As Hawaii residents deal with the devastating effects of the eruption of the Kilauea volcano, a US Geological Service map has revealed the other US hotspots where residents are at risk of volcanic activity. The United States Geological Survey counts 169 potentially active volcanoes in the country, with about 50 of them in six states are rated high priority or highest priority for monitoring. Alaska tops the at risk areas, with at least 50 volcanoes that have been active since 1760, attracting substantial attention from volcano watchers and researchers. The at risk Alaskan areas are are concentrated along the arc of … Continue reading

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Ancient history is full of documented oddities, ones that unfortunately we continue to ignore, but we’re getting better and the collective human mind is opening up to new explanations for the nature of reality, and a host of other topics, like human history, for example. A lot of ‘lore’ from our ancient world seems to be in the process of being re-discovered, a great example would be the correlations between ancient eastern spiritual beliefs and quantum physics, with its strong correlation and dependence on consciousness. Another example could be ancient health practices, commonly referred to today as naturopathic medicine. The example in this … Continue reading

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Frequent misconceptions surround the Russian role in the Middle East, and particularly its role in Syria. Many Syrians claim to see Russia attacking Israel or delivering to the Syrian government all its advanced weapons, technology and modern jets so these can be used against Israel’s continuous violation of its air space and invasion of its sovereignty. Actually, Syrians would like to see Russia bombing Israel or taking sides in the Iran (plus allies) – Israel conflict, and delivering the advanced anti-air missiles S-300 or even S-400 to Syria. Until today, all those with anti-Israeli feeling find Russia’s role (in the … Continue reading

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Thugs actually hate classical music. From the L.A. Review of Books: Bach at the Burger King By Theodore Gioia From Theodore Gioia’s website: “Hailing from a line of writers, Theodore has the dubious distinction of being the second best-known writer named Ted Gioia in his family.” The Gioias are like the Therouxs of the 21st Century. MAY 17, 2018 AT THE CORNER of 8th and Market in San Francisco, by a shuttered subway escalator outside a Burger King, an unusual soundtrack plays. A beige speaker, mounted atop a tall window, blasts Baroque harpsichord at deafening volumes. The music never stops. Night … Continue reading

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When President Trump recently referred to MS-13 gang members as “animals,” the mainstream media, left-wing pundits, and Democrats were outraged by the statement. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi slammed Trump’s attack on MS-13 gang members, saying, “Does he not believe in the spark of divinity, the dignity and worth of every person?” Multiple media pundits, including the Washington Post‘s Jennifer Rubin,defended MS-13 gang members against Trump’s “animals” remark, calling the statement “disgusting” and attacking Evangelical Trump supporters. Similarly, the Associated Press was forced to apologize for falsely claiming that Trump was referring to illegal aliens when he made the “animals” remark. Meanwhile, Trump and White House Press Secretary Sarah … Continue reading

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ATLANTA, May 7, 2018 /PRNewswire/ — For the fifth year in a row, the Atlanta area tops pest control leader Orkin’s Top 50 Mosquito Cities list, released today. Atlanta is followed on the list by Dallas, which jumped four spots from last year, New York and Washington, D.C. Texas holds the most spots on this year’s list with seven cities, followed by Florida and Louisiana with four cities each. “Mosquitoes continue to be a major health concern, especially in the summer months,” said Orkin entomologist, Chelle Hartzer. “According to the CDC, vector-borne diseases like Zika virus and West Nile virus have tripled since 2004. These mosquito-borne diseases may have serious side effects.” Mosquito season starts when Spring … Continue reading

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When you think of ancient Vikings, the first thing that pops into your mind is probably not jewelry, right? The picture that forms in the mind of most people is one of savages with long sharp spears, swords, and heavy shields attacking coastal communities. However, you will be pleased to know that Norse people of old also made beautiful and intricate ornaments; bracelets, rings, necklaces, etc., out of a variety of materials including bronze, iron, gold, silver, amber, and resin. Early on in the Viking era, which is about 800 AD, these ornaments were simple, but as time went by, … Continue reading

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There are good reasons for any good progressive to bemoan the presence of the childish, racist, sexist and ecocidal, right-wing plutocrat Donald Trump in the White House. One complaint about Trump that should be held at arm’s-length by anyone on the left, however, is the charge that Trump is contributing to the decline of U.S. global power—to the erosion of the United States’ superpower status and the emergence of a more multipolar world. This criticism of Trump comes from different elite corners. Last October, the leading neoconservative foreign policy intellectual and former George W. Bush administration adviser Eliot Cohen wrote an … Continue reading

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This is one of the best-written books on early space history one can read. The writer uses wit, sarcasm, and the truth to present a pretty factual tale of the people who have “the right stuff”. However, it’s important to read the book with a little Skepticism. Mr. Wolfe was not beyond bending a yawn just a bit for literary purposes. This is easily illustrated by his handling of the Gus Grissom Mercury flight and the exploding door controversy. And, to be fair, I don’t think a strict account was the writer’s purpose. A careful reader should have little trouble … Continue reading

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It is only through ignorance or suppression of the truth that anyone can believe in the leftist worldview, a kind of bad morality play that would be merely amusing were it not so influential. Of this feminism is a representative example. Motivated by status envy, which is a reflection of human nature’s difficult need for esteem, feminists have a perverse conception of history. It never seems to occur to them that men no more chose their greater physical strength and, yes, greater ability to engage in abstract thought at the highest level than women chose to be mothers, with all the grueling … Continue reading

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It is only through ignorance or suppression of the truth that anyone can believe in the leftist worldview, a kind of bad morality play that would be merely amusing were it not so influential. Of this feminism is a representative example. Motivated by status envy, which is a reflection of human nature’s difficult need for esteem, feminists have a perverse conception of history. It never seems to occur to them that men no more chose their greater physical strength and, yes, greater ability to engage in abstract thought at the highest level than women chose to be mothers, with all the grueling … Continue reading

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There is a story from World War 2 that always struck me as the essence of what it meant to have a conscience. A German soldier who was a member of a firing squad told his commanding officer that he could not bring himself to fire upon and kill a lineup of helpless, innocent Jews. The commanding officer told the soldier if he did not follow orders and kill the Jews that he would have to join them. To the officer’s surprise, the soldier laid down his rifle and walked across to stand amongst the Jews. The officer gave the … Continue reading

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Following a creepy break-in that left her unsettled, Tomi Ledford changed her lifestyle, got some training, and got a gun. caught up with Ledford at the 147th National Rifle Association’s Annual Meeting in Dallas earlier this month and she took the time to share her story with us. “I was coming home late with my 2-year-old daughter from visiting my mother’s house and we pulled up to the front of the house with the front door wide open,” said Ledford, whose husband, deployed to Afghanistan, was on the phone with her at the time listening in horror. Her neighbor, … Continue reading

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Google already knows far more about you than you may realise. Now, an internal Google video has leaked that provides an unnerving glimpse into how the firm could use that wealth on information to control your behaviour. The video sets the scene for a Black Mirror-style future in which machines know your needs even before you do, and are able to manipulate you to follow their own agendas. Google admits the video is ‘disturbing’, but stresses that it’s simply a thought experiment. However, with the misuse of private data at the forefront of people’s minds following Facebook’s Cambridge Analytica scandal, the … Continue reading

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