Despite whatever US denials there might be, there is a very high expectation in certain circles that the US will soon be supplying weapons to the Kiev regime. US Ambassador to Kiev Geoffrey Pyatt, Victoria Nuland’s partner-in-crime in fomenting the Nazi coup last year, bragged that Congress has already allocated $120 million for building the Ukrainian military. Pyatt said:

“The U.S. Congress has approved the allocation of $120 million this year for training and purchasing equipment. The only question that is still being discussed is whether it should include defensive lethal weapons.”

He also claimed that the United States already has ample evidence of Russia’s participation to the conflict — photos from satellites and other evidence of the presence of Russian troops and military equipment in Donbas, as well as weapons supplies.

An obvious lie: if it were true, they would be broadcasting this evidence to the world.

For former Georgian president Mikhail Saakashvili, acting as an advisor to Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko, the matter is already “99 percent settled.” He told a Ukrainian TV network:

“The main thing we are trying to achieve in the United States is that Ukraine receives defensive weapons.”

Saakashvili is clearly depending on the “good will” in the US Congress towards Ukraine to make it happen.

“America is a democratic country, so it was very important to hear publicly voices in the Congress and the Senate, and to see a strong call next week regarding provision of defensive weapons for Ukraine. This issue is in the spotlight of all U.S. media. When President Poroshenko raised this issue in the Congress in his triumphal speech in September last year, for many it was a surprise and a lot of people refused even to listen to it. Now, the decision is practically settled 99%. I don’t know when the last and most significant 1% will come — I hope soon, because Ukraine is running short of time.”

The “denial” comes from an anonymous Obama Administration official who told Tass that the US can’t arm the regime through third countries, in an obvious response to Poroshenko’s announcement last week, from Abu Dhabi, that the regime had agreed to an arms deal with the UAE. Ukraine is a sovereign country that has the right to conclude agreements with other countries, the official said.

Despite whatever US denials there might be, there is a very high expectation in certain circles that the US will soon be supplying weapons to the Kiev regime. US Ambassador to Kiev Geoffrey Pyatt, Victoria Nuland’s partner-in-crime in fomenting the Nazi coup last year, bragged that Congress has already allocated $120 million for building the Ukrainian military. Pyatt said:

“The U.S. Congress has approved the allocation of $120 million this year for training and purchasing equipment. The only question that is still being discussed is whether it should include defensive lethal weapons.”

He also claimed that the United States already has ample evidence of Russia’s participation to the conflict — photos from satellites and other evidence of the presence of Russian troops and military equipment in Donbas, as well as weapons supplies.

An obvious lie: if it were true, they would be broadcasting this evidence to the world.

For former Georgian president Mikhail Saakashvili, acting as an advisor to Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko, the matter is already “99 percent settled.” He told a Ukrainian TV network:

“The main thing we are trying to achieve in the United States is that Ukraine receives defensive weapons.”

Saakashvili is clearly depending on the “good will” in the US Congress towards Ukraine to make it happen.

“America is a democratic country, so it was very important to hear publicly voices in the Congress and the Senate, and to see a strong call next week regarding provision of defensive weapons for Ukraine. This issue is in the spotlight of all U.S. media. When President Poroshenko raised this issue in the Congress in his triumphal speech in September last year, for many it was a surprise and a lot of people refused even to listen to it. Now, the decision is practically settled 99%. I don’t know when the last and most significant 1% will come — I hope soon, because Ukraine is running short of time.”

The “denial” comes from an anonymous Obama Administration official who told Tass that the US can’t arm the regime through third countries, in an obvious response to Poroshenko’s announcement last week, from Abu Dhabi, that the regime had agreed to an arms deal with the UAE. Ukraine is a sovereign country that has the right to conclude agreements with other countries, the official said.

The latest atrocity to come out of the mouth of President Barack Obama this week—his blaming of Russian President Vladimir Putin for the “worsening civil rights climate in Russia”—should make the obvious point: The time has long since passed when the President must be removed from office if a world war is to be averted.

The idea that Obama would implicitly blame President Putin for the assassination of Boris Nemtsov—just days after his State Department witch Victoria Nuland hosted neo-Nazi Andriy Parubiy all over Washington—was just the latest straw. Clearly Obama is moving towards providing lethal aid to the Ukraine government, a step that will bring the world close to strategic confrontation, a confrontation that will likely lead to thermonuclear war.

Arms for the Nazi Regime in Kiev Still on the Table

Russian officials pounced, appropriately, on Obama’s latest insanity. Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov personally commented on Obama’s accusations, observing that he was showing how “inarticulate” he can be on his own.

Interfax: How do you respond to the statement by US President Barack Obama that the killing of Boris Nemtsov is a sign of the worsening climate for civil rights in Russia?
Sergey Lavrov: Let this remain on the conscience of Mr Obama. No one was writing for him this time, and he’s inarticulate on his own.

And Foreign Ministry spokesman Lukashevich slammed the President for pushing for extension of the sanctions against Russia, despite the fact that Putin has played a pivotal role in securing a cease-fire in eastern Ukraine. He reminded the world that the Obama Administration was behind the coup d’etat in Kiev that installed the current illegal regime.

Statement by Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich

We have noticed a remarkable circumstance. Washington, which was involved in last year’s coup d’etat in Kiev, starts rocking the boat as soon as there are signs of a peaceful settlement to the acute crisis in Ukraine. Now that the ceasefire coordinated in Minsk on February 12 with President Vladimir Putin’s help is becoming a reality, the Obama administration is again rending the air with threats, announcing the extension of its sanctions and promising new ones, both against Russia and the Donetsk People’s Republic and the Lugansk People’s Republic.

What is this if not an attempt to stamp out the weak sprouts of trust between the latter and the Ukrainian authorities, and to hamstring or disrupt altogether the peace process? The same refers to promises of mass-scale supplies of US weapons to Ukraine, promises that encourage the revanchist plans of the Kiev-based party of war.

We would like the United States to reflect at last on the possible consequences of its decisions and actions. Sanctions will not change Russia’s position of principle. It is high time Washington realized this.

Even US intelligence sources confirmed, on Tuesday, that there is zero evidence of Putin involvement in the Nemtsov killing. Furthermore, they view Putin as the target of the attack, reporting that Putin and Nemtsov, although political adversaries, had certain working understandings, and Putin had nothing to gain, and everything to lose, from Nemtsov’s killing.

Between the insane provocations coming from Obama and his so-called arch-rival Benjamin Netanyahu, there is no stability—and no prospect of stability—in Eurasia. Netanyahu’s appearance before a joint session of Congress on Tuesday set off a Republican Party drive for confrontation with Iran, further adding to the growing chaos throughout Southeast Asia.

Netanyahu and Neo-Cons Are Seeking Regime Change in Iran
Netan-yahoo Republicans in Congress Want War on Iran

Lyndon LaRouche today warned that, unless a deal is reached between Iran and the P5+1 countries, the entire Eurasia region is headed for war, whether or not the Ukraine conflict is settled by a cease-fire negotiated by the Normandy Four and the Contact Group. It is urgent that the Persian Gulf and Southwest Asia region are brought back to some degree of stability. The British strategy, peddled by British agents like Netanyahu and Obama, is to drench the region in blood, through a new Hundred Years’ religious war inside the Islamic world, pitting Shi’ites against Sunnis, Arabs against Persians, etc. The new Saudi Monarchy, under King Salman, is even more primed for playing the British game of a century of death and chaos.

Between the British, the Saudis, and British puppets like Obama, Nuland, and Netanyahu, we are no longer dealing with mere crooks. We are dealing with clinical insanity. How else can you account for actions that are already leading to wars, of mass genocide proportions?

There are immediate steps, that can and must be taken, to rid the world of this danger of imminent conflict. On March 17, Israeli voters must demonstrate a degree of sanity and sweep Netanyahu and his Likud bloc out of power. The new Israeli government must drop the efforts to wreck the regional stability, by seeking an alliance with Saudi Arabia to bomb Iran—regardless of the outcome of the P5+1 negotiations.

And sane, patriotic circles in the United States must move immediately to remove Obama from office on Constitutional grounds. His insane actions against Russia are but the latest in a long series of crimes against the Constitution and the American people. LaRouchePAC organizers, on Capitol Hill yesterday, directly confronted Victoria Nuland, who was testifying before the House Foreign Affairs Committee on Ukraine, demanding to know if she put out the assassination order against Nemtsov, through her neo-Nazi friends in Ukraine and Chechnya.

LaRouche Denounces Frameup of Putin for Nemtsov Murder

In a speech in Berlin last night, Gen. Ben Hodges, commander of the U.S. armed forces in Europe, said that Western diplomacy needed a “muscle” to get the right message to Russia:

“If you don’t have something that gives muscle to the diplomacy, to the economic aspect, then it’s not going to be as effective.”

But, while going on to blast and threaten Russia, Hodges also announced, in an exclusive interview with World Bulletin March 3, that the U.S. was putting on hold its training mission to Ukraine—pre-announced to be 600 troops to work with the National Guard—to see if the Minsk accords succeeded.

Hodges said that helping Ukraine with weapons would increase pressure on President Vladimir Putin at home.

“When mothers start seeing sons come home dead, when that price goes up, then that domestic support begins to shrink.”

Hodges did not specify what weapons could be offered, but said that what Ukraine wants “is intelligence, counter-fire capability and something that can stop a Russian tank.” Russia has 12,000 soldiers and heavy weapons in eastern Ukraine, plus another 29,000 in Crimea, and is maintaining another 50,000 close to the border with Ukraine, Hodges asserted.

In a speech in Berlin last night, Gen. Ben Hodges, commander of the U.S. armed forces in Europe, said that Western diplomacy needed a “muscle” to get the right message to Russia:

“If you don’t have something that gives muscle to the diplomacy, to the economic aspect, then it’s not going to be as effective.”

But, while going on to blast and threaten Russia, Hodges also announced, in an exclusive interview with World Bulletin March 3, that the U.S. was putting on hold its training mission to Ukraine—pre-announced to be 600 troops to work with the National Guard—to see if the Minsk accords succeeded.

Hodges said that helping Ukraine with weapons would increase pressure on President Vladimir Putin at home.

“When mothers start seeing sons come home dead, when that price goes up, then that domestic support begins to shrink.”

Hodges did not specify what weapons could be offered, but said that what Ukraine wants “is intelligence, counter-fire capability and something that can stop a Russian tank.” Russia has 12,000 soldiers and heavy weapons in eastern Ukraine, plus another 29,000 in Crimea, and is maintaining another 50,000 close to the border with Ukraine, Hodges asserted.

Both the House and the Senate today held hearings yesterday beating the drums of war, setting the stage for nuclear war in the near term. Victoria Nuland herself, the personal controller of the neo-nazis in Ukraine, including Prime Minister “Yats,” was the only witness before the House Foreign Affairs Committee (under Ed Royce and Eliot Engel, who are pushing legislation to arm Ukraine), where she lied wildly about the crisis and threatened Russia with new sanctions. Members of Congress, with few exceptions, ranted for arming Ukraine, moving more troops to the borders of Russia, and preparing our military for full-scale war.

Nuland stuck to the Administration line that it has not yet decided to provide arms to the Ukraine regime.

Mikheil Saakashvili and Garry Kasparov appearing with Damon Wilson, Stephen Blank, and Steven Pifer in front of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

Meanwhile, in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, former Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili (now advising Ukraine President Poroshenko) and Russia’s wild-eyed opponent of Putin, Garry Kasparov, ranted that talking to Putin was a horrible mistake, that full US military force must be brought to bear immediately in Ukraine, or Europe will fall to Russian aggression and the post-war order be destroyed. The hearing room had huge photographs of Boris Nemtsov, the bridge with his body, MH17 wreckage, and more, lined up all along the front of the hearing room. Joining their war cries were leading Russia-haters from the Atlantic Council (Damon Wilson), the American Foreign Policy Council (Stephen Blank), and former Ambassador to Ukraine Steven Pifer, now at Brookings.

Former President of Georgia, Mikheil Saakashvili, being interviewed outside a hearing of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

Nuland and several members of Congress expressed “outrage” at the murder of Boris Nemtsov, only slightly stopping short of blaming Putin directly. Kasparov didn’t stop short, saying that “Putin and his elites believe that after 15 years of power there is nothing they cannot do, no line they cannot cross,” while accusing Putin of using Nazi ideology! He called for color revolution or worse: “Like a cancer, Putin and his elites must be cut out. He must be isolated and removed.”

Nuland praised the Maidan coup, the “peaceful protest by ordinary Ukrainians fed up with the rotten regime.” She insisted that new sanctions are ready to go, if, in Obama’s view, Russia doesn’t hold to Minsk II. Obama has “not decided” on arming Kiev, she said.

Only two Congressmen had the courage to counter her lies. Rep. Greg Meeks said that real leadership would not be US unilateral military action, but working together with others, pointing to European nations opposing the arming of Ukraine.

More powerfully, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher ripped into the whole imperial process, starting with the EU refusing to help Ukraine under Yanukovych, then helping the Maidan revolt which was precipitate by Yanukovych’s decision to postpone the association agreement with Europe.

“Perhaps an electoral process rather than the use of violence and non-democratic means would have been better,” he said, insisting that our goal should be peace in Ukraine, “not to defeat and humiliate Russia, again and again.” If that is the policy, he said, the killing and suffering in Ukraine will go on and on.

When Nuland “took issue” with Rohrabacher, trying to say Yanukovych should have accepted IMF help, Rohrabacher cut her off, saying the ceasefire appeared to be desired by both sides, so “we should not be trying to wreck it.”

Lyndon LaRouche’s March 3 statement denouncing the frame-up of Putin for Nemtsov’s murder was circulated widely at both of these hearings on Capitol Hill today, as EIR and LaRouchePAC representatives attended hearings intended to galvanize the population for war.

At the House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing, a gaggle of media were gathered to interview both the Congressmen and the members of the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America, which were in Washington to lobby for arming Ukraine.

Following the hearing, EIR‘s Stuart Rosenblatt approached Nuland personally, and, in the hearing of many press and others, asked: “Were you behind the assassination of Nemtsov? We know Putin didn’t do it—so was it you?” She responded, “How could you say that?” and was spirited away by staff.

In the aftermath, Julian Pecquet from al-Monitor tweeted sarcastically: “ doing a bang up job convincing lawmakers at #ukraine hearing at State’s Toria Nuland ordered hit on Nemtsov.”

Both the House and the Senate today held hearings yesterday beating the drums of war, setting the stage for nuclear war in the near term. Victoria Nuland herself, the personal controller of the neo-nazis in Ukraine, including Prime Minister “Yats,” was the only witness before the House Foreign Affairs Committee (under Ed Royce and Eliot Engel, who are pushing legislation to arm Ukraine), where she lied wildly about the crisis and threatened Russia with new sanctions. Members of Congress, with few exceptions, ranted for arming Ukraine, moving more troops to the borders of Russia, and preparing our military for full-scale war.

Nuland stuck to the Administration line that it has not yet decided to provide arms to the Ukraine regime.

Mikheil Saakashvili and Garry Kasparov appearing with Damon Wilson, Stephen Blank, and Steven Pifer in front of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

Meanwhile, in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, former Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili (now advising Ukraine President Poroshenko) and Russia’s wild-eyed opponent of Putin, Garry Kasparov, ranted that talking to Putin was a horrible mistake, that full US military force must be brought to bear immediately in Ukraine, or Europe will fall to Russian aggression and the post-war order be destroyed. The hearing room had huge photographs of Boris Nemtsov, the bridge with his body, MH17 wreckage, and more, lined up all along the front of the hearing room. Joining their war cries were leading Russia-haters from the Atlantic Council (Damon Wilson), the American Foreign Policy Council (Stephen Blank), and former Ambassador to Ukraine Steven Pifer, now at Brookings.

Former President of Georgia, Mikheil Saakashvili, being interviewed outside a hearing of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

Nuland and several members of Congress expressed “outrage” at the murder of Boris Nemtsov, only slightly stopping short of blaming Putin directly. Kasparov didn’t stop short, saying that “Putin and his elites believe that after 15 years of power there is nothing they cannot do, no line they cannot cross,” while accusing Putin of using Nazi ideology! He called for color revolution or worse: “Like a cancer, Putin and his elites must be cut out. He must be isolated and removed.”

Nuland praised the Maidan coup, the “peaceful protest by ordinary Ukrainians fed up with the rotten regime.” She insisted that new sanctions are ready to go, if, in Obama’s view, Russia doesn’t hold to Minsk II. Obama has “not decided” on arming Kiev, she said.

Only two Congressmen had the courage to counter her lies. Rep. Greg Meeks said that real leadership would not be US unilateral military action, but working together with others, pointing to European nations opposing the arming of Ukraine.

More powerfully, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher ripped into the whole imperial process, starting with the EU refusing to help Ukraine under Yanukovych, then helping the Maidan revolt which was precipitate by Yanukovych’s decision to postpone the association agreement with Europe.

“Perhaps an electoral process rather than the use of violence and non-democratic means would have been better,” he said, insisting that our goal should be peace in Ukraine, “not to defeat and humiliate Russia, again and again.” If that is the policy, he said, the killing and suffering in Ukraine will go on and on.

When Nuland “took issue” with Rohrabacher, trying to say Yanukovych should have accepted IMF help, Rohrabacher cut her off, saying the ceasefire appeared to be desired by both sides, so “we should not be trying to wreck it.”

Lyndon LaRouche’s March 3 statement denouncing the frame-up of Putin for Nemtsov’s murder was circulated widely at both of these hearings on Capitol Hill today, as EIR and LaRouchePAC representatives attended hearings intended to galvanize the population for war.

At the House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing, a gaggle of media were gathered to interview both the Congressmen and the members of the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America, which were in Washington to lobby for arming Ukraine.

Following the hearing, EIR‘s Stuart Rosenblatt approached Nuland personally, and, in the hearing of many press and others, asked: “Were you behind the assassination of Nemtsov? We know Putin didn’t do it—so was it you?” She responded, “How could you say that?” and was spirited away by staff.

The latest atrocity to come out of the mouth of President Barack Obama this week—his blaming of Russian President Vladimir Putin for the “worsening civil rights climate in Russia”—should make the obvious point: The time has long since passed when the President must be removed from office if a world war is to be averted.

The idea that Obama would implicitly blame President Putin for the assassination of Boris Nemtsov—just days after his State Department witch Victoria Nuland hosted neo-Nazi Andriy Parubiy all over Washington—was just the latest straw. Clearly Obama is moving towards providing lethal aid to the Ukraine government, a step that will bring the world close to strategic confrontation, a confrontation that will likely lead to thermonuclear war.

Arms for the Nazi Regime in Kiev Still on the Table

Russian officials pounced, appropriately, on Obama’s latest insanity. Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov personally commented on Obama’s accusations, observing that he was showing how “inarticulate” he can be on his own.

Interfax: How do you respond to the statement by US President Barack Obama that the killing of Boris Nemtsov is a sign of the worsening climate for civil rights in Russia?
Sergey Lavrov: Let this remain on the conscience of Mr Obama. No one was writing for him this time, and he’s inarticulate on his own.

And Foreign Ministry spokesman Lukashevich slammed the President for pushing for extension of the sanctions against Russia, despite the fact that Putin has played a pivotal role in securing a cease-fire in eastern Ukraine. He reminded the world that the Obama Administration was behind the coup d’etat in Kiev that installed the current illegal regime.

Statement by Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich

We have noticed a remarkable circumstance. Washington, which was involved in last year’s coup d’etat in Kiev, starts rocking the boat as soon as there are signs of a peaceful settlement to the acute crisis in Ukraine. Now that the ceasefire coordinated in Minsk on February 12 with President Vladimir Putin’s help is becoming a reality, the Obama administration is again rending the air with threats, announcing the extension of its sanctions and promising new ones, both against Russia and the Donetsk People’s Republic and the Lugansk People’s Republic.

What is this if not an attempt to stamp out the weak sprouts of trust between the latter and the Ukrainian authorities, and to hamstring or disrupt altogether the peace process? The same refers to promises of mass-scale supplies of US weapons to Ukraine, promises that encourage the revanchist plans of the Kiev-based party of war.

We would like the United States to reflect at last on the possible consequences of its decisions and actions. Sanctions will not change Russia’s position of principle. It is high time Washington realized this.

Even US intelligence sources confirmed, on Tuesday, that there is zero evidence of Putin involvement in the Nemtsov killing. Furthermore, they view Putin as the target of the attack, reporting that Putin and Nemtsov, although political adversaries, had certain working understandings, and Putin had nothing to gain, and everything to lose, from Nemtsov’s killing.

Between the insane provocations coming from Obama and his so-called arch-rival Benjamin Netanyahu, there is no stability—and no prospect of stability—in Eurasia. Netanyahu’s appearance before a joint session of Congress on Tuesday set off a Republican Party drive for confrontation with Iran, further adding to the growing chaos throughout Southeast Asia.

Netanyahu and Neo-Cons Are Seeking Regime Change in Iran
Netan-yahoo Republicans in Congress Want War on Iran

Lyndon LaRouche today warned that, unless a deal is reached between Iran and the P5+1 countries, the entire Eurasia region is headed for war, whether or not the Ukraine conflict is settled by a cease-fire negotiated by the Normandy Four and the Contact Group. It is urgent that the Persian Gulf and Southwest Asia region are brought back to some degree of stability. The British strategy, peddled by British agents like Netanyahu and Obama, is to drench the region in blood, through a new Hundred Years’ religious war inside the Islamic world, pitting Shi’ites against Sunnis, Arabs against Persians, etc. The new Saudi Monarchy, under King Salman, is even more primed for playing the British game of a century of death and chaos.

Between the British, the Saudis, and British puppets like Obama, Nuland, and Netanyahu, we are no longer dealing with mere crooks. We are dealing with clinical insanity. How else can you account for actions that are already leading to wars, of mass genocide proportions?

There are immediate steps, that can and must be taken, to rid the world of this danger of imminent conflict. On March 17, Israeli voters must demonstrate a degree of sanity and sweep Netanyahu and his Likud bloc out of power. The new Israeli government must drop the efforts to wreck the regional stability, by seeking an alliance with Saudi Arabia to bomb Iran—regardless of the outcome of the P5+1 negotiations.

And sane, patriotic circles in the United States must move immediately to remove Obama from office on Constitutional grounds. His insane actions against Russia are but the latest in a long series of crimes against the Constitution and the American people. LaRouchePAC organizers, on Capitol Hill yesterday, directly confronted Victoria Nuland, who was testifying before the House Foreign Affairs Committee on Ukraine, demanding to know if she put out the assassination order against Nemtsov, through her neo-Nazi friends in Ukraine and Chechnya.

LaRouche Denounces Frameup of Putin for Nemtsov Murder

The latest atrocity to come out of the mouth of President Barack Obama this week—his blaming of Russian President Vladimir Putin for the “worsening civil rights climate in Russia”—should make the obvious point: The time has long since passed when the President must be removed from office if a world war is to be averted.

The idea that Obama would implicitly blame President Putin for the assassination of Boris Nemtsov—just days after his State Department witch Victoria Nuland hosted neo-Nazi Andriy Parubiy all over Washington—was just the latest straw. Clearly Obama is moving towards providing lethal aid to the Ukraine government, a step that will bring the world close to strategic confrontation, a confrontation that will likely lead to thermonuclear war.

Arms for the Nazi Regime in Kiev Still on the Table

Russian officials pounced, appropriately, on Obama’s latest insanity. Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov personally commented on Obama’s accusations, observing that he was showing how “inarticulate” he can be on his own.

Interfax: How do you respond to the statement by US President Barack Obama that the killing of Boris Nemtsov is a sign of the worsening climate for civil rights in Russia?
Sergey Lavrov: Let this remain on the conscience of Mr Obama. No one was writing for him this time, and he’s inarticulate on his own.

And Foreign Ministry spokesman Lukashevich slammed the President for pushing for extension of the sanctions against Russia, despite the fact that Putin has played a pivotal role in securing a cease-fire in eastern Ukraine. He reminded the world that the Obama Administration was behind the coup d’etat in Kiev that installed the current illegal regime.

Statement by Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich

We have noticed a remarkable circumstance. Washington, which was involved in last year’s coup d’etat in Kiev, starts rocking the boat as soon as there are signs of a peaceful settlement to the acute crisis in Ukraine. Now that the ceasefire coordinated in Minsk on February 12 with President Vladimir Putin’s help is becoming a reality, the Obama administration is again rending the air with threats, announcing the extension of its sanctions and promising new ones, both against Russia and the Donetsk People’s Republic and the Lugansk People’s Republic.

What is this if not an attempt to stamp out the weak sprouts of trust between the latter and the Ukrainian authorities, and to hamstring or disrupt altogether the peace process? The same refers to promises of mass-scale supplies of US weapons to Ukraine, promises that encourage the revanchist plans of the Kiev-based party of war.

We would like the United States to reflect at last on the possible consequences of its decisions and actions. Sanctions will not change Russia’s position of principle. It is high time Washington realized this.

Even US intelligence sources confirmed, on Tuesday, that there is zero evidence of Putin involvement in the Nemtsov killing. Furthermore, they view Putin as the target of the attack, reporting that Putin and Nemtsov, although political adversaries, had certain working understandings, and Putin had nothing to gain, and everything to lose, from Nemtsov’s killing.

Between the insane provocations coming from Obama and his so-called arch-rival Benjamin Netanyahu, there is no stability—and no prospect of stability—in Eurasia. Netanyahu’s appearance before a joint session of Congress on Tuesday set off a Republican Party drive for confrontation with Iran, further adding to the growing chaos throughout Southeast Asia.

Netanyahu and Neo-Cons Are Seeking Regime Change in Iran
Netan-yahoo Republicans in Congress Want War on Iran

Lyndon LaRouche today warned that, unless a deal is reached between Iran and the P5+1 countries, the entire Eurasia region is headed for war, whether or not the Ukraine conflict is settled by a cease-fire negotiated by the Normandy Four and the Contact Group. It is urgent that the Persian Gulf and Southwest Asia region are brought back to some degree of stability. The British strategy, peddled by British agents like Netanyahu and Obama, is to drench the region in blood, through a new Hundred Years’ religious war inside the Islamic world, pitting Shi’ites against Sunnis, Arabs against Persians, etc. The new Saudi Monarchy, under King Salman, is even more primed for playing the British game of a century of death and chaos.

Between the British, the Saudis, and British puppets like Obama, Nuland, and Netanyahu, we are no longer dealing with mere crooks. We are dealing with clinical insanity. How else can you account for actions that are already leading to wars, of mass genocide proportions?

There are immediate steps, that can and must be taken, to rid the world of this danger of imminent conflict. On March 17, Israeli voters must demonstrate a degree of sanity and sweep Netanyahu and his Likud bloc out of power. The new Israeli government must drop the efforts to wreck the regional stability, by seeking an alliance with Saudi Arabia to bomb Iran—regardless of the outcome of the P5+1 negotiations.

And sane, patriotic circles in the United States must move immediately to remove Obama from office on Constitutional grounds. His insane actions against Russia are but the latest in a long series of crimes against the Constitution and the American people. LaRouchePAC organizers, on Capitol Hill yesterday, directly confronted Victoria Nuland, who was testifying before the House Foreign Affairs Committee on Ukraine, demanding to know if she put out the assassination order against Nemtsov, through her neo-Nazi friends in Ukraine and Chechnya.

LaRouche Denounces Frameup of Putin for Nemtsov Murder

At this time, we now are looking the BRICS group of nations and their friends, because these groups of nations actually do represent a positive development process at this time, whereas the United States has been degenerating… Russia is a key positive factor in the operations of the world at large. Out to South America, the whole BRICS combination is valuable. It’s precious. China, for example, is most precious. India is now precious. Other nations are the same thing. But we, those of us in the trans-Atlantic region, are living under governments which are not fit to be tolerated. And the time has come, that if we are going to save our own civilization, we’re going to have to do something about the past four terms of presidencies of the United States, which were not only worthless, not only contemptible, but immoral, immoral from the standpoint of the highest level of standards.Lyndon LaRoucheLPAC Policy Committee, March 2, 2015

In the increasingly tense countdown to war between Russia and NATO, the Russian leadership’s superior sense of reality is that it is aware that the trans-Atlantic nations have a bankrupt financial system ready to collapse.

The trans-Atlantic system is vulnerable. It cannot sustain its own bankruptcy without either transforming its financial system and economic policies entirely— which thus far its dominant Wall Street and London powers do not permit—or provoking war.

But the world is actually presently divided between this bankrupt system, and a credible system, a group of growing nations—the BRICS-allied nations led by China’s economic and scientific progress.

Thus this is both a “deadly situation beyond belief,” and one in which nations trapped in the bankrupt system can get out of it and revive their own lost progress.

Greece, as a leading example, is trapped under an immense load of debt it cannot pay, from institutions and banks which themselves cannot lend, and are defaulting on their own debts.

Euro Debt Collapse Nearing As Defaults Stalk European Banking System

Greece’s credit is actually good—if it moves from its current “distressed creditors,” to credible creditors in the emerging BRICS “win-win” partnership. China is lending more to South American countries for development projects than the World Bank and Inter-American Development Bank combined. It is developing hundreds of infrastructure investments along the “Silk Road Economic Belts,” both within and outside China. And it is already a good creditor for Greek port and railroad development, etc., without “conditionalities.”

If the bankrupt euro system forces Greece out, the better future is already clear from that higher standpoint. It’s Europe that’s falling.

This is the standpoint taken by Lyndon LaRouche, and by Helga Zepp-LaRouche, known in China as the “Silk Road Lady” for her 30 years of international work on this policy.

SEE “The New Silk Road Becomes the World Landbridge”

Lyndon LaRouche stresses that it is crucial to remember that Russia, though under extreme pressure and militarily provoked, is part of this partnership of BRICS nations; is being supported by China, by India, by nations which have become allied with the BRICS such as Egypt, Argentina and other South American nations.

Just one week ago, LaRouche identified an emerging threat from the British, U.S., and NATO to risk a war, even a so-called “tactical nuclear war,” whose devastation, they believe, would be “limited” to the Eurasian continent. No such thing can exist, he said, except as an ultimately suicidal “plan.”

One week later, there have poured out the most extraordinary series of Russian warnings that any war move against Russia—whether involving the threat of tactical nuclear weapons, of conventional precision “counterforce” weapons, or otherwise, will be met with a total response. These warnings have been made, with 24 hours, by the Russian Strategic Missile Force commander in a high-profile televised interview; by Foreign Minister Lavrov; by Defense Minister Shoygu; by Russia’s ambassador to NATO Grushko; and by Russian Navy Chief Admiral Chirkov.

Russian Military Warns Against ‘Tactical’ Nuclear War
Top Russian Officials Warn: We Will Respond Militarily

This, while both Britain and the U.S. have announced intended deployments of combat troops into Ukraine as if into a NATO country—a Russian red line. It is in fact “a deadly situation beyond belief,” in LaRouche’s words.

But the offer to join the BRICS international development banks has been made to the United States itself—which desperately needs real economic development—by the President of China.

Digital Pamphlet: “Why the United States Must Join the BRICS”   
International Petition: The U.S. Must Collaborate with the BRICS    

The way out is there, to a higher standpoint, developing mankind’s full potentials on Earth and through the Solar System. Acknowledge that there is no possibility the trans-Atlantic financial system can be saved. Cancel the unpayable debts. Create new national credit sources for new employment and productivity so that people can progress.

As LaRouche noted with some irony:

“I have information from Nicholas of Cusa [the 15th-Century founder of modern scientific method] which will be conclusive in this situation.”

At this time, we now are looking the BRICS group of nations and their friends, because these groups of nations actually do represent a positive development process at this time, whereas the United States has been degenerating… Russia is a key positive factor in the operations of the world at large. Out to South America, the whole BRICS combination is valuable. It’s precious. China, for example, is most precious. India is now precious. Other nations are the same thing. But we, those of us in the trans-Atlantic region, are living under governments which are not fit to be tolerated. And the time has come, that if we are going to save our own civilization, we’re going to have to do something about the past four terms of presidencies of the United States, which were not only worthless, not only contemptible, but immoral, immoral from the standpoint of the highest level of standards.Lyndon LaRoucheLPAC Policy Committee, March 2, 2015

In the increasingly tense countdown to war between Russia and NATO, the Russian leadership’s superior sense of reality is that it is aware that the trans-Atlantic nations have a bankrupt financial system ready to collapse.

The trans-Atlantic system is vulnerable. It cannot sustain its own bankruptcy without either transforming its financial system and economic policies entirely— which thus far its dominant Wall Street and London powers do not permit—or provoking war.

But the world is actually presently divided between this bankrupt system, and a credible system, a group of growing nations—the BRICS-allied nations led by China’s economic and scientific progress.

Thus this is both a “deadly situation beyond belief,” and one in which nations trapped in the bankrupt system can get out of it and revive their own lost progress.

Greece, as a leading example, is trapped under an immense load of debt it cannot pay, from institutions and banks which themselves cannot lend, and are defaulting on their own debts.

Euro Debt Collapse Nearing As Defaults Stalk European Banking System

Greece’s credit is actually good—if it moves from its current “distressed creditors,” to credible creditors in the emerging BRICS “win-win” partnership. China is lending more to South American countries for development projects than the World Bank and Inter-American Development Bank combined. It is developing hundreds of infrastructure investments along the “Silk Road Economic Belts,” both within and outside China. And it is already a good creditor for Greek port and railroad development, etc., without “conditionalities.”

If the bankrupt euro system forces Greece out, the better future is already clear from that higher standpoint. It’s Europe that’s falling.

This is the standpoint taken by Lyndon LaRouche, and by Helga Zepp-LaRouche, known in China as the “Silk Road Lady” for her 30 years of international work on this policy.

SEE “The New Silk Road Becomes the World Landbridge”

Lyndon LaRouche stresses that it is crucial to remember that Russia, though under extreme pressure and militarily provoked, is part of this partnership of BRICS nations; is being supported by China, by India, by nations which have become allied with the BRICS such as Egypt, Argentina and other South American nations.

Just one week ago, LaRouche identified an emerging threat from the British, U.S., and NATO to risk a war, even a so-called “tactical nuclear war,” whose devastation, they believe, would be “limited” to the Eurasian continent. No such thing can exist, he said, except as an ultimately suicidal “plan.”

One week later, there have poured out the most extraordinary series of Russian warnings that any war move against Russia—whether involving the threat of tactical nuclear weapons, of conventional precision “counterforce” weapons, or otherwise, will be met with a total response. These warnings have been made, with 24 hours, by the Russian Strategic Missile Force commander in a high-profile televised interview; by Foreign Minister Lavrov; by Defense Minister Shoygu; by Russia’s ambassador to NATO Grushko; and by Russian Navy Chief Admiral Chirkov.

Russian Military Warns Against ‘Tactical’ Nuclear War
Top Russian Officials Warn: We Will Respond Militarily

This, while both Britain and the U.S. have announced intended deployments of combat troops into Ukraine as if into a NATO country—a Russian red line. It is in fact “a deadly situation beyond belief,” in LaRouche’s words.

But the offer to join the BRICS international development banks has been made to the United States itself—which desperately needs real economic development—by the President of China.

Digital Pamphlet: “Why the United States Must Join the BRICS”   
International Petition: The U.S. Must Collaborate with the BRICS    

The way out is there, to a higher standpoint, developing mankind’s full potentials on Earth and through the Solar System. Acknowledge that there is no possibility the trans-Atlantic financial system can be saved. Cancel the unpayable debts. Create new national credit sources for new employment and productivity so that people can progress.

As LaRouche noted with some irony:

“I have information from Nicholas of Cusa [the 15th-Century founder of modern scientific method] which will be conclusive in this situation.”

Three major debt defaults are now stalking the European banking system at once.

Financial press on March 1 reported the liquidation and default on EU9 billion debt, of a “bad bank” in Austria. Since these toxic assets in this bad bank — the remains of last year’s Hypo Alpe Altria Bank failure, and known as Heta “Bank” — were guaranteed by the governments of Austria and its province of Carinthia, in effect the government defaulted on EU9 billion by refusing to extend the guarantee to new losses. The government used the new Eurozone “bail-in” law to default on senior creditors, the first time this has happened (not even in Cyprus). It will have further reverberations, and not just because this is Austria of the 1931 history.

Greek government default on its unpayable debt is imminent heading into the March 4 ECB Board meeting. Some $2 billion equivalent of payments to the IMF are “due” this month, and Greek Minister of State for Coordinating Government Operations Alekos Flambouraris suggested Feb. 26 that these payments could be delayed. Greece can borrow such a sum only from Greek banks through short-term bonds, and it also has some EU5 billion in such short-term bonds that have to be rolled over at the same time. So the ECB would have to substantially raise the Greek banks’ Emergency Liquidity Agreements (ELA) on March 4 to cause a payment to the IMF — whose Managing Director Christine Lagarde has refused any delay. The ECB’s Mario Draghi is “expected” to deny such an ELA increase, playing with the fire of forcing Greece out of the euro and provoking a thorough euro crash.

At the same time Ukraine is heading for imminent default, though on a much smaller government debt than Greece. The Ukrainian economy has fallen into utter collapse and hyperinflation in the year since its association agreement with the economically dead EU. But here, the huge difference is being outside the euro, and at war with Russia, is evident; the IMF is organizing the default and debt writedown. Ukraine central bank Governor Valeriia Gontareva, defying attacks on her from Nazi Premier “Yats,” has announced more and more strict capital controls and exchange controls since Feb. 22, on orders from Lagarde (“in consultation with” Lagarde as Gontareva put it). The IMF is ordering Ukraine to impose capital controls while ordering Greece not to impose them.

“Panic must be stopped and we are doing that now,” claimed Gontareva wishfully. She also admitted:

“Ukraine has insufficient reserves, and huge capital outflow.”

Debt payments due this year are $9 billion. Lagarde is trying to get at least $10 billion of IMF funds to Ukraine ASAP, and then ask other creditors (Russia, Franklin Templeton Fund, Ukrainian citizens) for a restructuring which writes down its debt by $15 billion or more (more than 40%) in June. So the IMF is supporting debt writedown for Ukraine while demanding full payment from Greece.

Three major debt defaults are now stalking the European banking system at once.

Financial press on March 1 reported the liquidation and default on EU9 billion debt, of a “bad bank” in Austria. Since these toxic assets in this bad bank — the remains of last year’s Hypo Alpe Altria Bank failure, and known as Heta “Bank” — were guaranteed by the governments of Austria and its province of Carinthia, in effect the government defaulted on EU9 billion by refusing to extend the guarantee to new losses. The government used the new Eurozone “bail-in” law to default on senior creditors, the first time this has happened (not even in Cyprus). It will have further reverberations, and not just because this is Austria of the 1931 history.

Greek government default on its unpayable debt is imminent heading into the March 4 ECB Board meeting. Some $2 billion equivalent of payments to the IMF are “due” this month, and Greek Minister of State for Coordinating Government Operations Alekos Flambouraris suggested Feb. 26 that these payments could be delayed. Greece can borrow such a sum only from Greek banks through short-term bonds, and it also has some EU5 billion in such short-term bonds that have to be rolled over at the same time. So the ECB would have to substantially raise the Greek banks’ Emergency Liquidity Agreements (ELA) on March 4 to cause a payment to the IMF — whose Managing Director Christine Lagarde has refused any delay. The ECB’s Mario Draghi is “expected” to deny such an ELA increase, playing with the fire of forcing Greece out of the euro and provoking a thorough euro crash.

At the same time Ukraine is heading for imminent default, though on a much smaller government debt than Greece. The Ukrainian economy has fallen into utter collapse and hyperinflation in the year since its association agreement with the economically dead EU. But here, the huge difference is being outside the euro, and at war with Russia, is evident; the IMF is organizing the default and debt writedown. Ukraine central bank Governor Valeriia Gontareva, defying attacks on her from Nazi Premier “Yats,” has announced more and more strict capital controls and exchange controls since Feb. 22, on orders from Lagarde (“in consultation with” Lagarde as Gontareva put it). The IMF is ordering Ukraine to impose capital controls while ordering Greece not to impose them.

“Panic must be stopped and we are doing that now,” claimed Gontareva wishfully. She also admitted:

“Ukraine has insufficient reserves, and huge capital outflow.”

Debt payments due this year are $9 billion. Lagarde is trying to get at least $10 billion of IMF funds to Ukraine ASAP, and then ask other creditors (Russia, Franklin Templeton Fund, Ukrainian citizens) for a restructuring which writes down its debt by $15 billion or more (more than 40%) in June. So the IMF is supporting debt writedown for Ukraine while demanding full payment from Greece.