. Nor should he be. The Prohibition party got 270,000 votes in one presidential election, but that was in 1892. In 2012, the party made it onto the ballot in only one state and only 518 people voted for it. But this time will be different, Hedges says. The Prohibition party is hoping to be on the ballot in six states. “If I get a thousand votes in each of these six states I’ll be happy,” Hedges says. “It’ll … Continue reading

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On a sunny day, there is nothing as delicious as a cool, crisp beer. And drinking a pint a day is good for the heart, a study has found. While binge drinking is known to harm our health, moderate consumption reduces the risk of heart and blood vessel diseases by a quarter, researchers discovered. The team, from the IRCCS Mediterranean Neurological Institute, Pozzilli, said the alcohol and other chemicals in the drink reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke and artery disease. They reviewed 150 studies and concluded drinking 1.4 pints or two 330ml cans protect the heart without increasing … Continue reading

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Blood pressure woes are a growing problem, affecting more and more Americans every day. Worse yet, because it’s symptomless, you often become aware of your high blood sugar only once you begin experiencing the associated health issues. If you have been diagnosed with hypertension or even prehypertension, you want to do anything you can to keep those numbers within a healthy range before complications arise. Even if you’ve spoken to your doctor about blood pressure, there may be some facts that you’re unaware of. You can integrate these tips into your health regime as you aim to obtain healthy blood … Continue reading

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Originally published by Buy yourself a Henry Big Boy Silver Rifle your great, great, great, grand-children will love it. Henry Big Boy Silver Rifle The United States – We will start off with the obvious fact that the new Henry Repeating Arms, Big Boy Silver rifle, is gorgeous. I can probably state with some accuracy that John Wayne never used any gorgeous rifles to win the west and save the world. He used rifles that were practical, that were functionally reliable, service ready, and he used rifles that could endure the hardships of lots of field wear. Sadly Mr. Wayne one … Continue reading

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