There are a ton of qualities that can help you succeed, and the more carefully a quality has been studied, the more you know it’s worth your time and energy. Angela Lee Duckworth was teaching seventh grade when she noticed that the material wasn’t too advanced for any of her students. They all had the ability to grasp the material if they put in the time and effort. Her highest performing students weren’t those who had the most natural talent; they were the students who had that extra something that motivated them to work harder than everyone else. Angela grew … Continue reading

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Unwashed, uncivilized, bloodthirsty masses rampaging and pillaging—it’s the popular image of the Vikings, but there have been a number of archaeological finds that have truly made us rethink our image of the entire culture. And perhaps just as surprising is the fact that plenty of the stories which we thought were tall tales might actually be true. 10 Writing The Ending Of Viking Sagas We have two main sources of information on Viking trips to the New World: The Saga of the Greenlanders and The Saga of Erik the Red. These sagas weren’t written down until several hundred years after … Continue reading

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Originally published by Louisiana – President Obama said taking away our guns will make us safer.  Some news reporters said the same thing.  They say a good guy with a gun never stops a bad guy with a gun.  Well isn’t this a surprise.  Here are five examples of self-defense that happened within the last month.  They show people who not only stopped a criminal and saved lives. These armed civilians might have stopped mass murder! 1- Katie and Matt Klaxon were filling up their car at a Springfield, Missouri gas station.  Their four children were in the car as well. … Continue reading

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Since it was revealed that Sean Penn secretly traveled to Mexico to interview Joaquín ‘El Chapo’ Guzmán Loera for Rolling Stone, the actor has insisted that he had nothing to do with the drug kingpin’s recapture. Speaking to CBS 60 Minutes’ Charlie Rose, Penn said his intention in tracking down the escaped drug kingpin and writing about him for Rolling Stone was to kick-start a discussion of the US government’s policy on the War on Drugs. But the public’s attention has instead been focused on the fact that Penn found and met with Guzman for seven hours in a mountain … Continue reading

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Actor Alan Rickman has died of cancer, the second cultural icon to have been lost to that disease this week.  His nearly forty-year career on the screen is filled with too many works to name all of them here and probably not necessary to do, anyway, given his popularity.  In recent years, he was the embodiment of Professor Severus Snape and brought life to a philandering husband in Love Actually.  But an early film of his, the one that brought him into American consciousness, is what likely came to mind among readers here: Die Hard. Like Love Actually, Die Hard … Continue reading

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An avalanche that left three skiers dead in the French ski resort of Les Deux Alpes on Wednesday has served as a tragic reminder of the risks of off-piste skiing and the need to be prepared when disaster strikes. While avalanches may be difficult to predict and can happen quickly, experts have revealed their top tips for skiers to improve their chances of avoiding or surviving one. They include everything from carrying essential gear, including a locator beacon, at all times and ‘swimming’ or rolling while you’re carried down the mountain. What is the avalanche danger rating? The Association of … Continue reading

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Amid the distractions of the holiday season, the New York Times revealed that the Obama administration is considering a Pentagon proposal to create a “new” and “enduring” system of military bases around the Middle East.  Though this is being presented as a response to the rise of the Islamic State and other militant groups, there’s remarkably little that’s new about the Pentagon plan. For more than 36 years, the U.S. military has been building an unprecedented constellation of bases that stretches from Southern Europe and the Middle East to Africa and Southwest Asia. The record of these bases is disastrous. … Continue reading

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Last week I decided to “binge-watch” the hit Netflix series Making a Murderer. I mean, I needed something to do with my time as I nursed the shattered femur I incurred from jumping off a bridge because everyone else did. Almost immediately upon launching my binge, I found myself fighting a bias I’ve carried around for years—an unfortunately condescending attitude that sometimes rears its ugly head when I read or view the work of female documentarians. I trace the origin of my bias to the first time I read Doris Lessing. Lessing was a celebrated, Nobel Prize-winning British novelist who, … Continue reading

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The treadmill doesn’t help some people – and lifting weights seems to get them nowhere. They desperately want to improve their workouts, but they aren’t sure how to do so. But now, scientists revealed that all they need to do to get the most out of their workouts is to add vibration. Adding a 30 Hertz vibration to an exercise session can boost its impact by up to 100 per cent, according to researchers from Eindhoven University of Technology. They said muscles contract faster in response to the vibration. Researchers Massimo Mischi and Lin Xu tested the effect of vibration … Continue reading

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INTERVIEWING THE MOST WANTED MAN in the hemisphere is not something any sane person undertakes lightly. Aside from weighing the risk to one’s personal safety, a journalist must also protect his or her source by taking careful precautions — some reporters have gone so far as to risk or actually receive jail time rather than break the confidence of their sources. As the Snowden revelations have brought ubiquitous mass surveillance into sharp relief, these considerations have become far more complex and personal fortitude isn’t always enough. On Saturday, Rolling Stone published a major scoop: Actor Sean Penn traveled to northwestern Mexico to … Continue reading

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Is there a secret to genius? Probably not, but there are some common traits you see in smart, creative people who are willing to break boundaries. For our series “The Genius Behind”, we met six people who are helping to transform the world in their own way, including a teenager who built a prosthetic arm that can be controlled with the mind, an astrophysicist hunting for a “second Earth” and a scientist looking to preserve civilisation forever using DNA. In the videos below, discover their stories – and the mode of thinking that makes them stand out from their peers: … Continue reading

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Coretta Scott King: “We have done what we can to reveal the truth, and we now urge you as members of the media, and we call upon elected officials, and other persons of influence to do what they can to share the revelation of this case to the widest possible audience.” – King Family Press Conference, Dec. 9, 1999. Dr. King’s 2-minute message to you: Dr. Martin Luther King’s family and personal friend/attorney, William F. Pepper, won a civil trial that found US government agencies guilty of assassination/wrongful death. The 1999 trial, King Family versus Jowers and Other Unknown Co-Conspirators, is the only trial ever conducted … Continue reading

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The 20th-century Turkish concept of a “deep state” first spread to other Mediterranean countries such as Italy, and is now slowly being picked up by American pundits. Ex–Republican congressional staffer Mike Lofgren’s 2016 book The Deep State: The Fall of the Constitution and the Rise of the Shadow Government offers a snarky and intelligent tour d’horizon of some of America’s more or less perpetual ruling organs. The original Turkish version of the term is, of course, conspiratorial-minded: No matter who won the elections, the Kemalist military-intelligence complex would hold the ultimate veto. (To finally overcome the secularist deep state, Turkish … Continue reading

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