Facebook Cancels All Large Gatherings Until June 2021
Zero Hedge | For anyone seeking guidance on the timeline of the US reopening, look no further than the most connected – literally – man in the world.
Zero Hedge | For anyone seeking guidance on the timeline of the US reopening, look no further than the most connected – literally – man in the world.
Zero Hedge | This new hurdle comes at a time when shortages of masks, test kits, and other medical equipment have materialized in many hospital systems across the US.
Breitbart | “The scale of this pandemic has laid bare the fault lines and injustices of our world,” George Soros, chairman of the Open Society Foundations, said in a statement.
Michael Snyder | At this point, we should no longer speak of “economic collapse” as something that will happen in the future.
The Week | One airline is now administering blood tests to passengers before they board flights amid the coronavirus pandemic, it announced on Wednesday.
Breitbart | The Democrat lawmakers argued that Trump lacks the authority to halt congressionally-approved funding for the W.H.O., a component of the United Nations.
Paul Joseph Watson | Investigation delayed by coronavirus lockdown.
Paul Joseph Watson | Despite the “conspiracy theory” in question literally being true.
Steve Watson | Here is a timely reminder of the scores of fake news outlets that dismissed questions as ‘baseless conspiracy theories’.
Paul Joseph Watson | Tesla CEO calls out fake news that he didn’t send ventilators to hospitals.
Paul Joseph Watson | While spitting in his face.
Steve Watson | The documents clearly state that the true scale of the virus outbreak was “not to be publicly disclosed.”
Breitbart | The rate has dropped by 45 per cent since 1972 and halved since 1940.
Zero Hedge | In a post-corona world, plexiglass boxes, if seen on beaches and or in restaurants, could be the new normal.
Breitbart | “Found my next campaign.”