The Daily Telegraph’s Ambrose Evans-Pritchard has gone hysterical over his recent “discovery” that the trans-Atlantic region is now entering a hyper-inflationary blowout.  In fact, anyone in their right mind should be well aware that the United States and Europe are already doomed.  The U.S. economy is hopeless, and nothing short of a total shift in policy—away from the belief in money over human creativity—can avoid total destruction.  There can be no economic revival or even survival under the present policies.  It is a miracle that the United States still even exists at this point, since there are no mechanisms to save the economy.

The crisis is most graphically expressed in the skyrocketing rates of suicide, drug overdose deaths, and declining life expectancy in the United States.

We are on the edge of a global collapse, from which the trans-Atlantic region cannot possibly survive.  The Crash can come any day at this point, and it is this reality that has prompted the hysteria from the likes of ECB head Mario Draghi and British Crown scribbler Evans-Pritchard.

The only recourse for the trans-Atlantic region is to cancel Wall Street and London—wipe them out altogether, and then completely change the concept of the economic system.

There are two irreconcilable concepts of economy.  There is the British-Wall Street concept of money, money, money.  Money per se has nothing to do with real value.  The alternative system, the Hamiltonian System that FDR understood and carried out, rejects money, rejects Wall Street.  It is based on human discoveries that translate into scientific and technological advances that create real wealth and advance mankind’s growth.

President Franklin Delano Roosevelt had the concepts, and put those concepts into practice as President—until the FBI and the Republicans shut down the Roosevelt program even before FDR’s untimely death. No system built on money and finance can work, and that was what FDR understood.

Russian President Vladimir Putin does not operate in a money system. The Chinese leadership under Xi Jinping do not operate in a money system.  Eurasia is being organized under different principles, led by China’s quest to realize man’s extraterrestrial imperative.  This idea was on display during the final day of the National Peoples Congress, which just concluded in Beijing, when one of the PLA delegates, China’s first female astronaut, gave a powerful interview to CCTV on the prospects of China’s space program. China is also well-underway in constructing the world’s first commercial high-temperature gas-cooled reactor.  This is real economy—not the insanity of money, money, money that has plagued the United States since the death of FDR, with very few moments of exception.

In a different way, Russian President Putin personifies the same principle:  The key to everything that Putin has done to turn around the Syrian situation, is that he is always on the move, always pulling off a surprise flank—at the strategic level.  Putin is well aware that he is not acting alone, but is operating on behalf of a partnership with China.  Li Kiqiang made this point clear in his final address to the NPC:  No third party factor is going to disrupt the China-Russia strategic partnership.  In India, Prime Minister Modi has launched a revolution in the agricultural sector, which is key to India’s future.  In his new budget, he announced an 84-percent increase in investment in the agricultural sector—on top of related investments in roads, rail, chemical, and fertilizer production.

Putin is driven by a deep personal experience. Much of his family died during the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union in World War II.  That experience informs his mind.  Without an appreciation of who Putin is as a world leader, and where he came from, it is impossible to understand his actions.  That is why the vast majority of so-called “strategists” in the West are baffled by his flanking actions.

Americans are suddenly showing a new susceptibility to becoming inspired by truly worthwhile things, like China’s space program, like true Classical music, and the prospects unexpectedly created by the sudden vision of Middle East peace just opened up by Russia’s initiative with John Kerry, dumping Obama’s demonization of Russia in favor of military collaboration to crush ISIS. Like China’s “One Belt, One Road” policy as the basis for the development needed to truly establish the peace. Overall, to becoming inspired by their actual mission as human beings.

The general problem that has to be addressed as such, is the fact that the United States and the Americas in general, for the greater part, have collapsed. They no longer have credibility. The British have lost it; the leading European nations, most of them, have failed. South America is failing. There is a general change in the planetary system. You do not get success by knocking on a tombstone, Lyndon LaRouche noted today — you have to find a living organism which will be responsive. And the trans-Atlantic banking system is dead. The EU has been a catastrophic failure.

On the other side, the new and undeniable reality is the prospect for great new human advances, and for solutions of festering problems long thought incurable,— by the actions of Russia, China, and the BRICS nations in their ever-deepening collaboration.

Russia’s tireless and well-coordinated activities to implement the agreed-on Syria ceasefire, and the peace negotiations which are planned to follow seamlessly out of the ceasefire itself, continued in a two-day conference, Feb. 25-26, in Sochi, Russia, by the Valdai Discussion Club associated with Vladimir Putin,— although Putin has not been present at the sessions thus far. This is not a government conference, but a non-governmental parallel effort: what is sometimes called “Track Two.” Russia’s leading academic Mideast expert, Vitaly Naumkin of the Russian Academy of Sciences, has organized over 100 participants, primarily from the Mideast, but also including Americans, Russians, and others, under the title, “The Middle East: From Conflicts to Stability.”

Dr. Naumkin wrote a column on the conference entitled, “Where will the Middle East Go?” It began, “Success or failure of the Syria settlement will to a large extent determine the fate of the entire region, because long ago the internal Syrian conflict acquired regional and global status.”

A discussion paper for the conference whose writing Naumkin supervised, said that

“elaboration of a roadmap for the economic recovery of the Middle Eastern states and measures for ensuring the region’s economic security are becoming yet another urgent task for the international community. China and other BRICS countries’ involvement in the economic recovery of severely weakened Mideastern states, and the subsequent development of new production facilities that will employ younger generations may create new opportunities.”

It is mankind’s moral duty to provide the economic underpinning, via the extension of the New Silk Road into the Middle East, to assure the success of the Syria ceasefire and subsequent peace. EIR of Nov. 19, 1993, after the signing of the Oslo agreements on Sept. 13, quoted Lyndon LaRouche to say,

“The reality is, that it is impossible to get an Israeli-Arab peace without first, first, first having an agreement on an economic development of the science-driver, infrastructure development-based approach on which I’ve insisted over years. Without first introducing that program by whatever means, you will never get the conditions for peace. Because you must first transform the populations on both sides of the equation. You must transform the Israelis morally; you must uplift them morally in the way that only a science-driver infrastructure-based program will do, a dirigist program. And similarly on the Arab side, particularly since the crushing of Iraq, which was the only… approximately science-driver infrastructure-based economy in the region.”

The flanking operation by Vladimir Putin in Syria, which has exposed the British/Saudi axis behind the terrorist networks across the region, has so weakened the British puppet Obama that only the fear and cowardice of the American people, and of their political leadership, is allowing him to remain in office for even another day. Putin’s air power and cooperation with the legitimate Syrian government forces is now on the verge of crushing the terrorist insurgency in Syria.        

But Putin’s brilliant strategic move into Syria was not simply local to the Mideast. Together with China, Putin has demonstrated the failure of the entire trans-Atlantic system. That trans-Atlantic banking system is now teetering on the brink, with trillions of dollars of fake speculative values being wiped off the books of the leading western banks over the past few weeks. Every insane effort to prop up the bankrupt banking system has now been exposed as a failure: quantitative easing; zero interest rates for 8 years, followed now by negative interest rates; bail-outs and now bail-ins; and deadly austerity conditions. All this has destroyed nearly all actually productive capacity in the US and much of Europe, but failed utterly to save the degenerate banking system. Nothing short of a Glass Steagall reform, wiping out the illegitimate portion of the debt, can stop the disaster now being played out.

As a demonstration of Putin’s leading role internationally, the UN Security Council today, in a meeting called by Russia, acted upon a call from the Syrian Government of Bashar al-Assad to condemn the government of Turkey for criminally shelling areas in northern Syria over the past four days. The Turkish government of President Erdogan, Obama’s closest friend in the region, is desperate to stop the offensive by the Syrian government and Syrian Kurd forces to close off the border, a move which will end Turkey’s ability to arm the terrorist networks in Syria on behalf of Obama and the British/Saudi axis.        

“All members of the Security Council … agreed to ask for Turkey to comply with international law,” said Venezuelan Ambassador Rafael Ramirez, who now chairs the Security Council after the meeting. Even the US and the British had to agree!.        

What Russia and China are doing across Eurasia through the BRICS, the AIIB, and other development initiatives, can and must be brought to the United States as well, as President Xi Jinping has proposed, and as the LaRouche movement has demanded.        

In India today, President Narendra Modi instructed his ministries to prepare applications to the AIIB, which will begin lending in the coming months, to help fund his plans for nearly 30 million new homes in rural areas, new high speed rail lines across the nation, and a new irrigation system to control the monsoons and droughts. God knows the US needs the same vision.        

Obama will do none of this, nor would any of the incompetents running for president from either party. The election has become a “reality show” farce, diverting the population from the dire crisis and the urgent solutions, which are well known to readers of this report.        

Obama, in the meantime, summoned the leaders of the ten ASEAN nations to California, where he lectured them on the dangers of China. He will get nothing from most of them, since they recognize China as a nation of vision, of development, of space exploration, of science, and of hope, while the US has become a feared, evil force for war and depression. Obama must be removed.

Barack Obama’s budget request for NASA in Fiscal Year 2017 marks the first time that NASA has ever been cut to below 0.5% of the Federal budget — its share was near 5% during the years of JFK’s Apollo Program.

In requesting $19 billion for NASA, Obama cut the Congressional authorization for the space agency by $300 million. But he called for much deeper cuts in “deep space” and “planetary” exploration, the area of NASA’s work in which national missions for the future could emerge. These cuts, combined, were in the range of $1 billion, according to a review in USA Today.

In 2006, NASA, despite years of declining resources in real terms, still was making plans for a Moon base, with a future of scientific observation of the universe and preparations to exploit the Moon, including as a potential forward base for travel to Mars. In some versions of NASA’s planning, the Moon base was to be on the far side.

Obama scrapped that in 2009-10 by killing the Constellation Program, thus making the Moon inaccessible for the indefinite future, and formally renouncing it as a goal.

Now China and Russia are the nations planning for robotic and human landings on the Moon — perhaps in collaboration — led by China’s just-announced intention to start a base on the far side of the Moon by 2018-20.

Obama, when killing Constellation, claimed that the United States could, at some future time, go straight to Mars with a new Space Launch System (SLS) and “Orion” program. Now, in the FY2017 budget, he is killing them, in effect; he would have done so already if Congress hadn’t insisted on investing about $10 billion in SLS/Orion since FY2011.

For SLS, for example, Congressional funding in FY2016 was about $2 billion; Obama calls for $1.3 billion in FY2017.

What Obama wants to increase, in NASA’s budget, is “Earth sciences” — climate-change detection, in his diseased green mind, in the service of driving human science and technology back to the past. As EIR Founding Editor Lyndon LaRouche described it, “By canceling the space program, you [obama] actually turn back history.”

House Science Committee Chairman Lamar Smith (R-TX) immediately denounced Obama’s budget in a statement to Ars Technica, as an “imbalanced proposal [that] continues to tie our astronauts’ feet to the ground and makes a Mars mission all but impossible.”

But the real fight will come, not from austerity-addled Republicans, but from activists with leaders like Texas LaRouche Democrat Kesha Rogers, who won two Congressional primary contests with the plan: “Save NASA; Impeach Obama.”

Tuesday night, during his weekly appearance on the John Batchelor radio show, New York University’s Prof. Stephen Cohen placed responsibility for the growing war danger directly in President Obama’s lap. He said that Obama can’t hide from the Pentagon decision to build up US military forces in eastern Europe, announced by Secretary of Defense Ash Carter yesterday.

Cohen said:

“This is his decision…We knew it was possible when NATO talked about it at the summit in Wales [in Sept. 2014]; now it’s happened. NATO has resolved — that means, the White House — to quadruple its military power around Russia.”

“What we now have, is a moment when the new cold war has become much hotter, due to a decision taken in Washington…It makes the new cold war more militarized and makes it more dangerous than the preceding cold war, because [then] we didn’t have our military power on Russia’s borders.”

Cohen went on to describe how, in the early 1990’s, the US declared the danger of nuclear war over when it wasn’t. Russia was out of the arms race, but the US continued, particularly with its missile defense programs and withdrawal from the ABM Treaty in 2002. The US claimed that this was to counter Iran, but everybody knew, Cohen said, that it was aimed at Russia. So, Russia responded by beginning to rebuild its nuclear capabilities, an effort which continues at a high priority today.

“The decision to fortify NATO borders now makes clear that Russia will rely on its very large arsenal of tactical nuclear weapons…It’s written into their official doctrine that ‘we reserve the right to use our nuclear weapons if the existence of the Russian state is threatened by overwhelming conventional forces.’ NATO may now be compiling on Russia’s borders overwhelming conventional forces.”

This danger is heightened, Cohen pointed out later in the interview, by the US B61-12 nuclear bomb modernization, a bomb designed to be more “usable,” a word that had been banned from the nuclear lexicon by Ronald Reagan in the 1980’s but has been brought back by Obama.

“To say this is dangerous is to understate the situation. It was all predictable yet Washington has gone ahead anyway. Once Washington implements this quadrupling of its forces, we are in a much more dangerous situation in terms of possible nuclear confrontation than we ever were during the Cold War. Obama can’t hide from this anymore. The buck stopped there. He signed off on this.  It is an enormous escalation of the Cold war in the direction of hot war.”

President Barack Obama continues to stage one provocation against Russia and China after another, with Defense Secretary Ashton Carter this week floating a defense budget that can only be described as a commitment to World War III.  That budget calls for billions of dollars in new spending to beef up US and NATO forces in Europe and in the Asia-Pacific, while also launching a $1 trillion modernization of the US thermonuclear strategic triad.

Lyndon LaRouche observed on Wednesday that this entire swindle is a dangerous bluff, given that the US is in the advanced stages of a physical economic breakdown.  “There is a precipitous decline in the mental life of the US citizenry. Our productive capacities as a nation are gone.  All we have is a tiny residue for show purposes.”

Indeed, that January monthly survey by the Federal Reserve into loan requests from the manufacturing and commercial sector show a dramatic decline — more than 11 percent.  The banking sector on both sides of the Atlantic is crashing down.  Among the major US and European banks, stock values have crashed by more than 30 percent since January 1, 2016.  Handelsblatt declared today that “Deutsche Bank is in a Freefall,” adding that the real center of the collapse of European finance is not in the periphery, but is centered in Germany and France, the industrial heartland of Europe.  One financial publication estimates that Deutsche Bank is sitting on a pile of debt that is 70 percent

But, as Lyndon LaRouche emphasized, the collapse of the financial sector is due to the collapse of the real productive economy. The physical economic breakdown process is the driving factor.  “Obama is the commander-in-chief of an incompetent force, and the British are not doing any better.”

The case of California is exemplary.  At the close of World War II, California had emerged as a key part of the Arsenal of Democracy, with shipbuilding, aircraft manufacturing, and major research laboratories, including Lawrence Livermore, the Jet Propulsion Lab, and Cal Tech.  All of that has been wiped out, at an accelerating rate in recent years, under Schwarzenegger and Brown.

Our concern, therefore, is to rebuild the real economy, and that starts by recognizing and reversing the mistakes that have been made, consistently, since the death of Franklin Roosevelt. It begins with our educational and training programs, which have been destroyed.  The productive powers of the young generation of Americans are non-existent, particularly when compared to the level of productivity just two generations ago.

This reality underscores the sheer insanity of President Obama’s provocations against Russia and China, which will only have the effect of accelerating the onrushing collapse of the productive powers of the American people.

Obama has to be removed from office, before he, on British orders, starts a thermonuclear world war.  Wall Street and London, which are already hopelessly bankrupt, must be wiped out. We need a clean slate, starting with a global cancellation of all the accumulated gambling debts.  They are worthless, so just cancel them all.  As former chief economist of the BIS, William White, said at the recent Davos World Economic Forum, there needs to be a global Jubilee, as has been required, repeatedly, over the last 5,000 years.

Wipe out the gambling debt, launch an FDR credit policy, to create jobs, launch training programs for the under-skilled younger generations, tap into the skills of the older generations as we rebuild—and cut out all of the insanity around preparations for war against Russia and China.

Competent Western military strategists acknowledge that Russia has gone through a genuine qualitative revolution in its war-fighting and war-avoidance capabilities.  That includes new generations of military equipment and well-trained personnel. The top NATO maritime commander recently commended the Russians on their technological leap in their submarine warfare capabilities.

Only an insane, desperate British oligarchy—and their stooges like Obama—could contemplate modern war against major powers like Russia and China, who have no intention of posing a strategic threat.  The gravest threat to world peace and survival is the accelerating collapse process in the trans-Atlantic region.  The shutdown of NASA and the gutting of the automobile sector, with their embedded machine-tool-design capabilities, was the death knell of the once powerful American System economy of the United States.

On Thursday, Feb. 4, Lyndon LaRouche will be holding an emergency dialogue with LaRouchePAC activists on the implications of the brutal termination of the presidential campaign of Martin O’Malley, and what this signals about the immediate danger of general war.

In the days immediately preceding the Iowa caucus, LaRouche had made a pointed intervention to set out the policy preconditions for his support for an O’Malley presidency, with the idea that this act on his part would force some of the leading enemies of the American Republic to play their hand, and reveal their intentions.

LaRouche’s conclusion, following the abrupt termination of the O’Malley presidential campaign, even before the final Iowa results were announced, was that leading British circles, controlling the Barack Obama Presidency, are desperately escalating their preparations for war against Russia and China. The actions against O’Malley were, in effect, a red dye indication of the war preparations already well-underway. The fact that there were escalating British Crown provocations against Russian President Vladimir Putin, coincident with the actions against O’Malley, sealed the case.

The timing of these events was driven by the fact that the entire trans-Atlantic financial system—the British System—was in an accelerating crash process, as indicated by the meltdown of the entire Italian banking system, at a more rapid rate than the earlier collapses of Greece, Portugal, and Ireland.

These British Empire forces, including their Obama Presidency, are committed to the rapid depopulation of the planet, through warfare and other means. The coincidence of the breakdown crisis, the over-reaction to the LaRouche intervention on behalf of a viable O’Malley candidacy, and the dramatic escalation in targeted provocations against both Russia and China—coming from London and the White House—is the clearest evidence available that mankind is moving into a moment of grave crisis.

The fact that top leaders in both Russia and China are aware, to a great extent, of the significance of these developments, means that there are counter-measures that can be taken, if the full implications of the recent days events are understood.

On Thursday night, Feb. 4, at 9 PM, Lyndon LaRouche will hold his weekly Fireside Chat (details can be obtained from local LaRouchePAC organizations) to discuss these extraordinary developments. On Saturday, Feb. 6, LaRouche will hold his weekly Manhattan dialogue, with a live audience, on the same emergency situation and what must be done.

These two dialogues are must-attend events for all citizens serious about preventing a near-term plunge into a global war that will rapidly escalate into a thermonuclear confrontation, jeopardizing the very survival of humankind. Be prepared for an intense and frank discussion and for extraordinary mobilization.

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When confronted with an understanding of the depth of the crisis we are in, the question naturally arises: “How did we get here? How did people become so stupid?” In this week’s show, Jason Ross leads a discussion of the downshift in thinking and morality seen in the Twentieth Century—with the replacement of creativity by logic—and concludes with concepts from Leibniz that point the way to a different view of man and science.

The warning, “One step more, and we lose our humanity,” was a powerful focus in the presentation by Helga Zepp-LaRouche Jan. 26, at the National Press Club forum in Washington, D.C., hosted by EIR, titled, “Only a Scientific and Cultural Renaissance Can Stop the Dark Age Now Descending Upon Humanity.” Her speech was preceded by that of Thomas Wysmuller, a former meteorologist at NASA, and a leading spokesman for, “The Right Climate Stuff”—a group of former NASA scientists, centered in Houston at the Johnson Space Center, who are speaking out against the fraud of man-driven climate change.

Zepp-LaRouche gave a moving picture of the crisis of refugees in Europe, including not only the conditions of suffering and death, but the crisis of the depraved responses by many of the so-called EU leaders. This is the same immoral outlook perpetrating, or going along with, actions now furthering economic collapse, and bringing us ever closer to nuclear war. Zepp-LaRouche made this crystal clear.

However, she said, we can act. We do not merely have to describe and decry, “what is….” We can address what we can do. She called on everyone to “take the approach of the future.” Zepp-LaRouche presented in beautiful detail, a development program for the whole Southwest Asia/North Africa region—a Silk Road Marshall Plan for the “Middle East.”

Contrast this with some of the deadly events of the day. For example, the 50+ years-long British Royalist green campaign for depopulation has reached the stage in the United States, where the entire coal sector is being shut down. The latest push comes from California, where Jerry Brown’s government announced on Jan. 25, that insurance companies doing business in the state, must divest of any holdings in coal companies. With no financing and plunging revenue, coal companies are going bankrupt; mines are shutting down in the Appalachians, and thousands of miners are thrown out of work.

Lyndon LaRouche commented, that this is the “British” plan. They are killing off the ability for production.

But—answering Zepp-LaRouche’s call—”we can commit to find our humanity.” This begins with activating to set aside Obama, and make way for the emergency measures to assure the future.

I want to join this new renaissance.

The warning, “One step more, and we lose our humanity,” was a powerful focus in the presentation by Helga Zepp-LaRouche Jan. 26, at the National Press Club forum in Washington, D.C., hosted by EIR, titled, “Only a Scientific and Cultural Renaissance Can Stop the Dark Age Now Descending Upon Humanity.” Her speech was preceded by that of Thomas Wysmuller, a former meteorologist at NASA, and a leading spokesman for, “The Right Climate Stuff”—a group of former NASA scientists, centered in Houston at the Johnson Space Center, who are speaking out against the fraud of man-driven climate change.

Zepp-LaRouche gave a moving picture of the crisis of refugees in Europe, including not only the conditions of suffering and death, but the crisis of the depraved responses by many of the so-called EU leaders. This is the same immoral outlook perpetrating, or going along with, actions now furthering economic collapse, and bringing us ever closer to nuclear war. Zepp-LaRouche made this crystal clear.

However, she said, we can act. We do not merely have to describe and decry, “what is….” We can address what we can do. She called on everyone to “take the approach of the future.” Zepp-LaRouche presented in beautiful detail, a development program for the whole Southwest Asia/North Africa region—a Silk Road Marshall Plan for the “Middle East.”

Contrast this with some of the deadly events of the day. For example, the 50+ years-long British Royalist green campaign for depopulation has reached the stage in the United States, where the entire coal sector is being shut down. The latest push comes from California, where Jerry Brown’s government announced on Jan. 25, that insurance companies doing business in the state, must divest of any holdings in coal companies. With no financing and plunging revenue, coal companies are going bankrupt; mines are shutting down in the Appalachians, and thousands of miners are thrown out of work.

Lyndon LaRouche commented, that this is the “British” plan. They are killing off the ability for production.

But—answering Zepp-LaRouche’s call—”we can commit to find our humanity.” This begins with activating to set aside Obama, and make way for the emergency measures to assure the future.

I want to join this new renaissance.

In its second major story in a week, on deaths from drug addiction in the U.S., New York Times writers Haeyoun Park and Matthew Bloch report that deaths from  drug overdoses have increased in nearly every county in the U.S. (The U.S. has 3,007 counties.) The tautological reason cited is growth in addiction to prescription painkillers and heroin. The true reason is the lack of a future for young and old, rich and poor, across America, as American statesman Lyndon LaRouche stated forcefully once again to a meeting of his associates on Jan. 19.

The reader of the New York Times article is compelled to think how needed FDR’s “alphabet” agencies to train and put the unemployed to work are today, rebuilding the U.S., the rest of the world, and exploring space — all of which human pursuits Obama hates, as shown by his campaign for drug legalization/ decriminalization. These Great Projects, and removing Obama, are the creative challenges which Lyndon LaRouche has called on the American people to raise themselves up to meet.

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s newest county level statistics show the largest concentrations of overdose deaths from 2003-2014 were in Appalachia and the Southwest. The number of U.S. drug overdose deaths reached a new high in 2014: 47,055 people, or about 125 Americans daily. This death rate is similar to the HIV epidemic at its peak, Park and Bloch report. However, while Centers for Disease Control Chief of Mortality Statistics Robert Anderson characterized HIV as mainly an urban problem, drug overdoses cut across rural-urban lines; now, death rates from overdoses are growing faster in rural areas than the rates in large urban areas, which historically have had higher rates.

New Hampshire is a state where drug deaths from heroin have skyrocketed, and made it an issue in the Presidential campaign. Timothy Rourke, Chair of the New Hampshire Governor’s Commission on Alcohol and Drug Abuse, says, “No group is immune to it — it is happening in our inner cities, rural and affluent communities,” the NYT quoted him; in 2014, he said, 326 people died from an overdose of an opioid, a class of drugs that includes heroin and fentanyl, a painkiller 100 times more powerful than morphine. Nationally, opioids were involved in more than 61 percent of deaths from overdoses in 2014; deaths from heroin overdoses have more than tripled since 2010, and are double the death rate from cocaine. Most of the deaths are related to a version of fentanyl, which dealers cut heroin with, and which is more deadly, Rourke says.

In Appalachia, the Times authors say workplace injuries may drive rising addiction, which is heavy in eastern West Virginia and Kentucky. When prescription painkillers’ abundance was cut back, addicts turned to heroin. West Virginia has the highest overdose rate in the nation; like New Hampshire, West Virginia has few treatment facilities.

In New Mexico, heroin addiction has been passed down generation to generation; the state has had high death rates from heroin overdoses since the early 1990s. Now addictions are shifting to young people from affluent communities. Sources: “Drug Poisoning Mortality: U.S. 2002-2014 Lauren Rossen, et al., National Center for Health Statistics, CDC. 

In its second major story in a week, on deaths from drug addiction in the U.S., New York Times writers Haeyoun Park and Matthew Bloch report that deaths from  drug overdoses have increased in nearly every county in the U.S. (The U.S. has 3,007 counties.) The tautological reason cited is growth in addiction to prescription painkillers and heroin. The true reason is the lack of a future for young and old, rich and poor, across America, as American statesman Lyndon LaRouche stated forcefully once again to a meeting of his associates on Jan. 19.

The reader of the New York Times article is compelled to think how needed FDR’s “alphabet” agencies to train and put the unemployed to work are today, rebuilding the U.S., the rest of the world, and exploring space — all of which human pursuits Obama hates, as shown by his campaign for drug legalization/ decriminalization. These Great Projects, and removing Obama, are the creative challenges which Lyndon LaRouche has called on the American people to raise themselves up to meet.

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s newest county level statistics show the largest concentrations of overdose deaths from 2003-2014 were in Appalachia and the Southwest. The number of U.S. drug overdose deaths reached a new high in 2014: 47,055 people, or about 125 Americans daily. This death rate is similar to the HIV epidemic at its peak, Park and Bloch report. However, while Centers for Disease Control Chief of Mortality Statistics Robert Anderson characterized HIV as mainly an urban problem, drug overdoses cut across rural-urban lines; now, death rates from overdoses are growing faster in rural areas than the rates in large urban areas, which historically have had higher rates.

New Hampshire is a state where drug deaths from heroin have skyrocketed, and made it an issue in the Presidential campaign. Timothy Rourke, Chair of the New Hampshire Governor’s Commission on Alcohol and Drug Abuse, says, “No group is immune to it — it is happening in our inner cities, rural and affluent communities,” the NYT quoted him; in 2014, he said, 326 people died from an overdose of an opioid, a class of drugs that includes heroin and fentanyl, a painkiller 100 times more powerful than morphine. Nationally, opioids were involved in more than 61 percent of deaths from overdoses in 2014; deaths from heroin overdoses have more than tripled since 2010, and are double the death rate from cocaine. Most of the deaths are related to a version of fentanyl, which dealers cut heroin with, and which is more deadly, Rourke says.

In Appalachia, the Times authors say workplace injuries may drive rising addiction, which is heavy in eastern West Virginia and Kentucky. When prescription painkillers’ abundance was cut back, addicts turned to heroin. West Virginia has the highest overdose rate in the nation; like New Hampshire, West Virginia has few treatment facilities.

In New Mexico, heroin addiction has been passed down generation to generation; the state has had high death rates from heroin overdoses since the early 1990s. Now addictions are shifting to young people from affluent communities. Sources: “Drug Poisoning Mortality: U.S. 2002-2014 Lauren Rossen, et al., National Center for Health Statistics, CDC. 

The New York Times on Wednesday, Jan. 20, 2016, continued their running profile of the death and destruction of the American people, wrought by President Obama and his British Crown masters, with a lengthy map report of the county-by-county skyrocketing increase in heroin overdose deaths. Not a single county in the United States has been immune from the heroin epidemic, which the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention compare to the original outbreak of HIV. In the past month, the Times has cataloged the increasing death rates among middle-aged and young adults, driven by wild increases in drug and alcohol abuse and the mounting pattern of suicides.

The boom in heroin addiction is directly attributable to Obama’s policies of drug legalization and the strict adherence to “too big to jail” treatment of the Wall Street banks. Under Obama, the Justice Department has given “deferred prosecution” slaps on the wrist to Citibank, Wells Fargo/Wachovia, and HSBC, which have all admitted to laundering billions of dollars in drug money through the US banking system. Not a single Wall Street executive has gone to jail, and none have even faced criminal indictment and prosecution. That translates, in part, to the jump in heroin deaths (47,000 in 2014, the last year for which records are available) since Obama came into office, and honored his pledge to dope legalizer and British tool George Soros to flood the United States with illicit drugs.

These latest horror stories make the point sharply: Just as Lyndon LaRouche has been warning, the entire 20th Century and the first decades of the 21st have been a period of thorough cultural and scientific degeneration, and the British are responsible. From the British-engineered two world wars of the 20th Century, through the Lord Bertrand Russell assault on science and basic education, through the British Fabian/Frankfurt School-orchestrated imposition of the culture of political correctness, which rejects outright any scientific principles of truth, the United States has been robbed of its historic soul.

On the rare occasions when genuine political leaders emerged, like Franklin Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, and even Ronald Reagan, they were targeted for assassination—always by the British Crown and their Dope, Inc. and Murder, Inc. assets.

This is the real story of what has been done to the American people. Now, we are at the point where the entire global British System is set to blow out. It could happen any moment, any day. The situation is over-ripe.

There are genuine measures that could be easily taken to prevent the total disintegration. FDR’s First Hundred Days showed the way. But, as LaRouche warned on Wednesday in discussions with colleagues, this requires Presidential action—and British agent Obama will never take the actions required. This gets back to the fundamental point: Unless Obama is removed from office, and unless the power of the British Empire, including its Wall Street arm, is crushed, there is no prospect for the United States, as it was known, to survive.

That is the message that must be conveyed, because it is the essential truth of the present moment. Remove Obama by Constitutional means, wipe out London and Wall Street, starting with the reinstatement of Glass-Steagall, and the FDR-modeled measures can be started overnight. Succumb to the present cowardice, corruption and pragmatism that is rampant in Congress and in most other constituent institutions in the country, and the nation is doomed. The end could come through the imminent financial blowout, or it could come in the form of thermonuclear war, that would wipe out the overwhelming majority of humanity in the process.

I’m in, keep me connected

Lyndon LaRouche warned at the end of the year that the world would descend into Hell after the New Year, and that only the final defeat of the British Empire would save civilization. That descent into Hell is now proceeding as he warned, as the Western financial system is unraveling, as both the Middle East and Asia are being taken to the very brink of thermonuclear confrontation, and as the populations of the U.S. and Europe are being driven into a Dark Age of drugs, gang violence and a level of austerity which is already creating mass death.

The bail-in is now the law of the land both in Europe and the United States, permitting the outright theft of the savings of average citizens in order to save the bankrupt banking system for a few more minutes. It is the British system, top down, which is driving a global mass killing of the human population. The British Royal Family has stated openly that it is determined to reduce the human population to a small fragment of what it is today.

Asia is going in a different direction, especially China, based on large-scale investments in regional infrastructure and a “win-win” policy of cooperation for the common aims of mankind. Asia will not be destroyed by the impact of the economic collapse which is now striking the trans-Atlantic area—but precisely for that reason, the British Empire, through Obama, is determined to destroy Asia, and Russia, in war.

Destroying the British Empire requires the immediate removal of the Empire’s puppet Barack Obama from office, as the person who has his hand on the button for thermonuclear war, and who will defend Wall Street with the blood and bones of the human population—truly Satanic in that sense.

The problem is the fact that most people are stupid, out of fear—they don’t want to do something like that, complaining that it is not “practical.” And yet the only way we can save the population of the planet is to get rid of everything that is the British authority, the British Royal Family and its legacy, and especially its control over the United States in the person of President Obama. We must escalate the campaign for Glass-Steagall to close down Wall Street, and get the United States on board the New Silk Road, which means a Franklin Roosevelt reconstruction in the U.S. and the world.