Yes. It’s true. I was on the college debate circuit with Ted Cruz. I spent four years debating for Yale College on the American Parliamentary Debate Association merry-go-round of yellow legal pads, painfully awkward Friday-night keggers, and the infinite silliness that came with fighting for tiny silver-plated trophies each weekend. This week, watching the flameout of Cruz’s presidential run, I can confidently say that he’d have had a far more effective life in politics if he’d remained in the law. My whole college debate experience with Ted Cruz can be distilled into a single, visceral, impression: that of being trapped … Continue reading

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Billionaire investor Stanley Druckenmiller didn’t mince words when asked for recommendations at the Sohn Investment Conference. Sell US stocks. Buy gold: The conference wants a specific recommendation from me. I guess ‘Get out of the stock market’ isn’t clear enough.” Druckenmiller went on to sing gold’s praises: Let me throw this one at you. My hint is what is the one asset you did not want to own when I started Duquesne in 1981? It’s traded for 5,000 years and for the first time has a positive carry in many parts of the globe as bankers are now experimenting with … Continue reading

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Originally published by USA – It’s mid-2016, a critical election year for the U.S., and if you’re considering your first handgun purchase ahead of an unknown election outcome, you might be overwhelmed by the current array of choices. Narrowing the field to one or two can be a real challenge for anyone, but especially for the new, or casual firearms enthusiast. One of the first, most fundamental decisions you need to make is whether you want a revolver or a semi-auto pistol. Once that simple decision is made, assuming you choose the auto and assuming the gun will be used primarily … Continue reading

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Californians are being told to brace for ‘the big one’ – a massive earthquake that typically occurs every 400 to 600 years and could leave thousands dead or homeless. An earthquake scientist has added to claims the dreaded event is overdue, warning the San Andreas fault is ‘locked, loaded and ready to roll’. The fault is the longest in California and one of the state’s most dangerous. Thomas Jordan, director of the Southern California Earthquake Centre, said the fault has been ‘too quiet’ since 1857. This is when the last big quake to strike a southern section rippled from Monterey … Continue reading

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Tom Kean and Lee Hamilton wrote an opinion piece last week in USAToday, trying to “temper” feelings surrounding the release of “the 28 pages.” Kean and Hamilton wrote, “The 28 pages have generated a lot of public speculation over the years and have been described as a ‘smoking gun’ implicating the Saudi government in the deadliest terrorist attack carried out on U.S. soil.” They go on to write, “What often gets lost in those theories is that the 28 pages were based almost entirely on raw, unvetted material that came to the FBI. That material was written up as possible … Continue reading

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From Ted Cruz skyrocketed to prominence in politics being elected US Senator from Texas as his first elected office. He was a candidate for the Republican nomination for President of the United States. His rise in popularity was based on the public being captivated by the life story of his father Rafael Cruz, a native of Cuba. Rafael Cruz’s life story claims that he fought for four years in the Cuban Revolution on the side of Fidel Castro, was arrested and tortured and then fled to the US on a four-year student visa. Arriving in Texas with just the … Continue reading

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The current economic system is designed to fail, but so was socialism. That’s according to former GOP Congressman Ron Paul, who told RT’s Boom Bust to show that we need to go toward a system of property ownership, voluntary contracts, and individual liberty while getting rid of central banks. A new Harvard University poll shows that 51 percent of young adults aged 18-29 oppose capitalism in its current form. RT: Do you think this poll is just politics, or do you agree that there is something wrong with the US economic system as it operates today? Ron Paul: I think the … Continue reading

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Remember the movie, Unstoppable? A massive, highly toxic locomotive roars out of control, threatening to cause devastating havoc. To start with, nobody takes the threat seriously; it’s deemed a ‘coaster’ that can be easily stopped. But by the time the rescue team catches up with it, the train’s running on full power and has accelerated to maximum speed. At this point, the horrified experts consider deliberate derailment. The result? The train, by now a steaming, hooting, hissing beast, simply charges through the attempted derailment. I won’t spoil the ending for those who haven’t watched it. But I can’t think of … Continue reading

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Who is Rafael B. Cruz and what is his real life story? Many people know what it is not. Although not widely known among the masses, many researchers had discovered that Rafael B. Cruz’s “Coming to America” story is full of holes and outright lies. Author Paul W. LeBon in his book, “Liar Liar Cruz on Fire: Exposing the Biggest Fraud in US Political History” lays out the case of 76 substantial lies that have been told for years by Rafael Cruz to audiences across America regarding his heroic tale of life in Cuba followed by his struggles in America. … Continue reading

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In the immortal words of Monty Python, America is “not dead yet.” Guest post by Robert Gore at Straight Line Logic There are many ways to murder; depravity encounters no limits to its diabolical designs. A dramatic staple: a trusted friend or relative administers gradually increasing quantities of an undetectable poison as a formerly vigorous victim inexplicably wastes, withers and finally succumbs. An unsuspecting or corrupt coroner closes the case, official cause of death a long illness. The murderer gets the estate until the decedent’s devoted fill-in-the-blank starts asking questions and nosing around, suspicion mounts, and the heinous homicide is exposed. … Continue reading

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First, we had to find the panda in a sea of snowmen. Then, we looked for the potato in a crowd of hamsters. And now? Daily Mail Online wants you to find Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton in a pack of playing cards. The Republican and Democratic front-runners’ faces are both hidden somewhere among the kings and queens in this illustrated image — but can you scope them out without a hint? The pile of face cards is, truly, the perfect puzzle game for the pair, particularly because Trump, 69, continues to make snide comments about Clinton, 69, playing her … Continue reading

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I’VE BEEN WAITING 40 years for someone like you.” Those were the first words Daniel Ellsberg spoke to me when we met last year. Dan and I felt an immediate kinship; we both knew what it meant to risk so much — and to be irrevocably changed — by revealing secret truths. One of the challenges of being a whistleblower is living with the knowledge that people continue to sit, just as you did, at those desks, in that unit, throughout the agency, who see what you saw and comply in silence, without resistance or complaint. They learn to live not … Continue reading

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Are you feeling grouchy, lethargic and zapped of energy? That feeling of falling asleep at your desk may be to do with your diet – and switching to energy-boosting foods could help, according to Rick Hay, nutritionist and author of The Anti Ageing Food & Fitness Plan. For example, swapping bread, pasta and rice for sweet potatoes – which release sugar into the bloodstream more slowly – could lead to steadier energy levels. And bananas smothered in almond butter are rich in potassium, tryptophan and B vitamins – nutrients which boost mood and prevent fatigue. Writing for Healthista, here, he reveals the … Continue reading

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1. The End Is Not Near It has begun, says Jack Perry. . 2. One Difference Between a Bernie and a Donald Rally The Trump people aren’t morons, says Gavin McInnes. NB: adult language. . 3. You Can’t Resist Oppressive Road Police How to avoid them. Article by Eric Peters. . 4. The Greatest Actress Plays the Worst Singer Ever recorded, says Gary North. . 5. Vitamin C Therapy and Cancer A reassessment from Bill Sardi. . 6. The Year Americans Found Out Their Elections Are Rigged 2016. . 7. The Government Tale About 9/11 7 reasons it must be true. . 8. Slavery and the Framers Walter … Continue reading

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