“Only Black Person” in Restaurant Boasts About Making White People Uncomfortable, Faces Twitter Backlash
Paul Joseph Watson | “I’ll take things that never happened for $500 Alex.”
Paul Joseph Watson | “I’ll take things that never happened for $500 Alex.”
Thou shalt not deny man-made climate change?
Paul Joseph Watson | Claims he couldn’t sweat due to medical condition, but numerous photos show otherwise.
Breitbart | According to a recent Reuters/Ipsos poll, 36 percent of independents said they did not watch, read, or hear anything about the hearings.
RT | We believe that uncovering the source of the information is incomparably less important than the possibility of exposing the source of a human trafficking operation.
Zero Hedge | Prince Andrew’s PR advisor Jason Stein has now resigned.
Information Liberation | Welp, I guess the science is settled!
Information Liberation | America Firsters are “a fringe, small group of bigoted, far-right, racist, alt right, white nationalist, white supremacist, anti-semetic holocaust deniers.”
Michael Snyder | What is coming is going to make 2008 look like a Sunday picnic.
Daily Mail | Privacy advocates used Amazon’s facial recognition to scan thousands of random faces around Capitol Hill in Washington DC to highlight the dangers of this technologies surveillance capabilities.
Daily Mail | Google is secretly blacklisting certain sites to prevent them appearing in search results – despite publicly denying doing so – according to an investigation.
Stamford Advocate | The majority of those detainees are people with no prior criminal records.
Breitbart | The University and College Union (UCU) has declared that anyone can “self-identify” as “black, disabled, LGBT+ or women”.
Zero Hedge | Hong Kong police are surrounding universities.
Mac Slavo | According to one person who studies the “global systems’ death spiral,” if the elitists and ruling class don’t kill us off, something else might.