VIDEO: Audience BOOS CNBC Debate Host’s Awful Attack on Dr. Ben Carson
This was crazy!
Ted Cruz took an early and commanding lead with the total destruction of the moderators and the media in general.
This year, 64 percent of all Americans will celebrate Halloween, but I will not be one of them.
Wasn’t Obama supposed to be the president that brought all of our troops home and ended all of the wars?
Huff Post writer says three letter adverb demeans women.
Retailer caves as a result of a single tweet.
African-Americans criticize clip as example of oversensitive political correctness.
Domestic unrest may occur if Merkel’s open border policy isn’t checked.
Beijing mouthpiece says vessels should be sent out to confront US destroyers.
“Women aren’t women anymore.”
“Women aren’t women anymore.”
“I don’t want to offend anybody”.
Asylum seekers complain about cold weather.
Big Brother gets nervous when little brother watches back.
Billionaires splash out on hi-tech panic rooms, blast proof windows, hidden spy cameras.