As well as being used an abbreviation of post, pulse, page, pence and (in some countries at least) peso, the letter P is also the chemical symbol for phosphorus, a symbol representingpressure, poise, power and momentum in different branches of science, a particular branch of the Celtic languages in a linguistics, an indication to play softly in a piece of classical music, a function in statistical mathematics, and a designation of the clarity of a video or television screen (in which case—as in the p of 1080p—it stands for “progressive scan”). Despite all of these uses, however, P is on … Continue reading

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The admission that the economy is so weak that it needs more QE is going to destroy the narrative that the U.S. economy is in great shape and it’s no longer going to be the safe haven for capital around the world…it’s going to prick the bubble in the dollar…and people are going to realize that we’ve never recovered from anything, the economy is sicker than ever, the Fed’s going to make it even sicker with more of its toxic monetary policy, the dollar’s going to tank and the price of gold is going to skyrocket – and people need … Continue reading

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Originally published by Detroit, Michigan – It’s become a cliché to say that Chicago is a dangerous town. Despite its strict gun controls, Chicago has often ranked as one of the most violent cities in the U.S., and one such violent incident made a very big impression on neighbors Adam Kennedy and Andy McIntosh. When a young man they knew was shot to death on their block in 2014, they began to ponder ways to keep themselves and their families safe, and still keep a gun in their home, yet avoid anyone having to die in the process. We “gun guys” … Continue reading

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In the following instances, officials in the government which carried out the attack (or seriously proposed an attack) admit to it, either orally, in writing, or through photographs or videos: (1) Japanese troops set off a small explosion on a train track in 1931, and falsely blamed it on China in order to justify an invasion of Manchuria. This is known as the “Mukden Incident” or the “Manchurian Incident”. The Tokyo International Military Tribunal found: “Several of the participators in the plan, including Hashimoto [a high-ranking Japanese army officer], have on various occasions admitted their part in the plot and … Continue reading

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Cleopatra VII had four children. One with Julius Caesar and three with Mark Anthony. Until 31 BC the family of the last Ptolemaic queen lived a magnificent life in a golden palace, one of the most luxurious places of the world. However, when Cleopatra and Mark Anthony were defeated by Octavian during the naval battle at Actium in 31 BC, this idyllic life came to a close. The future Roman Emperor, who was about to be known as Caesar Augustus, didn’t give any mercy to his enemies. He hoped to defeat Mark Anthony and take Cleopatra as his trophy to … Continue reading

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Rand Paul is suspending his presidential campaign. The libertarian icon and freshman Kentucky senator announced Wednesday morning that he was bowing out of the presidential race to focus on his 2016 re-election campaign to the United States Senate. In a statement, Paul said “The fight is far from over. I will continue to carry the torch for Liberty in the United States Senate and I look forward to earning the privilege to represent the people of Kentucky for another term.” Paul was once described as “the most interesting man in politics” and viewed as a formidable candidate. However, the Kentucky … Continue reading

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Two cups of coffee a day can help stave off liver disease caused by drinking too much alcohol, scientists claimed today. In fact, regular consumption of the drink slashed the risk of the risk of liver cirrhosis by 44 per cent. Researchers from the University of Southampton reviewed nine long-term studies involving almost half a million men and women from six countries. They found that those who drank two cups of coffee every day were less likely to suffer from liver cirrhosis or die from it. Liver cirrhosis is a condition where the liver is scarred due to long-term effects of … Continue reading

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America’s military procurement machine may be the single most successful system of wealth transfer ever devised — moving tens of billions of dollars every year from ordinary taxpayers into the pockets of big defense contractors and their allies in Congress. But as a provider of working equipment to defend the United States against realistic threats, it is becoming more and more dysfunctional with every passing year. Current administration plans call for spending a trillion dollars over the next 30 years to “modernize” America’s nuclear arsenal to fight a pointless war that would decimate major centers of civilization across the globe. … Continue reading

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Instead of the traditional Father Christmas and reindeer image emblazoned on the front, last year Britain’s intelligence and security agency designed a card featuring a cryptographic challenge. But more than a month since Christmas, no-one has managed to solve the tricky puzzles. More than 30,000 have come close to cracking the code and there are just three days left to give it a final try. The agency has even encouraged people by saying the answer is ‘not as abstract as you think’. Begin by solving part one below. This will reveal how to proceed  Instead of have the traditional Father … Continue reading

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You may well wonder about the material we have chosen to present below.  For one thing, it has been around for a while, though mostly on obscure websites. For another, its authors are unknown. More important, we cannot say how accurate, overall, is the analysis offered in it. Nonetheless, it is tantalizing — and raises some important issues, no matter its provenance. The document claims to reveal the techniques — dirty tricks, really — that are practiced by trolls, saboteurs, provocateurs, disinformants, spies and other government operatives, as well as their fellow  practitioners of the dark arts. One thing is … Continue reading

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1. I Was Brought Up To Believe a Lot of Lies Now the truth is getting out. Article by Bionic Mosquito. . 2. Hillary’s Nightmare Will it come true? Article by Andrew P. Napolitano. . 3. Thinking of Moving to Mexico? Fred Reed has a detailed guide for you. . 4. The Big Short’s Michael Burry on the Coming Crash Who’s to blame, and who’ll pay the price. Article by Hunter Lewis.  . 5. The Fat-Burning Hormone It can transform you, says Kat James. . 6. 6 Ways To Get Ready for the Collapse It will be worse than ‘08 and last longer, says Tess Pennington. … Continue reading

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The most common surnames in the United States are Smith, Johnson, Williams, Brown, and Jones. For Europe, let’s look at this map created by Reddit user Teepr. Does anything surprise you, or look like it needs updating? Everything I can find on Portugal has “Silva” as top name, but it’s possible I’m not looking at the most recent data. Reprinted from Mental Floss.

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The Truth About Beauty: Transform Your Looks And Your Life From The Inside Out – Kat James Economic Depressions: Their Cause and Cure – Murray N. Rothbard 9 Presidents Who Screwed Up America: And Four Who Tried to Save Her – Brion McClanahan Mobocracy: How the Media’s Obsession with Polling Twists the News, Alters Elections, and Undermines Democracy – Matthew Robinson A Disquisition on Government – John C. Calhoun The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine – Michael Lewis Against the State: An Anarcho-Capitalist Manifesto – Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. 100 Deadly Skills: The SEAL Operative’s Guide to Eluding Pursuers, Evading Capture, and Surviving Any Dangerous Situation – Clint … Continue reading

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Originally published by New York, NY – The ultimate goal of the anti-gun movement is this: the universal elimination of civilian firearms’ ownership and possession. This is true and incontrovertible. Everything the anti-gun movement does is directed to the attainment of that goal. Nothing the anti-gun movement does diverges from the path to that goal. When asked to admit the truth of the assertion, the antigun movement, and its sounding board, the mainstream corporate media, will deny it, curtly and vehemently. But, the anti-gun movement’s actions belie its blunt denial. Realization of the movement’s goal amounts to de facto repeal of … Continue reading

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[Excerpted from Chapter 9 of Wild Life: Adventures of an Evolutionary Biologist by Prof. Robert Trivers.] It used to be said some forty years ago in Jamaica that if you wanted to murder someone, you should bring him first to Southfield because no one has ever been convicted of murder in Southfield. I am not sure if this still holds true, but nor do I know of a single counter-example. And I do know of many murders committed in or nearby Southfield that met with no official punishment. My closest friend was murdered there. So was a good shopkeeper friend. … Continue reading

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