In 1977 I began taking road trips (driving a car or truck) up and down Interstate 80. I had taken a few road trips prior, but 1977 was the first time I drove cross-country as an adult and for work… the first time I was looking on the experience with moderately confident and mature eyes. I’ve taken road trips many times since, though not in the past two years. That was a long gap for me. And then, just a few weeks ago, I took another trip down I-80. I quickly realized that this trip was almost precisely 40 years … Continue reading

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We’ve all been hearing fears of civil war in America recently, and while I think those fears are overblown (as fears generally are), I want to address something that doesn’t make the news feeds: the fact that we can take this question seriously exposes a sick, degenerate status quo. We need to be clear on this point. Arguments Pro and Con I don’t believe civil war will come to America on any serious scale. My reason is a simple one: I can see 5,000 hard leftists and 5,000 hard rightists going out to kill each other, but I can’t see … Continue reading

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Every night on American TV you can see repeating commercials to raise money for young people who’ve had limbs blown off. It might be cruel to ask the following question in the presence of these veterans, but millions of other people have been forced to pay for all of this, and they need to be protected as well. And so, with condolences to the young people who signed up for these wars believing they were actually defending the good, we must ask this question: What was the payoff? Some people will evade this question by maintaining that “freedom was preserved,” but … Continue reading

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Have you ever noticed that pessimistic and depressed people avoid babies? I’m sure there are exceptions to this statement, but on the whole, I think it’s accurate. Dark, gloomy minds shy away from babies. I think there’s something to learn from this. Here’s another thought: There is a psychological need to be around small children. In The Breaking Dawn, I included a short passage about this: What the lords of the Order failed to understand was that the suppression of the birth rate was also involved in the suppression of productivity. A junior professor in Iceland had discovered the correlation. … Continue reading

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This entire episode is a warning of just how rancid the American overclass has become. Is there no one left in the American elite who has some dignity, some class, some measure of perspective? Have they all descended to the level of drunken brawlers? American elites are rushing to create a constitutional crisis as I write this, building up an immense head of steam (there was an 8,000-word article in the NY Times, fer goodness’ sake), and all for what? Stop and think for a moment: The Russians allegedly “intervened” in a US election. But what is it they are … Continue reading

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Somewhere along my travels, I found an old Chinese proverb that says this: The beginning of wisdom is to call things by their true names. I’ve found a great deal of value in that little saying. It is, in fact, a fundamental building block of human development. So long as we call things by false names, we maintain our own confusion and contribute to our own abuse. So, today I want to examine several instances of calling things by false names and to define true names for them. True Name #1: “Because violent people say so.” We’ve all heard young … Continue reading

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In the US, 94 million people have “dropped out of the workforce,” and the unemployment situation is often worse in Europe. The ruling systems of the West have made these people superfluous. If you’re one of them, I’m sorry. It’s happening to millions of people right now, and it’s a horrible thing. (And it’s going to continue.) If you think this is your fault, you’re wrong. You are willing and capable of productive work, but the system has its own needs, and they no longer involve you. Please get clear on this: The system doesn’t give a damn about you … Continue reading

The post So, You’ve Been Made Superfluous… appeared first on LewRockwell.

There’s one particular line in the Bible that is conspicuously shunned. It sits openly in Luke’s gospel, but it is nearly always glossed over… mentioned briefly and grudgingly at best. On one hand, I condemn this on grounds of intellectual honesty, but on the other, I can very well understand why people run away from it. Believing this line would turn anyone into a radical, and that could be dangerous… and indeed it has been dangerous. Today I will be ill-mannered enough to address this line. But first, please understand that Luke records these words as coming from Jesus’ mouth. That’s … Continue reading

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For clarity, let’s define “evil” as “the willful abuse of other humans.” By this definition, any person or persons who purposely manipulate other humans to their own ends – anything from tricking them into a bad business deal to extorting money from them to murdering them – are engaging in evil. Evil Almighty? From television, politicians, and endless “authorities,” we learn that evil is pre-eminent. God may be supremely powerful, but he’s powerful somewhere far away; Satan is powerful here. We can slide into evil with ease, but being good is difficult. Western man is convinced that darkness is stronger … Continue reading

The post Evil Is Weak appeared first on LewRockwell.

This week, we’d like to post a fun article by our friend, Sandy Sandfort. Sandy is a wealth of interesting stories, and he has a new website in the works. If you’d like to be notified when it goes live, send a note to: Inertia is a human frailty. Too often, we go along to get along. We conform. Because of this, those who claim authority can get most of us to do their bidding if it comes with a plausible justification and is only incremental. We get nickel-and-dimed to death, the death of a thousand cuts. Back on … Continue reading

The post When My Parents Disobeyed FDR appeared first on LewRockwell.

Some people say that the search for profit is abusive, heartless, evil, and so on. I’m not particularly in love with profit for its own sake (and I certainly don’t think it justifies abuse), but a reflexive condemnation of profit is deeply ignorant. The truth is, “profit” killed the ancient abomination of human slavery. To eliminate the ability of people to profit would draw slavery back into the world. And we obviously don’t want that. Here’s why: Slavery Was an Economic System What is not understood is that slavery was the foundation of economics in the old world – such … Continue reading

Another American election cycle is upon us, and large numbers of people are lining up to pour their time and money into the sewer of politics, to be lost forever. This system will not be fixed. Period. This is Rome in 460 AD. The rulers, as in Rome, are liars, mad, or drunk (these days, drugged)… or all three. The “fall of Rome,” of course, was far more complex than we learned in school, but through all the many years of its decline, Rome was full of well-meaning people trying to reform and save it. And by the way, among … Continue reading