Being a sovereign man is not just about diversifying and internationalizing your assets across national borders. It’s as much about your mindset and the way you view the world and the events that are happening around you. Your worldview is heavily dependent on the knowledge and ideas that you are exposed to, but as demonstrated some people don’t want to learn, neither from books nor from history. Take Ben Bernanke for example. Is it surprising that the economy is on the brink of collapse when he and so called leading economists have based their whole worldview on faulty Keynesian economic … Continue reading

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Humans have ever styled their hair in a multitude of creative and symbolic ways, and the various cuts, colors and presentations reflected across the ages are nearly unlimited. But does hair serve us in more ways than providing simple warmth and good looks? There are some who believe that hair is directly associated with sensory power and it serves as an extension of our nervous system. Depending upon the time and place on earth in which one lives, the hair on one’s head (or the lack thereof) has had intense significance. Belief systems and folklore have long dictated how hair … Continue reading

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As many of us are quite aware, with the winter comes an increased risk of illness. And yet, even though we know that the odds of catching a cold or flu during the winter are at their highest, it still doesn’t stop us from partaking in habits that can increase these odds even more. You can catch a cold or a virus through the spread of germs or by catching the influenza virus. Unfortunately, despite the fact that these illnesses are very much preventable, we still carry on with the unhealthy habits that land us in bed for days, stuffed … Continue reading

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Marc Faber, the editor of the Gloom, Boom & Doom Report, warned yesterday that the Federal Reserve has raised rates at “precisely the wrong time.” Speaking to CNBC just before the interest rate decision, Faber warned that it’s the wrong time because “the global economy has decelerated very badly, and many countries are already in recession, or going into recession.” The rate hike separated the Fed from other major central banks – The ECB, Bank of England, PBOC, the Bank of Tokyo and elsewhere that are all battling deflation and desperately trying to stimulate some form of sustainable economic growth. … Continue reading

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The reduced arm swing in Russian President Vladmir Putin’s right arm may be from over a decade of carrying a handgun as a KGB agent. Before rising to power in St.Petersburg city government and later President then Prime Minister and now President once more, Putin spent 17 years as an officer in the KGB, only resigning after the end of the Cold War while at the rank of Lt.Colonel. Among his time in the Soviet spy machine, he worked both espionage and counter-intelligence in the Eastern Europe after receiving extensive training with the 401st KGB school in Okhta, to include … Continue reading

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The “bloodcurdling” horror film has long been an advertising staple in the movie industry, alerting fans to the most gruesome Hollywood releases. And now, thanks to a group of enterprising if tongue-in-cheek researchers, the effect has been proven as a medical reality. A study by doctors and academics at Leiden University in the Netherlands analysed blood samples from volunteers who had just watched either a horror film or a distinctly non-frightening documentary about the French wine industry. It found that those who sat through the horror title had higher levels of the blood-clotting protein factor VIII. The research was published … Continue reading

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History must always be remembered, except when it shouldn’t. No one will ever claim that adage, but many people adhere to it, one way or another. Pity the person with a history that disturbs a popular narrative. In the blink of an eye, “never forget” can become “never remind.” Last week, the media went into full-on “never forget” mode after Donald Trump’s “total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States” proposal. Damn near every mainstream media outlet immediately invoked World War II Japanese-American internment as an example of how U.S. war hysteria inevitably leads to racism. The fuss … Continue reading

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Few places in the world have as ghostly a reputation as New England. It’s the region that gave us Stephen King and the Cthulhu Mythos. It also has some of the oldest post-colonial settlements in the US, and along with them some of the oldest graveyards. Half a millennium has been plenty of time for those cemeteries to gather creepy reputations. These weird stories of haunting in New England’s burial grounds could provide plenty of inspiration for any aspiring horror writer. 10 South Street Cemetery If you’re making an extra special effort to ensure your cemetery ends up haunted, then … Continue reading

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From ‘Empire Files‘: “Abby Martin interviews retired U.S. Army Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson, former national security adviser to the Reagan administration, who spent years as an assistant to Secretary of State Colin Powell during both Bush administrations.” A few of the points made by Wilkerson: US’s foreign bases are “colonial, imperial” stations over the globe. ‘The empire… is run by about one percent of the people, if not fewer, in this country, constituting essentially a plutocracy.’ Military officers retire from the military, go to arms manufacturers and media jobs to make the media ‘want war’. US is ‘oriented towards first what … Continue reading

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KINGSTON, NY, 16 December 2015—During this historic period of escalating global socioeconomic strife and heightened geopolitical turmoil, the Trends Research Institute is disappointed and dumbfounded by The New York Times’ massive transgender coverage in last Sunday’s edition The world’s on edge: Terror attacks in Paris. Slaughter in San Bernardino. Equity markets in turmoil. Commodity prices at 16-year lows. Currencies crashing. China’s economy slowing. Venezuela’s inflation at 200 percent. Brazil in deep recession. Emerging markets in peril. Syria, Yemen, Libya, Iraq, Palestine, Israel, Lebanon… the Middle East is on fire and ready to explode. Following the downing of a Russian bomber by Turkish jet fighters, the … Continue reading

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On December 7, a man and woman pulled their self-defense handguns and stopped an attack in which a knife-welding man had allegedly knocked down a 90-year-old suspect and “was trying to stab” him. The incident occurred in Gwinnett County, Georgia. According to Fox 5, The woman–Karen Duncan–heard the 90-year-old gentleman screaming for help so she grabbed her gun out of her purse and came running. When neighbor Ron Childress saw Duncan running “in a panic” he grabbed his gun and ran to the house too. Duncan was already inside, where she allegedly saw “blood and a big old knife” in … Continue reading

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We all know the narrative in which we (the West) are seized. It is the narrative of the Cold War: America versus the “Evil Empire.” And, as Professor Ira Chernus has written, since we are “human” and somehow they (the USSR or, now, ISIS) plainly are not, we must be their polar opposite in every way. “If they are absolute evil, we must be the absolute opposite. It’s the old apocalyptic tale: God’s people versus Satan’s. It ensures that we never have to admit to any meaningful connection with the enemy.” It is the basis to America’s and Europe’s claim to exceptionalism and leadership. … Continue reading

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The definition of being a man has changed drastically over the centuries. From he who can kill the buffalo, to he who can afford the most slaves, to he who can afford the tickets on the 50-yard line. The following ten points are the most important skills a man can have to survive in modern society. 10 Score a Baseball Game Attention to detail and knowledge of the game are vital in the ability to properly score a game. Knowing that a runner touching home scores a run is not enough. A man should be able to document in only a … Continue reading

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Originally published by Louisiana – Ireland, and later India, were once under British rule.  At one point in their rebellions, they ignored the outside laws they didn’t like.  We are doing that again in the United States.  It is hard for me to imagine gun owners breaking the law.  Once you’ve been around the gun culture for a while you learn that licensed gun owners are the rule-following type.  Many gun owners would like to follow the law all the time, but they can’t.  Gun owners are not alone.  Neither the lawyers nor the judges who work with firearms law every … Continue reading

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