Liam Halligan, writing in the Sunday Telegraph, called for Greece to negotiate an orderly exit from the Euro. Beyond that sensible approach, Halligan went much further, equating the Troika deal with Greece with the 1919 Versailles Treaty, which imposed killer reparations payments on Germany, and led to world war. While Halligan noted that he doubted there would be a war in Europe as the direct result of the Troika looting of Greece, he concluded that the entire Euro system is doomed—and the major European powers are too stubborn and too blind to see the inevitable.

After quoting from John Maynard Keynes’ famous denunciation of Versailles, Halligan reviewed the stand-off at Friday’s meeting of Eurozone finance ministers, which put off a decision on Greece for four months:

“Without it, creditor payments would have seen Greece running out of cash as early as next month. That would have sparked default and bank-run across the systematically important, state-owned Greek banks, with the country crashing out of the eurozone. Contagion would then have spread, upending financial markets worldwide. That is why Mr Varoufakis has been so regularly on the phone to his US counterpart Jack Lew, providing updates.”

Halligan forecasted that ultimately, Germany would have to make concessions to the Greeks, but that this would, itself, trigger political instability throughout Europe, translating into political victories for anti-EMU parties in upcoming elections this year in Italy, Spain, and Portugal, and boost similar parties throughout Europe, including in Germany, creating a Europe-wide “anti-Brussels mandate.”

Halligan concluded:

“The best outcome of these negotiations, long term, would be for the two sides to agree to differ, acknowledging the single currency is a dangerous nonsense and make all efforts to secure for Greece, and whichever other countries want it, the closest we can get to an ‘orderly exit…’ The euro will eventually break up. But, before it does, we’ll see a lot more democratic transgressions as big countries, aided by the Brussels machine, impose their will on smaller neighbours… I’m not predicting war in Western Europe. But I am saying the eurozone will generate ever-rising tensions and spiralling financial instability until it finally implodes or is deliberately dismantled. Some of us predicted that years ago—and now it is coming to pass.”

Liam Halligan, writing in the Sunday Telegraph, called for Greece to negotiate an orderly exit from the Euro. Beyond that sensible approach, Halligan went much further, equating the Troika deal with Greece with the 1919 Versailles Treaty, which imposed killer reparations payments on Germany, and led to world war. While Halligan noted that he doubted there would be a war in Europe as the direct result of the Troika looting of Greece, he concluded that the entire Euro system is doomed—and the major European powers are too stubborn and too blind to see the inevitable.

After quoting from John Maynard Keynes’ famous denunciation of Versailles, Halligan reviewed the stand-off at Friday’s meeting of Eurozone finance ministers, which put off a decision on Greece for four months:

“Without it, creditor payments would have seen Greece running out of cash as early as next month. That would have sparked default and bank-run across the systematically important, state-owned Greek banks, with the country crashing out of the eurozone. Contagion would then have spread, upending financial markets worldwide. That is why Mr Varoufakis has been so regularly on the phone to his US counterpart Jack Lew, providing updates.”

Halligan forecasted that ultimately, Germany would have to make concessions to the Greeks, but that this would, itself, trigger political instability throughout Europe, translating into political victories for anti-EMU parties in upcoming elections this year in Italy, Spain, and Portugal, and boost similar parties throughout Europe, including in Germany, creating a Europe-wide “anti-Brussels mandate.”

Halligan concluded:

“The best outcome of these negotiations, long term, would be for the two sides to agree to differ, acknowledging the single currency is a dangerous nonsense and make all efforts to secure for Greece, and whichever other countries want it, the closest we can get to an ‘orderly exit…’ The euro will eventually break up. But, before it does, we’ll see a lot more democratic transgressions as big countries, aided by the Brussels machine, impose their will on smaller neighbours… I’m not predicting war in Western Europe. But I am saying the eurozone will generate ever-rising tensions and spiralling financial instability until it finally implodes or is deliberately dismantled. Some of us predicted that years ago—and now it is coming to pass.”

Despite the fact that the ceasefire, negotiated between Putin, Poroshenko, Merkel, and Hollande, is moving forward in eastern Ukraine, there is a concerted drive, spearheaded from London, to provoke a general war with Russia, in the immediate days ahead. Victoria Nuland’s house pet, Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk was on Fox TV on Sunday, peddling the lie that there is no ceasefire and Russia is engaged in a full invasion of eastern Ukraine. These words echoed statements over the weekend by an ever more hysterical British government, claiming that Putin is on the verge of conquering the Baltic states, and that new draconian sanctions must be imposed on Moscow. Obama, while feeling pressure from France and other European allies to withhold arms from the Ukrainian military, is also threatening heavy new sanctions—the economic equivalent of all-out war.

Video of 6d7TRHt_iL8
LaRouchePAC rally in New York City at Columbus Circle on February 21, 2015.
LaRouche: Fire Nazi-Lover Nuland or Face World War

What should be increasingly clear, is that this London-directed war drive is itself driven by the panic in the City and on Wall Street, over the hopeless bankruptcy of the entire trans-Atlantic British empire financial system. Greece is the detonator, and the decision on Friday by Eurozone finance ministers, to extend the current bailout deal, for another four months, is simply based on the fact that no one is prepared to pull the trigger on the entire trans-Atlantic financial system. Liam Halligan, writing in the Sunday Telegraph, warned that the Euro experiment is dead, and the only way out is to organize an orderly Greek exit from the Euro, as the first step in a return to separate and sovereign currencies for all of Europe.

Lyndon LaRouche emphasized on Sunday that such a move must begin with the reinstatement of Glass-Steagall in the United States and throughout Europe. Only a return to a Hamiltonian credit system can avert world war and launch a new Renaissance.

Significant circles in Washington are worried that we are in the kind of period in which the oligarchy, in its desperation to hang on to a dead system, will resort to high-level political assassinations to get their way. The obvious list of BRICS and allied heads of state is of paramount concern. These circles warn that Obama and his CIA Director John Brennan could easily be on the side of the assassins. What is driving London doubly insane, is the rise of the BRICS as the seed of a new, just world financial order—free from the power of oligarchy.

SEE “Why The US Must Join BRICS”

According to news reports, Right Sector killer Andriy Parubiy is heading to Washington this week to make a pitch for lethal aid to Ukraine. Hollande and even Merkel concluded days ago that a U.S. arms shipment to Ukraine can be the trigger for general war, and this informed their concerted efforts, along with Putin, to reach a deal in Minsk on Feb. 12. The now publicly acknowledged neo-Nazis—like Parubiy—are the key tools of London in the current war drive, and they, along with their troop leader Victoria Nuland, need to be bounced from any power if the war is to be prevented. Obama needs to be either removed from office or rendered so powerless that he can no longer carry out London and Wall Street’s orders.

Kiev Ambassador: We Needed the Neo-Nazi Battalions

The Kiev regime’s ambassador to Germany, Andriy Melnyk, made a shocking admission during an appearance on the Günther Jauch interview show on Feb. 18: Not only did he admit the presence of the neo-Nazi battalions in the war in southeast Ukraine, but stated that the regime “needed” them to help defend it against “the Russian army.” The admission came when the interviewer asked Melnyk about the “strange people” wearing Nazi runes and swastikas who were fighting in the war as part of the Ukrainian army.

“Since the last elections there is not a single far-right party in our Parliament,” Melnyk first declared.

Secondly, he continued to state:

“When we were attacked by the Russians last year, we hardly had an army. And that’s why there were a lot of people, volunteers, who were prepared to fight for their country, and they are doing it.”

Thirdly, he went on:

“These units [the ones that the interviewer had identified as Nazis] are fighting together with our army, with the National Guard and other units, and they are coordinated and controlled by Kiev. That’s why there exists no danger that they do something on their own, beyond [what] they have coordinated with the army commanders.”

Finally, Melnyk concluded:

“Without them [these neo-Nazis] the Russian army would have advanced much further. That’s why they are part of this picture. Without these units, it would be much more difficult to defend ourselves.”

Video of QcR9jl4AM3A
Ukrainian Ambassador Andriy Melnyk admits to neo-Nazis fighting alongside Kiev forces in an interview with Günther Jauch.

In an article posted early this morning, Russia Insider’s Damir Marinovich thoroughly destroyed all of Melnyk’s statements, except for one. He names numerous members of parliament who are, indeed, right-wingers; whatever labels they may be wearing right now are irrelevant. Second, there was no Russian invasion of Ukraine. “The bloody civil war started only after the new regime managed to consolidate itself, formed, equipped and trained the National Guard units and volunteer battalions composed of far right/neo-Nazi volunteers,” he writes. Third, Kiev does not have full control over the nazi battalions. This is shown by Donbass battalion commander Semen Semenchenko’s announcement of yesterday that eleven of these formations have formed their own headquarters, separate from the regular military chain of command. Furthermore, the Right Sector and the Azov battalion had already stated last week that they would not recognize the Feb. 12 Minsk ceasefire agreement. That leaves only Melnyk’s final statement to consider, that the regime could not have survived without the neo-Nazi volunteers. “This regime can survive and defend itself only with the help of neo-Nazis militants and radicals,” writes Marinovich. “This is of course excluding their Western sponsors. If there was no ‘helping hand’ from neo-Nazis and the West this war would be long time over.”

We have some important flanks in this fight. HSBC, the Crown Jewel of the British Dope, Inc. apparatus, is going down, and this is the fruit of a long-running effort, dating back to the original, late 1978 publication of the book Dope, Inc., that exposed the role of HSBC—then the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Company—as the central clearinghouse bank for the world’s opium trade. Since 1865, Hong Shang has been in the dope business—as the exclusive agents of the British Crown—and nothing has changed in that arrangement right up to the present moment. It is that Dope, Inc. apparatus that Obama, Holder, and Attorney General nominee Loretta Lynch are adamantly protecting. That, alone, represents sufficient cause to remove Obama from office—this week.



Despite the fact that the ceasefire, negotiated between Putin, Poroshenko, Merkel, and Hollande, is moving forward in eastern Ukraine, there is a concerted drive, spearheaded from London, to provoke a general war with Russia, in the immediate days ahead. Victoria Nuland’s house pet, Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk was on Fox TV on Sunday, peddling the lie that there is no ceasefire and Russia is engaged in a full invasion of eastern Ukraine. These words echoed statements over the weekend by an ever more hysterical British government, claiming that Putin is on the verge of conquering the Baltic states, and that new draconian sanctions must be imposed on Moscow. Obama, while feeling pressure from France and other European allies to withhold arms from the Ukrainian military, is also threatening heavy new sanctions—the economic equivalent of all-out war.

Video of 6d7TRHt_iL8
LaRouchePAC rally in New York City at Columbus Circle on February 21, 2015.
LaRouche: Fire Nazi-Lover Nuland or Face World War

What should be increasingly clear, is that this London-directed war drive is itself driven by the panic in the City and on Wall Street, over the hopeless bankruptcy of the entire trans-Atlantic British empire financial system. Greece is the detonator, and the decision on Friday by Eurozone finance ministers, to extend the current bailout deal, for another four months, is simply based on the fact that no one is prepared to pull the trigger on the entire trans-Atlantic financial system. Liam Halligan, writing in the Sunday Telegraph, warned that the Euro experiment is dead, and the only way out is to organize an orderly Greek exit from the Euro, as the first step in a return to separate and sovereign currencies for all of Europe.

Lyndon LaRouche emphasized on Sunday that such a move must begin with the reinstatement of Glass-Steagall in the United States and throughout Europe. Only a return to a Hamiltonian credit system can avert world war and launch a new Renaissance.

Significant circles in Washington are worried that we are in the kind of period in which the oligarchy, in its desperation to hang on to a dead system, will resort to high-level political assassinations to get their way. The obvious list of BRICS and allied heads of state is of paramount concern. These circles warn that Obama and his CIA Director John Brennan could easily be on the side of the assassins. What is driving London doubly insane, is the rise of the BRICS as the seed of a new, just world financial order—free from the power of oligarchy.

SEE “Why The US Must Join BRICS”

According to news reports, Right Sector killer Andriy Parubiy is heading to Washington this week to make a pitch for lethal aid to Ukraine. Hollande and even Merkel concluded days ago that a U.S. arms shipment to Ukraine can be the trigger for general war, and this informed their concerted efforts, along with Putin, to reach a deal in Minsk on Feb. 12. The now publicly acknowledged neo-Nazis—like Parubiy—are the key tools of London in the current war drive, and they, along with their troop leader Victoria Nuland, need to be bounced from any power if the war is to be prevented. Obama needs to be either removed from office or rendered so powerless that he can no longer carry out London and Wall Street’s orders.

Kiev Ambassador: We Needed the Neo-Nazi Battalions

The Kiev regime’s ambassador to Germany, Andriy Melnyk, made a shocking admission during an appearance on the Günther Jauch interview show on Feb. 18: Not only did he admit the presence of the neo-Nazi battalions in the war in southeast Ukraine, but stated that the regime “needed” them to help defend it against “the Russian army.” The admission came when the interviewer asked Melnyk about the “strange people” wearing Nazi runes and swastikas who were fighting in the war as part of the Ukrainian army.

“Since the last elections there is not a single far-right party in our Parliament,” Melnyk first declared.

Secondly, he continued to state:

“When we were attacked by the Russians last year, we hardly had an army. And that’s why there were a lot of people, volunteers, who were prepared to fight for their country, and they are doing it.”

Thirdly, he went on:

“These units [the ones that the interviewer had identified as Nazis] are fighting together with our army, with the National Guard and other units, and they are coordinated and controlled by Kiev. That’s why there exists no danger that they do something on their own, beyond [what] they have coordinated with the army commanders.”

Finally, Melnyk concluded:

“Without them [these neo-Nazis] the Russian army would have advanced much further. That’s why they are part of this picture. Without these units, it would be much more difficult to defend ourselves.”

Video of QcR9jl4AM3A
Ukrainian Ambassador Andriy Melnyk admits to neo-Nazis fighting alongside Kiev forces in an interview with Günther Jauch.

In an article posted early this morning, Russia Insider’s Damir Marinovich thoroughly destroyed all of Melnyk’s statements, except for one. He names numerous members of parliament who are, indeed, right-wingers; whatever labels they may be wearing right now are irrelevant. Second, there was no Russian invasion of Ukraine. “The bloody civil war started only after the new regime managed to consolidate itself, formed, equipped and trained the National Guard units and volunteer battalions composed of far right/neo-Nazi volunteers,” he writes. Third, Kiev does not have full control over the nazi battalions. This is shown by Donbass battalion commander Semen Semenchenko’s announcement of yesterday that eleven of these formations have formed their own headquarters, separate from the regular military chain of command. Furthermore, the Right Sector and the Azov battalion had already stated last week that they would not recognize the Feb. 12 Minsk ceasefire agreement. That leaves only Melnyk’s final statement to consider, that the regime could not have survived without the neo-Nazi volunteers. “This regime can survive and defend itself only with the help of neo-Nazis militants and radicals,” writes Marinovich. “This is of course excluding their Western sponsors. If there was no ‘helping hand’ from neo-Nazis and the West this war would be long time over.”

We have some important flanks in this fight. HSBC, the Crown Jewel of the British Dope, Inc. apparatus, is going down, and this is the fruit of a long-running effort, dating back to the original, late 1978 publication of the book Dope, Inc., that exposed the role of HSBC—then the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Company—as the central clearinghouse bank for the world’s opium trade. Since 1865, Hong Shang has been in the dope business—as the exclusive agents of the British Crown—and nothing has changed in that arrangement right up to the present moment. It is that Dope, Inc. apparatus that Obama, Holder, and Attorney General nominee Loretta Lynch are adamantly protecting. That, alone, represents sufficient cause to remove Obama from office—this week.



The apathy of the rulers of the civilised world to the astonishing circumstance of the descendants of that Greek nation to which they owe their civilisation, rising as it were from the ashes of their ruin, is something perfectly inexplicable to a mere spectator of the shows of this mortal scene. We are all Greeks. Our laws, our literature, our religion, our arts have their root in Greece . . . Percy Bysshe ShelleyIntroduction, Hellas, A Lyrical Drama

Lyndon LaRouche reiterated on Thursday that the entirety of the so-called Greek debt to the Troika, is fraudulent and must not be paid.  “Looting does not constitute legitimate debt,” LaRouche warned, and the British-run European and Wall Street banks ran a non-stop looting of the Greek people, the Greek economy, and the Greek banks.  Just because, on some occasions, corrupt Greek officials were in on the swindle with partners like Goldman Sachs does not make the debt any less criminal.

The Greek government must be given full international backing for its stand, that the debt is unpayable and must be slashed.  LaRouche said it even more bluntly:  The debt is illegal, it is unpayable, and it is the fruit of a London-led criminal enterprise that must be shut down altogether, if the world is to survive the coming months without an eruption of general war in the center of Europe.

Members of LaRouchePAC participate in a Greek solidarity rally in New York City on Feb. 11, 2015 with a sign reading “Wall Street and Troika are Bankrupt, Not Greece!”

On Thursday, Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis wrote to the Eurozone Finance Ministers and ECB President Mario Draghi, demanding a six month extension of the current arrangements, to allow time to organize a debt conference, and to develop a plan for a Greek economic recovery—minus the austerity. Germany instantly rejected the proposal, prompting the Greek government to make the letter public, and setting the stage for a showdown on Friday, when the Eurozone finance ministers meet to determine their next move.  Behind the scenes, even inside the ECB, there is widespread recognition that the debt cannot be paid and that a new arrangement is necessary.  Former French President Valery Giscard d’Estaing told the French media that Greece should be given an opportunity to organize a “friendly exit” from the Euro.

The two essential points to bear in mind are the following:

First, it is the entire trans-Atlantic financial system that is bankrupt—not Greece. The “Ponzi Schemes,” and the quantitative easing hyperinflationary swindles have made matters worse.  There is no turning back from an orderly cancellation of the entire gambling debt bubble, starting with the quadrillions of dollars in derivatives, such as the credit default swap contracts that were taken out on the Greek government bonds at the same time that Goldman Sachs and others were shorting the debt

And second, none of the so-called Greek debt to the Troika and the European banks is legitimate.  Not even ten percent of the money went to anything resembling productive investment in the real Greek economy.  The Greek people have been decimated by the British-led looting.  They owe nothing!

Nothing highlights the criminal nature of the British financial empire more than the continuing exposes of HSBC, underway around the world.  Don’t forget, that HSBC was once known as “the Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation”—the Crown jewel of Britain’s Opium War policies, and the central bank for the global dope trade.

Now, with the criminal raids in Switzerland, the “deferred prosecution” sweetheart deal from Obama in the United States, the ongoing investigations in India—showing that HSBC, along with the Queen’s own Couts Bank, laundered the money for the Daoud Ibrahim-organized Mumbai terrorist attack of late 2008, and the criminal actions against the bank in Argentina, it should be a clear reminder, that the entire London/Wall Street-run trans-Atlantic financial system of too-big-to-fail banks, is one gigantic criminal enterprise.  It is Dope, Inc., and the only appropriate action is a massive global Pecora Commission prosecution and shutdown of these banks.

When you look back at the LIBOR swindle, the revelations of HSBC being the number one drug-money-laundering bank for the Mexican and Colombian drug cartels, the Swiss-based HSBC global tax-evasion scheme, and to the links of HSBC to the Golden Chain of Saudi banks behind the financing of Al Qaeda and ISIS, the point should be clear:  This is global organized crime, at the top.  And they expect to be paid back for the blood they extracted from the Greek people?

A full investigation of HSBC’s criminality on behalf of the Crown, would also reveal the intimate relations with Prince Bandar bin-Sultan (or, perhaps, bin-Satan), particularly in the immediate aftermath of 9/11. While the Swiss HSBC private bank documents confirmed that Bandar was a tax-evasion customer, the real story is much bigger. For a period of years, HSBC was the only bank in the United States that would manage Bandar and the Saudi embassy’s money.  Before and after 9/11, according to qualified Washington sources, Bandar was receiving $30 million a month in transfers from the Bank of England to his personal account at HSBC New York (and later, HSBC Washington, DC) as his cut in the Al Yamamah arms-for-oil deal that created the biggest terrorist slush fund in history.

SEE “The Anglo-Saudi Terror Network”

The blowing of the lid off the London/Wall Street banking swindle is key to preventing the war from erupting in the heart of Europe.  So far, Putin, Hollande, Merkel, and Poroshenko are sticking to their commitments to a cease-fire in Ukraine, as the first step to a genuine resolution of the crisis, which began with Victoria Nuland’s Nazi regime-change operation in 2013-2014. All four leaders know that Obama, on behalf of the British, is pushing to arm the Ukrainians as a trigger for war with Russia. Victoria Nuland, Obama’s neo-con Nazi-lover, is running around Georgia and other points east pushing the provocations.

Nuland must be dumped now, as another precondition for war prevention.  As long as she is running around on behalf of Obama, the danger of war is too grave to tolerate.  With her ouster, Obama becomes vulnerable. Either he is removed from office himself, or, as LaRouche put it, “he is considerably constrained,” or, the war cannot be stopped.

LaRouche: Fire Nazi-Lover Nuland or Face World War

These are critical days, in which the very future of mankind hangs in the balance.  The Greeks must be given full international support to stand up to the fraudsters and murderers in London.  Nuland must be fired and Obama put in a box or dumped, himself.  That combination of actions is sufficient to push back the war danger.  Then, the orderly wiping out of London and Wall Street’s imperial debt bubble, can set the stage for a genuine economic revolution, of the sort launched by Alexander Hamilton at the close of the American Revolution, and mirrored today in the actions of the BRICS.


The LaRouche Political Action Committee, led by American statesman Lyndon LaRouche, the world’s leading economist in the tradition of the great founder of the American System of Physical Economy, Alexander Hamilton, says that Greece is right, and that Wall Street is wrong. Wall Street, not Greece, is bankrupt; Wall Street, not Greece, is criminally liable; Wall Street, not the Greek people, must suffer the consequences.

An immediate return to Glass-Steagall in the United States, and an “international Glass Steagall” measure now being advocated by patriots in many nations for themselves, may be the only way to prevent the criminals of Wall Street and the City of London from plunging the world into war, including thermonuclear war.

After all, it was the German banker, Hjalmar Schacht, working with Montague Norman of the Bank of England, and Prescott Bush of Wall Street, that put Adolf Hitler into power. World War II was the result. The United States’ mad support of the Nazi regime in Ukraine today, led by Dick Cheney and Barack Obama’s “Cookie Monster,” the State Department’s Victoria Nuland, is itself enough to trigger World War III.

Nearly two quadrillion dollars—that’s two thousand trillion—is “owed” according to Wall Street accounting methods. That debt is physically unpayable. Did the United States population run up that debt? Did Greece? Did Argentina? No! The people of these countries had almost nothing to do with that debt.

New Yorkers always know a hustle when they see one. So, how did this hustle work? As with Greece, the people of the United States have been placed on the hook for the fraudulent increase in national debt, undertaken in such policies as quantitative easing (QE), to bail out gambling bankers, including European bankers.

The September 2008 “bail out” that was railroaded through Congress, including by then-Senator Barack Obama, largely went to European banks, not to “save grandma’s house!”

You were hustled, swindled, bamboozled; even today many Americans say, “Wall Street is my friend.” But Greece knows better, and so should you. The criminal “off-shore” and “derivatives” gambling done by the banks has now been placed on the back of you and people like you all over the world. Don’t pay it, because you don’t owe it!!

That’s only the first step.

Next, we return to the United States Constitution—Alexander Hamilton’s Constitution—and, using the sovereign powers of the United States, issue credit for real physical production and internal improvements in the real economy. The gambling debt, and the bankers that issued it, are trash. This step will be welcomed by Russia, China, and all that want to see the United States return to what it used to do best—produce real manufactures, real food, and real wealth.

Simultaneously, we must join the new alliance, called the BRICS nations, consisting of Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa and others.

Joint projects with these nations, starting with the most advanced space technologies of the United States, Russia, China and India, define a “platform for peace.” Why?

As President John F. Kennedy demonstrated, space programs provide the most efficient peace-time crash program context for rapid breakthroughs in many fields, such as applied engineering technology. A “World Land-Bridge” consisting of development corridors defined by rail, water, and power projects world-wide has been developed by Lyndon LaRouche over twenty-five years. This perspective has largely been adopted by the BRICS nations, and this American-born Hamiltonian policy should now be adopted in the United States as well.

Finally, we must reassert the difference between human beings, and animals—the capacity to willfully shape the future by changing our doomed behavior. Predatory banking practices are not human. Jailing predatory bankers is the fastest way to jolt the realization of the distinction between people and animals clearly back into the American conscience.

President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s 1933 Glass-Steagall separation of criminal speculators from the savings and legitimate economic activity of honest Americans, which was law in the United States until 1999, would have jailed nearly everyone working today at high levels on Wall Street. That’s why it got repealed!

In his Inaugural Address of March 4, 1933, President Roosevelt said:

“Practices of the unscrupulous money changers stand indicted in the court of public opinion, rejected by the hearts and minds of men . . . The money changers have fled from their high seats in the temple of our civilization. We may now restore that temple to the ancient truths. The measure of the restoration lies in the extent to which we apply social values more noble than mere monetary profit.”

That’s the way that Alexander Hamilton thought. That’s the way free men and women think. That’s the way Greeks are thinking. Is that the way you think, or do you believe you are just a beast of debt-burden? Are you an American citizen, or a City of London/Wall Street subject?

“Once to every man and nation, comes a moment to decide . . .”

Whether the human race survives, now, or is plunged into a thermonuclear war by criminally insane bankers, could be determined by whether you choose to be a citizen, or a debt-slave.

Invoke the RICO Act (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act) statutes against Wall Street criminals! Re-instate Glass-Steagall! Crush Wall Street, not Greece!

The LaRouche Political Action Committee, led by American statesman Lyndon LaRouche, the world’s leading economist in the tradition of the great founder of the American System of Physical Economy, Alexander Hamilton, says that Greece is right, and that Wall Street is wrong. Wall Street, not Greece, is bankrupt; Wall Street, not Greece, is criminally liable; Wall Street, not the Greek people, must suffer the consequences.

An immediate return to Glass-Steagall in the United States, and an “international Glass Steagall” measure now being advocated by patriots in many nations for themselves, may be the only way to prevent the criminals of Wall Street and the City of London from plunging the world into war, including thermonuclear war.

After all, it was the German banker, Hjalmar Schacht, working with Montague Norman of the Bank of England, and Prescott Bush of Wall Street, that put Adolf Hitler into power. World War II was the result. The United States’ mad support of the Nazi regime in Ukraine today, led by Dick Cheney and Barack Obama’s “Cookie Monster,” the State Department’s Victoria Nuland, is itself enough to trigger World War III.

Nearly two quadrillion dollars—that’s two thousand trillion—is “owed” according to Wall Street accounting methods. That debt is physically unpayable. Did the United States population run up that debt? Did Greece? Did Argentina? No! The people of these countries had almost nothing to do with that debt.

New Yorkers always know a hustle when they see one. So, how did this hustle work? As with Greece, the people of the United States have been placed on the hook for the fraudulent increase in national debt, undertaken in such policies as quantitative easing (QE), to bail out gambling bankers, including European bankers.

The September 2008 “bail out” that was railroaded through Congress, including by then-Senator Barack Obama, largely went to European banks, not to “save grandma’s house!”

You were hustled, swindled, bamboozled; even today many Americans say, “Wall Street is my friend.” But Greece knows better, and so should you. The criminal “off-shore” and “derivatives” gambling done by the banks has now been placed on the back of you and people like you all over the world. Don’t pay it, because you don’t owe it!!

That’s only the first step.

Next, we return to the United States Constitution—Alexander Hamilton’s Constitution—and, using the sovereign powers of the United States, issue credit for real physical production and internal improvements in the real economy. The gambling debt, and the bankers that issued it, are trash. This step will be welcomed by Russia, China, and all that want to see the United States return to what it used to do best—produce real manufactures, real food, and real wealth.

Simultaneously, we must join the new alliance, called the BRICS nations, consisting of Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa and others.

Joint projects with these nations, starting with the most advanced space technologies of the United States, Russia, China and India, define a “platform for peace.” Why?

As President John F. Kennedy demonstrated, space programs provide the most efficient peace-time crash program context for rapid breakthroughs in many fields, such as applied engineering technology. A “World Land-Bridge” consisting of development corridors defined by rail, water, and power projects world-wide has been developed by Lyndon LaRouche over twenty-five years. This perspective has largely been adopted by the BRICS nations, and this American-born Hamiltonian policy should now be adopted in the United States as well.

Finally, we must reassert the difference between human beings, and animals—the capacity to willfully shape the future by changing our doomed behavior. Predatory banking practices are not human. Jailing predatory bankers is the fastest way to jolt the realization of the distinction between people and animals clearly back into the American conscience.

President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s 1933 Glass-Steagall separation of criminal speculators from the savings and legitimate economic activity of honest Americans, which was law in the United States until 1999, would have jailed nearly everyone working today at high levels on Wall Street. That’s why it got repealed!

In his Inaugural Address of March 4, 1933, President Roosevelt said:

“Practices of the unscrupulous money changers stand indicted in the court of public opinion, rejected by the hearts and minds of men . . . The money changers have fled from their high seats in the temple of our civilization. We may now restore that temple to the ancient truths. The measure of the restoration lies in the extent to which we apply social values more noble than mere monetary profit.”

That’s the way that Alexander Hamilton thought. That’s the way free men and women think. That’s the way Greeks are thinking. Is that the way you think, or do you believe you are just a beast of debt-burden? Are you an American citizen, or a City of London/Wall Street subject?

“Once to every man and nation, comes a moment to decide . . .”

Whether the human race survives, now, or is plunged into a thermonuclear war by criminally insane bankers, could be determined by whether you choose to be a citizen, or a debt-slave.

Invoke the RICO Act (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act) statutes against Wall Street criminals! Re-instate Glass-Steagall! Crush Wall Street, not Greece!

In a display of thuggery, U.S. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew called Greek Finance Minister Janis Varoufakis today to demand that the Greek government capitulate to the Eurozone’s demands, or suffer “immediate hardship.”

In barely-disguised diplomatic language, Lew told Varoufakis to find a “constructive path forward in partnership with Europe and the International Monetary Fund, to build on the foundation that exists to advance growth and reform,” a Treasury spokesman reported today. Act now, he said: “time is of the essence,” as a “deadlock” is not good for Europe.

Greece was to have submitted its proposal requesting an extension of its loan agreement—not bailout program—to the Eurozone ministers today, but this has been postponed until tomorrow, Feb. 19. The Guardian quoted government spokesman Gabriel Sakellaridis warning that Athens will not cave in to demands that it extend the bailout agreement:

“We believe the terms of the bailout cannot continue by any means.”

Germany insists otherwise.

The European Commission’s Vice President, Valdis Dombrovskis, demanded today that Athens stick to the terms of the original bailout agreement, warning Athens not to make “unilateral” moves to reverse its austerity program while negotiations are ongoing.

Meanwhile, in remarks to the Parapolitica radio program, Greek Minister of State Alekos Flamborasis reported that Greece may ask for an emergency EU summit, adding that if this didn’t occur by the end of the week, Greece would request it, “as the issue is political.” He underscored:

“Athens is not requesting an extension of the Memorandum as the vote of the Greek people has abolished the Memorandum. Our country is calling for an extension of the loan agreement… so that we can resolve a few things that are outstanding.”

In a display of thuggery, U.S. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew called Greek Finance Minister Janis Varoufakis today to demand that the Greek government capitulate to the Eurozone’s demands, or suffer “immediate hardship.”

In barely-disguised diplomatic language, Lew told Varoufakis to find a “constructive path forward in partnership with Europe and the International Monetary Fund, to build on the foundation that exists to advance growth and reform,” a Treasury spokesman reported today. Act now, he said: “time is of the essence,” as a “deadlock” is not good for Europe.

Greece was to have submitted its proposal requesting an extension of its loan agreement—not bailout program—to the Eurozone ministers today, but this has been postponed until tomorrow, Feb. 19. The Guardian quoted government spokesman Gabriel Sakellaridis warning that Athens will not cave in to demands that it extend the bailout agreement:

“We believe the terms of the bailout cannot continue by any means.”

Germany insists otherwise.

The European Commission’s Vice President, Valdis Dombrovskis, demanded today that Athens stick to the terms of the original bailout agreement, warning Athens not to make “unilateral” moves to reverse its austerity program while negotiations are ongoing.

Meanwhile, in remarks to the Parapolitica radio program, Greek Minister of State Alekos Flamborasis reported that Greece may ask for an emergency EU summit, adding that if this didn’t occur by the end of the week, Greece would request it, “as the issue is political.” He underscored:

“Athens is not requesting an extension of the Memorandum as the vote of the Greek people has abolished the Memorandum. Our country is calling for an extension of the loan agreement… so that we can resolve a few things that are outstanding.”

The Greek debt, as such, is mostly not Greek debt. The debt which Germany and other nations are demanding that they pay for, is money that the Greeks never got! So the Greeks don’t owe that money. This was a swindle, because the Greeks didn’t incur that debt.Lyndon LaRouche, Feb. 17, 2015

What Americans need to know about Greece and “its debt,” is that the new Greek government is asking the European Union to shut down a huge Wall Street-London bank swindle and make economic growth possible again in Europe.

If that doesn’t happen, the worsening bankruptcy of the whole trans-Atlantic banking system will continue to generate desperate confrontations with major powers Russia and China, with the threat of world war.

The rest of Europe, so far, is refusing to shut that Wall Street swindle down, and today Obama’s Treasury Secretary Jack Lew backed up that refusal, including by a threatening phone call to the Greek finance minister.

What Obama, Merkel, et al. are demanding Greece do, instead of shutting down this Europe-wide swindle by the banks, is run a budget surplus of 4.5% of its annual economy, exclusively to pay the “Greek debt.” In U.S. terms? That would mean the United States running a government tax surplus of $750 billion a year, in order to pay down debt. You won’t hear Obama or Lew volunteering to try it; it is impossible.

The “Greek debt” swindle is the same one as the TARP bailout here, and the Federal Reserve’s printing of $4 trillion in new money to cover Wall Street’s debts; and its perpetrators are the same huge banks.

In the United States, the big banks took millions of subprime, unrepayable mortgages sold by their captive mortgage companies, and made them into toxic securities which blew up the financial system and the whole economy in 2008; the government bailed them out, while our living standards plunged.

In Europe, the banks bought the mortgage securities from the U.S. banks. At the same time they made millions of unrepayable subprime loans of their own — not only to homeowners, but also to governments without the means to repay them, like those of Greece, Ireland, Portugal, Hungary, and others. Big Wall Street banks were involved, particularly Goldman Sachs, which created “magic” derivatives: Take a bank loan to Greece, make it look like a mere “currency swap” rather than a debt — but turn it into a much bigger debt ten years later.

All this European subprime debt blew up on the big banks in 2009, a year after the U.S. subprime debt blew up on them. Then the European governments all superindebted themselves, to create a $1 trillion “European TARP” called by the initials EFSF. They bailed the megabanks out, with the IMF pitching in, using “only” about $600 billion to pay the unpayable “subprime government debt” part of it. $275 billion paid “Greek debt.”

This immense bank bailout got passed through the Greek, Irish, etc. governments, which passed it immediately on to the banks which had been their “subprime lenders.”

We have to spill this thing as a leading issue in the U.S. You can sink Wall Street on this one. If you sink the Greek swindle, you’re going to start a chain-reaction explosion of the international trans-Atlantic system, like the Wall Street system and similar things, the British andothers. They are the ones who owe the debt, not the Greeks.
— Lyndon LaRouche • Feb. 17, 2015

The Greek debt swindle was classic. In 2009 Greece’s debt was $300 billion. It then “got” two huge bailouts in 2010 and 2012, of about $140 billion each. Less than 10% of that $275 billion stayed in Greece and was spent by the Greek government; more than 90% went directly and immediately to Deutsche Bank, HSBC, JPMorgan Chase, and their fellow sharks, with small amounts crumbling to the hedge funds swimming alongside. Former Greek Labor and Social Security Minister Louka Katseli has given documentation that the Greek government actually got to spend or invest just 3% of that $275 billion. The only banks which had to write off their “Greek debt” were Greek banks; all of Wall Street and the London-centered banks got their toxic debt “assets” guaranteed 100% by this European bailout swindle. This made the Greek banks so bankrupt that the Greek government then had to borrow more to bail them out with $50 billion — so Greece’s debt was increased when supposedly being reduced! A total swindle!

Then, between 2010 and today, Greece, Ireland, Portugal, etc. were ordered to pay the bill for this huge new Europe-wide bank bailout debt. They imposed a slashing domestic austerity until their people emigrated, death rates rose and birth rates fell, and clouds of wood smoke rose over modern cities whose inhabitants could no longer afford modern heat. After five years of this punishment, Greece’s $300 billion debt has become $350 billion or so — after $250 billion passed through to the banks!

And the other European countries are also on the hook for this phony debt, all of it. They guaranteed it; Greece and Ireland and the other austerity-crushed countries can’t pay it, so the rest of Europe must either agree to reorganize that debt and write it down, or their taxpayers will pay for the swindle.

This is why the new Greek government now demands that Europe shut down this global bank swindle: Write off the unpayable debt; invest in reviving economic productivity by building new economic infrastructure.

EIR SPECIAL REPORT: There Is Life After the Euro! Program for an Economic Miracle In Southern Europe, The Mediterranean Region, And Africa

In addition, the megabanks have to be put through a Glass-Steagall reorganization and broken up.

To which Lyndon LaRouche has added:

“This thing has to be put loud and clear on every doorstep in the United States. If you want to avoid World War III, that’s what you’ll do.”

Meanwhile, in Ukraine, after the forces of the fascist Kiev regime fled under fire today from encircled Debaltsevo, an actual ceasefire is now in effect, however fragile, and heavy weapons are being withdrawn from the front lines by both sides, as agreed by the leaders of the French, German, Ukrainian, and Russian governments at Minsk last week. To make it an enduring ceasefire, all we need do now, is immediately remove Nazi Victoria Nuland from the State Department.

SEE “Glass Steagall”

The Greek debt, as such, is mostly not Greek debt. The debt which Germany and other nations are demanding that they pay for, is money that the Greeks never got! So the Greeks don’t owe that money. This was a swindle, because the Greeks didn’t incur that debt.Lyndon LaRouche, Feb. 17, 2015

What Americans need to know about Greece and “its debt,” is that the new Greek government is asking the European Union to shut down a huge Wall Street-London bank swindle and make economic growth possible again in Europe.

If that doesn’t happen, the worsening bankruptcy of the whole trans-Atlantic banking system will continue to generate desperate confrontations with major powers Russia and China, with the threat of world war.

The rest of Europe, so far, is refusing to shut that Wall Street swindle down, and today Obama’s Treasury Secretary Jack Lew backed up that refusal, including by a threatening phone call to the Greek finance minister.

What Obama, Merkel, et al. are demanding Greece do, instead of shutting down this Europe-wide swindle by the banks, is run a budget surplus of 4.5% of its annual economy, exclusively to pay the “Greek debt.” In U.S. terms? That would mean the United States running a government tax surplus of $750 billion a year, in order to pay down debt. You won’t hear Obama or Lew volunteering to try it; it is impossible.

The “Greek debt” swindle is the same one as the TARP bailout here, and the Federal Reserve’s printing of $4 trillion in new money to cover Wall Street’s debts; and its perpetrators are the same huge banks.

In the United States, the big banks took millions of subprime, unrepayable mortgages sold by their captive mortgage companies, and made them into toxic securities which blew up the financial system and the whole economy in 2008; the government bailed them out, while our living standards plunged.

In Europe, the banks bought the mortgage securities from the U.S. banks. At the same time they made millions of unrepayable subprime loans of their own — not only to homeowners, but also to governments without the means to repay them, like those of Greece, Ireland, Portugal, Hungary, and others. Big Wall Street banks were involved, particularly Goldman Sachs, which created “magic” derivatives: Take a bank loan to Greece, make it look like a mere “currency swap” rather than a debt — but turn it into a much bigger debt ten years later.

All this European subprime debt blew up on the big banks in 2009, a year after the U.S. subprime debt blew up on them. Then the European governments all superindebted themselves, to create a $1 trillion “European TARP” called by the initials EFSF. They bailed the megabanks out, with the IMF pitching in, using “only” about $600 billion to pay the unpayable “subprime government debt” part of it. $275 billion paid “Greek debt.”

This immense bank bailout got passed through the Greek, Irish, etc. governments, which passed it immediately on to the banks which had been their “subprime lenders.”

We have to spill this thing as a leading issue in the U.S. You can sink Wall Street on this one. If you sink the Greek swindle, you’re going to start a chain-reaction explosion of the international trans-Atlantic system, like the Wall Street system and similar things, the British andothers. They are the ones who owe the debt, not the Greeks.
— Lyndon LaRouche • Feb. 17, 2015

The Greek debt swindle was classic. In 2009 Greece’s debt was $300 billion. It then “got” two huge bailouts in 2010 and 2012, of about $140 billion each. Less than 10% of that $275 billion stayed in Greece and was spent by the Greek government; more than 90% went directly and immediately to Deutschebank, HSBC, JPMorgan Chase, and their fellow sharks, with small amounts crumbling to the hedge funds swimming alongside. Former Greek Economics Minister Louka Katseli has given documentation that the Greek government actually got to spend or invest just 3% of that $275 billion. The only banks which had to write off their “Greek debt” were Greek banks; all of Wall Street and the London-centered banks got their toxic debt “assets” guaranteed 100% by this European bailout swindle. This made the Greek banks so bankrupt that the Greek government then had to borrow more to bail them out with $50 billion — so Greece’s debt was increased when supposedly being reduced! A total swindle!

Then, between 2010 and today, Greece, Ireland, Portugal, etc. were ordered to pay the bill for this huge new Europe-wide bank bailout debt. They imposed a slashing domestic austerity until their people emigrated, death rates rose and birth rates fell, and clouds of wood smoke rose over modern cities whose inhabitants could no longer afford modern heat. After five years of this punishment, Greece’s $300 billion debt has become $350 billion or so — after $250 billion passed through to the banks!

And the other European countries are also on the hook for this phony debt, all of it. They guaranteed it; Greece and Ireland and the other austerity-crushed countries can’t pay it, so the rest of Europe must either agree to reorganize that debt and write it down, or their taxpayers will pay for the swindle.

This is why the new Greek government now demands that Europe shut down this global bank swindle: Write off the unpayable debt; invest in reviving economic productivity by building new economic infrastructure.

EIR SPECIAL REPORT: There Is Life After the Euro! Program for an Economic Miracle In Southern Europe, The Mediterranean Region, And Africa

In addition, the megabanks have to be put through a Glass-Steagall reorganization and broken up.

To which Lyndon LaRouche has added:

“This thing has to be put loud and clear on every doorstep in the United States. If you want to avoid World War III, that’s what you’ll do.”

Meanwhile, in Ukraine, after the forces of the fascist Kiev regime fled under fire today from encircled Debaltsevo, an actual ceasefire is now in effect, however fragile, and heavy weapons are being withdrawn from the front lines by both sides, as agreed by the leaders of the French, German, Ukrainian, and Russian governments at Minsk last week. To make it an enduring ceasefire, all we need do now, is immediately remove Nazi Victoria Nuland from the State Department.

SEE “Glass Steagall”