As of Monday, Aug. 24, the entire trans-Atlantic system is over, Lyndon LaRouche stated yesterday. We are now facing a global, systemic meltdown of the system, which is going to produce wild, unpredictable effects across the planet in the days and weeks ahead. We will see a new pattern emerge by the end of this week, and outside of LaRouche and his associates, no one is able to cope with what is coming.

No one at this point knows the depth of the crisis, LaRouche said, but what is clear is that we are facing an unstoppable, general collapse of the global system. That means that we have to foreclose on all of Wall Street’s phoney assets, put them entirely out of business, and quickly proceed to build the physical economy in the United States and internationally.

LaRouche ridiculed the idea that the so-called “Black Monday” stock market meltdown of Aug. 24 was the cause of the crisis; the crash was only a display of the fact that the markets are starting to catch up with the reality of the system’s total bankruptcy. It is also wrong to blame China for the crisis. They have been put through the wringer, because of the global trade collapse which affects their economy significantly, but they are not the cause, LaRouche emphasized.

The epicenter is the trans-Atlantic financial system: that is where the real crash is underway. Countries like China, India, and other BRICS nations, and those associated with them, have better chances of surviving the maelstrom. The United States has no chance of survival, LaRouche said, unless we quickly implement the policies that I have specified: an immediate return to FDR’s Glass-Steagall reorganization of the financial system, replacing it with a Hamiltonian credit system that will provide credit for projects that productively employ our population, and enhance their scientific and cultural capabilities. The physical economy can rebound with this change in policy.

To launch that, we must immediately replace the Obama Presidency with one capable of addressing the crisis. Obama is still out to launch thermonuclear war against Russia and China, driven by the financial crisis, and his removal from office is therefore doubly urgent. A Presidential team to replace him is critical, LaRouche emphasized, not a single individual. As of this week, Hillary Clinton is a hopeless consideration, because she has aligned herself fully with Wall Street, through her terror-driven compact with Obama. You have the same mess on the Republican side; “and don’t be a Trump for Wall Street,” LaRouche added.

This reality is what is driving everything. The only thing that is fixed, is that we have entered a period of permanent crisis.

Our job includes educating people, as we are doing in LaRouche’s Manhattan Project, to develop in them the capabilities of what the new economy will require of mankind. Our touchstones are classical music education, and China’s scientific program centered on their lunar program for the mining of Helium-3 for fusion energy development. These are the kinds of new capabilities which mankind now requires.

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On “‘Black Monday’: Hundreds of Billions Wiped Off World Stock Markets in Worst Plunge since 2008,” headlined the London Irish Independent.

Asian stock markets fell by 6-8%; Europe’s by 4-6%; the Wall Street exchanges by just under 4%, or almost 600 points; Mideast markets plunged even more steeply; Brazil’s Bovespa exchange lost 6%.

The commodity collapse accelerated. West Texas crude oil is below $39/barrel. Bloomberg’s Commodity Price Index of 22 commodities is falling at 2-3%/week, according to Bloomberg News Aug. 24, and is now at 1998 crisis levels. That index has dropped by 51% since the end of 2013 as economic growth disappeared in trans-Atlantic, then in Russia and Brazil; but the drop is clearly accelerating this Summer. It was the trigger in Spring-Summer 2008 for the bank blowout of the Autumn.

One of the largest categories of corporate debt has gone “underwater” in the crash. The larger U.S. corporations have borrowed $1 trillion/year since 2013, overwhelmingly (90-95%) for the purpose of buying their own stocks, or other company’s stocks in takeovers. The markets’ plunge has now pushed that several trillion in corporate debt into hundreds of billions in unrealized losses, which will expand further.

Credit default spreads for major banks widened in an accelerating way, indicating “counterparty risk” — their assets are bad. The high-yield bond spread (the difference between corporate/muni bonds and junk bonds, mainly in energy) zoomed up through 5%.

Wall Street banks were plunging faster than the market. On Aug. 20-21 combined, Citigroup shares lost 6.06%; JPMorgan Chase 6.01%; BOA 7.95%.

World trade shipping rates are in collapse, having fallen 60% in three weeks and 27% in the last week alone, to $467/TEU on the Shanghai Containerized Shipping Index. About $800-1,000/TEU is a profitable level.

EIR Founding Editor Lyndon LaRouche forecast what is now occurring, “the biggest financial crisis in modern history.” He had stated in public discussions over this weekend what was apparent to him on Friday: That the biggest crash of the trans-Atlantic financial community in modern history had occurred, and would become rapidly manifest.

That was stated in the LaRouchePAC report Do You Have the Guts to Face the Truth—And Act in Time?, and on Monday LaRouche’s forecast was confirmed and will continue to be confirmed in coming days.

The Wall Street institutions are blowing out completely. This is a total collapse of the financial system from which no normal recovery is possible, only extraordinary measures as LaRouche has defined them. The degree of destruction to the lives of the American people and those in Europe, and to their children’s futures, is far worse than has happened before, even in the Great Depression precedent.

The breakdown is incurable by any bailouts or similar schemes. Wall Street has to be shut down, now.

The crisis can have an optimistic outcome, if the American people are organized to support action now, and international cooperation takes place.

An FDR-modeled clean-out of those assets and shutdown of those Wall Street/London banks is necessary—as with President Franklin Roosevelt’s first actions after his 1933 inauguration. The Glass-Steagall principle is the principle upon which to launch this action, in order to avoid panic and chaos.

SEE “Glass Steagall”

This crisis is far greater than what FDR faced. As LaRouche stated Monday morning, while markets plunged as he’d said they would:

“We have to cancel all debt obligations of those categories that are crashing now. Shut Wall Street down! We now must go back to FDR’s policy for dealing with the Wall Street crisis of his time. But this Wall Street crisis is far beyond what he faced. It is going global, from the trans-Atlantic center of the breakdown. There is far more worthless debt. We’ve got to take the right steps, and take them now.”

What is required is immediate creation of a new system of credit — again as FDR did — to restore productivity and productive work, attack the great needs of modern infrastructure, and deal with the lack of productive skills, especially among younger people. We have to restore the confidence of the American people, which has been ruined with the destruction of their employment and their qualifications.

This is the worst financial breakdown in our history. In effect, the “100 Days” of a new Presidency must now start; these actions cannot be taken with Wall Street’s Barack Obama in office.

LaRouche said: “We’re on the edge of thermonuclear World War III, unless we can stop Obama…And the key to the answer, is the financial breakdown crisis. Restore the confidence of the American people, by getting Obama out.”

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We’re being buffaloed by Obama, or what he represents. Although Obama’s policy is a fast road to total destruction, including thermonuclear war probably this month,— yet people are adapting to it. They’re tending to submit to it, saying, “It’s hopeless; we have to submit.”

This is what’s killing us.

Americans have capitulated to two two-term Presidents: first Bush, and then Obama. Just think how many young people have come to maturity during those fifteen years? You’re dealing with an entire generation which is intrinsically degenerate, because they never really knew anything. Our young people really have no understanding of anything. Young people and young adults just fall into it. A whole oldest generation has died out in the meantime, and this one replaced it. As the result, the population has lost all comprehension of what has been happening, as the whole society has tilted sharply into this capitulation. The whole society is based on an adaptation to it.

We have a nation with a lot of people who do have guts, but the population reads the signs, and they follow the signs. A whole population goes down that road, and they’re buffaloed. We simply have to work against popular opinion,— against the stupidity which dominates popular opinion. What dominates the population is their cultivated stupidity. Especially, we must work against the acceptance of it by people who should know better.

An entire system of belief has grown up among us, which is secretly (or not-so secretly) based on caving in to the adaptation to Bush, and then Obama. Among those Americans who more than any others should know better, nearly all of them have succumbed to it internally. It’s obvious. To try to assuage their consciences, they trap themselves in precious private opinions. Petty private projects. They preoccupy themselves with precious, little private gripes. All these are fetishes, with which they wall themselves off from the real issues of life, which they ignore. They make themselves completely incompetent,— deliberately. We cave in to the things which oppress us, a tendency which is especially strong south of the Mason-Dixon line, where evil is most concentrated.

You can’t blame the population for this: blame yourself! Whether for embodying this blindness, or for accommodating to it. Those for whom there is any hope, will begin by privately recognizing the truth of this description.

Now, Hillary Clinton’s political and moral degeneration has been a bellwether for the moral degeneration of the population.

Anyone who refuses to immediately re-introduce Franklin Roosevelt’s Glass-Steagall protections, must be excluded as a candidate. It represents the moral difference between foolish ideas and the interests of humanity.

Hilary Clinton began to degenerate morally when Bill Clinton was whipsawed by the Queen of England, operating through the Republican Party, in his second term. Hillary adapted to what was done to him; she didn’t recognize that it was an operation, didn’t recognize that it was the Queen of England behind it. She adapted to what was done to Bill. Then she disregarded LaRouche’s advice to stay in the U.S. Senate rather than become Obama’s Secretary of State. Obama bullied her into concession after concession, retreat after retreat. On Sept 11, 2012, he bullied her into covering for his criminality on Benghazi; Obama’s impeachment should have begun on very that day.

Now, Hillary is a failure. There’s no future for her. And Obama has teamed up with the Bush family against her. They won’t be content with denying her the nomination: both Obama and the Bushes want her in prison, for a start,— and then probably want her dead. The only thing she can do to have a future, is to finally tell the truth about Obama and Benghazi. Obama’s impeachment should have begun on that day of Sept 11, 2012,— but it was hushed up. Let it begin now, Hillary! Let it begin today, before Obama can launch the thermonuclear war towards which he’s aiming.

Lyndon LaRouche launched the Manhattan Project in October, 2014, to pick an area of organizing the nation; a leadership impulse from a relevant part of the nation. Take that, and you have a point of mobilization for the larger population. The problem is not just the South as such, but that people adapt to the South. That Manhattan Project is succeeding, and it will succeed if you give it the time. We have to fight.

Russian Duma chairman Sergey Naryshkin gave a lengthy interview to Izvestiya, published on July 30, on the occasion of the Guns of August anniversary—the August 1, 1914 Russian entry into the First World War on the side of Serbia—in which he warned starkly that “a Third World War would be mankind’s last.”

“If the logic of the Cold War is imposed on us, then we have to respond appropriately. And one should be very careful in using words such as `redividing the world’ or `Third World War.’ Both in our country and abroad. A Third World War would be mankind’s last. And the strengthening of Russia’s defense capabilities, including the funding decisions the Duma makes, is intended precisely to avert such a war.”

In its coverage of the Naryshkin interview, RT elaborated that “the top Russian MP also blasted the attempts to revive neo-colonial policy in the modern world,” and said this was in part due to the “weak reaction to crimes against peace and humanity and due to toleration of fascist and racist ideologies.” RT quotes Naryshkin saying: “Many military conflicts started with the silent connivance to the ideas of one people’s superiority over others…The major Western countries prefer not to notice that, just as they try not to notice neo- Nazi trends and the glorification of HItler’s collaborators.”

According to RT, Naryshkin stated that “the deal suggested by the European Union to Ukraine—to bear obligations without having any rights—can only be described as a colonial status.” He completely ruled out the possibility of returning Crimea to Ukraine, and held out the possibility, as Russian officials have in the past, of “a merger between two regional unions—the Eurasian Economic Union and European Union… [since Russia] has always been and will always remain in the common family of European people.” 

Hillary Clinton probably has the fate of the human species in her hands. If she acts now to expose what she personally knows about Obama’s lying criminality concerning the September 11, 2012 murders of four United States government representatives in Benghazi, Libya,— then Hillary’s Presidential campaign will be at an end, because she will be forced to betray her own complicity (even if it was reluctant complicity), with Obama. But she will have saved humanity from probable extinction, in a thermonuclear war which Obama will otherwise launch against Russia and China during the month of August, with Congress out of session.

Now it is only that one voice, that of the hitherto complicit Hillary Clinton, in breaking with her own complicity, which can either throw Obama out of office during August,— or else bring him so close to impeachment and conviction during August, that he is unable to launch the war which his mistress, the British Queen, demands.

Hillary’s personal situation,— that of her awesome personal responsibility at this instant,— may be unusual, but it is by no means unprecedented. If there has been no international nuclear war since 1945, causing hundreds of millions of casualties or worse, it has been because some US Presidents, and others, have passed the test which now confronts Hillary Clinton. They passed it because they came to recognize that absolutely no personal consideration, no sacrifice,— even that of their own lives and more, if it comes to that,— could remotely be compared with thermonuclear war. And today, unlike in those past decades, that war might be as short as two days, and would likely end the existence of our species.

Eisenhower had said in 1946, “I hate war as only a soldier who has lived it can, only as one who has seen its brutality, its stupidity.” When Eisenhower decided to run for President, he recognized the drift of Truman and the Truman Administration towards nuclear war, and was determined to reverse it. In the 1954 Dienbienphu crisis, as in the 1956 Suez crisis, he understood that descent into nuclear war was around the corner, and acted accordingly. Eisenhower inspired the institution of the U.S. Presidency for the truth, as he stated it in 1956, that “The only way to win World War III is to prevent it.”

The true facts of how close we came to nuclear war in 1962, and of everything President John F. Kennedy did to avoid it, are even today only known to very few. How he used his brother Robert as a totally-secret channel to the Soviet leadership, circumventing his contaminated cabinet and even his White House. He knew that their advice would probably lead to a devastating war. How he persuaded the Soviets to give up a large part of their war-making capacity. For all those critical days, only that one single objective dominated him totally. But he reached that objective,— even at the cost of his life.

Nor should it be forgotten how Pope John XXIII, then just as close to the end of his own life as was President Kennedy, himself boldly intervened into that crisis, totally on his own responsibility and against the advice of his Curia.

The mention of the Pope should remind us of how the office, or, better said, the responsibility, changes the man. It should remind us of St. Paul’s conversion on Damascus Road. This change, or the potentiality for this change, is the only meaning of being human. Those who deny that Hillary Clinton can make this change are guilty of a criminal cynicism about themselves.

On Tuesday Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the shutdown the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) in Russia, under a law passed by the Russian Parliament and signed by Putin in May. The Russian Parliament declared the NED an “undesirable” organization under that law, which bans groups from abroad which are deemed a “threat to the foundations of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation, its defense capabilities, and its national security.”

The NED is clearly not simply an NGO, but the very heavily funded “mother of all NGOs” being used in British/Obama “color revolution” operations for regime change around the world. Thus the Putin government’s banning of it has unmistakable significance.

In addition to the reorganization and modernization of the entire Russian defense triad, and Putin’s denunciation of the U.S. withdrawal from the ABM treaty as a war threat, the shutdown of the NED is another loud and clear warning that Russia is aware that it is facing an existential war threat, brought on by the Obama Administration-run coup in Ukraine and declared intent to place NATO weapons on its border. The May law on “undesirables” follows a law signed in 2012 that gave Russian authorities the power to declare organizations “foreign agents” if they engage in any kind of politics and receive money from abroad. Yet after that law, the Obama Administration flagrantly supported a “color revolution” against Ukraine’s legitimately elected government.

With the outright Banderite Nadia Diuk being the vice-president of NED with responsibility for Eurasia for the past several years, the NED was in the center of 2011 attempts to stage a “color revolution” against the Russian government and its elections; and of course was a guiding force in preparing and carrying out the Banderite overthrow of the Ukraine government. “The U.S. would like Russia to cease to exist as a country,” said the director of Russia’s Security Council, Nikolay Patrushev, on June 22 of this year. He also said, “The Americans seek to dominate the world…. It’s clear that the hidden agenda of destabilization of this country [ukraine] is creating an instrument to radically weaken Russia.” President Putin gave a similar assessment of the situation, and the need to take actions against it, to the Security Council meeting of July 3.

In a lengthy editorial in yesterday’s Washington Post, titled “Power Mad,” with a large picture of President Putin, the Post feigns incredulity that NED programs to bring down the regime through education, fighting “corruption,” and promotion of “human rights,” could be outlawed. Demonstrating its “high dudgeon,” the Post also runs an op-ed by Carl Gershman, the President of the NED, called “Putin’s Fear of Civil Society.” It might better be titled, “Putin’s Internal Preparations for the West’s Launching of War.” 

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has it in her power to stop President Barack Obama from launching a strategic conflict with Russia, that will, in all likelihood, lead to a thermonuclear war of extinction. All she has to do is come forward with the full truth about Benghazi, starting with the events of September 11, 2012.

Lyndon LaRouche has warned, repeatedly, in recent weeks, that President Obama is prepared to launch a provocation against Russia that would rapidly lead to a general war. The most likely time-frame for such a provocation is the month of August, when the U.S. Congress is in recess, and when the Joint Chiefs of Staff is going through a top-down personnel change. The only thing that can stop this plunge into a thermonuclear war is the removal of President Obama from office, or, in the alternative, a thorough discrediting of the President, to the degree that he is unable to launch the intended provocation, and his resignation or impeachment is imminent.

That is the stark reality of the coming days and weeks. And former Secretary of State Clinton, now a candidate for the Democratic Party presidential nomination, is in a unique position to stop the drive for war by, at long last, telling the truth about Benghazi.

        – What Hillary Clinton Knows –

On the afternoon of Sept. 11, 2012, well-armed terrorists, affiliated with al-Qaeda, launched a pre-planned assault on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya. After an extended fire-fight with the handful of American security personnel guarding U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens, the compound was set on fire, and Ambassador Stevens and one other American diplomat were killed. A second U.S. facility in Benghazi, a CIA compound a mile away from the U.S. mission, was subsequently attacked, resulting in the deaths of two more American officials.

From the instant the attack was launched, Americans on the ground in Benghazi and at the U.S. embassy in Tripoli, Libya, knew that the attack was an armed terrorist assault. Cables between Tripoli and Washington, directed to the National Security Council, the State Department Operations Center, the Pentagon, the CIA, and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, identified the al-Qaeda-affiliated Ansar al-Sharia cell in the Derna-Benghazi area as the attackers.

In testimony before the U.S. Congress, Gregory Hicks, the deputy chief of mission at the U.S. Embassy in Tripoli, said that he provided a stream of live reports on the ongoing attack every fifteen minutes to the State Department Operations Center, throughout the evening of 9/11/12.

At no time was there any report of a “spontaneous demonstration” outside the Benghazi diplomatic compound. From the very outset, it was clear that the compound was under attack from al-Qaeda.

It was the eleventh anniversary of the original 9/11 attacks. U.S. Presidential elections were weeks away. American drone strikes in the Afghanistan-Pakistan border region had, in June 2012, killed a top al-Qaeda terrorist from Libya, Abu Yahya al-Libi; and al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri had issued an order for revenge attacks against the United States for the al-Libi killing, on the anniversary of 9/11.

There had been clear advance warnings of trouble in Benghazi and threats to American diplomats for months, even preceding the al-Qaeda threats. The International Committee of the Red Cross had pulled out of Benghazi months before the attack, due to security threats and actual attacks. The British Ambassador and the entire British mission had been shut down in Benghazi, after a bazooka attack on the ambassador’s convoy months earlier.

All of this information had been circulated throughout the U.S. Government, through a series of State Department security assessments, which had been regularly updated prior to the 9/11/12 attacks in Benghazi. Over 100 pages of those State Department cables and memos were released to the public within weeks of the Benghazi attack, providing clear evidence of the security crisis in eastern Libya prior to 9/11/12.

Author Edward Klein assembled detailed, eyewitness accounts of the events in Benghazi, Tripoli, and Washington on Sept. 11, 2012. Those details were presented in a chapter in his June 2014 book Blood Feud. Executive Intelligence Review independently corroborated many of the key details in the Klein account, both before and after its publication, drawing upon U.S. government sources and documents.

In fact, on the morning after the 9/11/12 attacks in Benghazi, EIR had received a detailed account of the pre-meditated attack the day before, from a senior U.S. intelligence source, who had been up all night receiving reports from diplomatic sources from the region.

            – The Essential Facts –

The essential facts are as follows:

At 6 p.m. on Sept. 11, 2012, Secretary of State Clinton and a team of top State Department aides received a detailed briefing from DCM Hicks, providing an up-to-the-minute account of the heavily-armed, well-planned assault on the mission. There was no mention of any prior protests, just a detailed report on the terrorist attack, and initial reports that Ansar al-Sharia had made claims over the Internet, that they were responsible for the assault. A short cable from Tripoli to Washington, circulated to all relevant U.S. national security, diplomatic, and military agencies, cited the Ansar al-Sharia role.

According to top aides to Secretary Clinton, at 10 p.m. on Sept. 11, 2012, President Obama placed a personal call to Secretary Clinton, ordering her to issue a press release, claiming that the attack on the U.S. compound had been a “spontaneous protest” directed against the recent release of a video slandering the Prophet Mohammed.

In a June 22, 2014 article in the New York Post, summarizing his investigative findings, Edward Klein wrote:

“By 10 p.m. on Sept. 11, 2012, when Hillary Clinton received a call from President Obama, she was one of the most thoroughly briefed officials in Washington on the unfolding disaster in Benghazi, Libya. She knew that Ambassador Christopher Stevens and a communications operator were dead, and that the attackers had launched a well-coordinated mortar assault on the CIA annex, which would cost the lives of two more Americans.

“She had no doubt that a terrorist attack had been launched against America on the anniversary of 9/11. However, when Hillary picked up the phone and heard Obama’s voice, she learned the president had other ideas in mind. With less than two months before Election Day, he was still boasting that he had al Qaeda on the run.”

Klein interviewed one of Secretary Clinton’s top legal advisers, who told him:

“Obama wanted her to say that the attack had been a spontaneous demonstration triggered by an obscure video on the Internet that demeaned the Prophet Mohammed. Hillary told Obama, ‘Mr. President, that story isn’t credible.’ He said, ‘Hillary, I need you to put out a State Department release as soon as possible.'”

Ultimately, Secretary Clinton made a rotten compromise. Realizing that if she did the right thing—which would have been to publicly resign, in protest over the President’s order to lie about the most devastating terrorist attack on the United States since the original 9/11 attacks—Obama would lose re-election, she would be blamed, and her own prospects for winning the presidency would be down the drain, she capitulated.

Shortly after 10 p.m. on the night of Sept. 11, 2012, Hillary Clinton issued the first public statement from the Obama Administration, claiming the attack was “spontaneous” and motivated by the video slander.

         – Mankind Facing Extinction –

Nothing can be done to un-do what Hillary Clinton did, under Obama orders, on the night of 9/11/12.  Hillary Clinton has been subpoenaed to appear before the House Select Committee on Benghazi in October to testify under oath. Sometime prior to her appearance, Cheryl Mills, who was her Chief of Staff at the time of the 9/11/12 attacks, and had earlier served as White House General Counsel under President Bill Clinton, will testify under oath.

There is no question that, ultimately, the full truth about Obama’s despicable behavior on Benghazi will come out. The crucial question is: When will the truth be revealed and Obama brought down?

If the day of reckoning is postponed until the Congressional inquest takes the Mills and Clinton testimony in October, there may be no Congress. There may be no United States. Mankind may have already been extinguished in a thermonuclear war that will be over in a matter of days, with much of humanity wiped out in the course of that exchange of thermonuclear strikes.

In a very real sense, the fate of mankind is on the line. The only option is for Hillary Clinton to step forward now. She is the crucial eyewitness to the President’s willful lies. She can deliver irrefutable testimony, buttressed by other top State Department officials.

It will mean the end of Hillary Clinton’s campaign for President, but it will also mean the end of the Obama presidency—before he is able to launch the provocations that could wipe out mankind. For Hillary Clinton, there is only one right thing to do, and time is fast running out.

Ambassadors of NATO’s 28 members held an emergency meeting July 28 in Brussels, at the request of NATO-member Turkey. The topic was to seek NATO solidarity for Turkey following attacks by ISIL and the Kurdish Workers Party (PKK) inside Turkey, especially a July 20 terror attack which left 32 dead. The result of the NATO meeting was a joint statement expressing “strong solidarity” with Turkey and saying the security of NATO is “indivisible,” but not much else—at least as far as is known publicly. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, speaking yesterday ahead of the meeting, urged Ankara not to cut off talks with the PKK, however. “Force will never solve the conflict in the long term,” Stoltenberg said.

Even as NATO was meeting, a “creeping” no-fly zone was being created over Syria, under cover of the fight against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). It is “creeping,” because there will be no UN Security Council sanction for a no-fly zone, given that Russia would oppose it. A U.S. official confirmed the July 25 Hurriyet report that the United States and Turkey have agreed to clear ISIL militants from northern Syria by forming an “ISIL-free zone.”

“The goal is to establish an ISIL-free zone and ensure greater security and stability along Turkey’s border with Syria,” the unnamed official told Agence France-Presse, coyly. Fred Hof, a former advisor to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, was more direct in comments to the New York Times:

“At least in principle, it creates an area where people who are trained and equipped in Turkey can be inserted in Syria without opposition, where they can joint up with existing units who are fighting ISIL.”

Hof did not elaborate that such U.S.- and Turkish-trained forces would also be charge with overthrowing Syria’s Assad government.

The latest understanding is part of the agreement by Turkey to allow the U.S. to use Turkey’s Incirlik military base to launch air attacks on ISIL in Syria. The ISIL-free zone will be 98 km long and 40 km wide and situated on a line from Mare to Jarablus. Syrian aircraft will be forbidden to fly in the zone. The plan foresees the deployment of Free Syrian Army (FSA) units—supposedly “moderate” oppositionists who are also out to overthrow the Assad government in Syria—to the area if ISIL is completely cleared from that particular zone, which would both prevent the Kurdish Syrian Democratic Union Party (PYD) from further expanding its influence towards the West and create a safe environment to shelter Syrians fleeing violence or those who want to return to their homelands.

Russian authorities have repeatedly made it clear at the highest level that they view the Obama administration’s deployment of its ballistic missile system on Russia’s borders, as an existential threat to their national existence. To emphasize this policy view in light of recent escalations, Russian President Vladimir Putin has again restated this policy in a systematic fashion.

Putin took the opportunity of a July 25 interview with Swiss RTS TV in St. Petersburg to deliver the following message—clearly reflecting the Russian government’s evaluation that the danger of escalating strategic conflict between the U.S. and Russia is severe and immediate:

“The process of starting a new arms race began from the moment of the United States’ unilateral withdrawal from the ballistic missile defense treaty. Because this agreement was a cornerstone for the entire international security system. And when the United States withdrew from it and began to create a missile defense system as part of its global strategic weapons system, we immediately said: we will be obligated to take reciprocal steps to maintain a strategic balance of power.

“I want to say something very important: we are doing this for ourselves, to ensure the security of the Russian Federation, but we are also doing it for the rest of the world, because this strategic stability ensures the balance of power.”

When the Swiss journalist attempted to change the subject, Putin insisted:

“I want to come back to the previous question. A strategic balance allowed peace throughout the planet and prevented major military conflicts in Europe and throughout the world. And when the United States withdrew from that agreement, they said, we are creating a missile defense system that is not against you, and you want to develop a strike force; do what you want, we will assume it is not against us.

“And we are doing exactly what we had stated long ago. The global missile defense system is expensive and it is still unclear how effective it is. And we are developing strike systems capable of overcoming any missile defense system. And what I announced just recently has been in our plans for several years, and was publicly announced long before.”

And after a second attempt by the interviewer to change the subject, Putin broke in:

“I still need to finish the previous question. All our strategic defense actions correspond fully to Russia’s international obligations, including within the framework of the agreement with the United States on strategic arms.”

Putin also used the Swiss TV interview to reiterate his policy towards the United States. Asked if there was “a return to a kind of imperialist policy by the U.S.,” Putin replied:

“A return? They have been conducting an imperialist policy for a long time… This position is not related in any way to anti-Americanism; we have a great deal of respect and love for the U.S, and especially for the American people… [but] unilateral actions and the expansion of jurisdiction by one nation beyond the territory of its borders, to the rest of the world, is unacceptable and destructive for international relations… We need to be patient and work with our American colleagues to find solutions.”

Asked if a new war in Europe is possible, Putin said: “I hope not. But I would really like to see Europe demonstrate some real independence and sovereignty and be capable of defending its national interests.”

With every passing day that Obama remains in the White House, the danger of a thermonuclear confrontation between the United States and Russia escalates—especially with Congress on recess as of the end of this week. Add to the growing list of potential flash-points for unleashing such a war, all fanned by the British Empire, the situation around Turkey and Syria. NATO today held an emergency meeting in Brussels, at Turkey’s request, to address that crisis—only the fifth time in the organization’s history such a meeting has been called.
The Russian government of Vladimir Putin is not amused by this trajectory of world events. Putin used an interview with a Swiss TV network on July 25 to state, yet again, Russia’s strict rejection of the ballistic missile defense policy of Obama and NATO, and advising, once again, that “we are developing strike systems capable of overcoming any missile defense system.”
But the most efficient way to stop the drive to war, Lyndon LaRouche again emphasized today, is to get Obama’s finger off the button by politically removing him from the White House. LaRouche stated that, although Hillary Clinton remains to this date a captive pawn of Obama, she could reverse that situation by coming clean on Benghazi. Obama lied about Benghazi, and then ordered Hillary to lie as well to cover up what actually happened.
If Hillary simply told the truth, LaRouche said, this would bring down Obama. It would also mean the end of her Presidential aspirations, but that would be a small price to pay to become a belated heroine, including pulling the world back from the brink of thermonuclear war. She should come forward now, LaRouche emphasized, and come clean. That is the most efficient way to silence the Guns of August, before they are unleashed.
LaRouche added that he and his movement will not simply wait around for events to unfold. We have a responsibility to get the truth out, which we will do in the upcoming issue of EIR, he said. That will help Hillary own up to the facts. And it will help free up the Democratic Party for the crucial tasks ahead, including returning the U.S. to the Glass-Steagall standard, as the first step towards national and global economic reconstruction.

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Lyndon LaRouche yesterday publicly warned that, unless President Obama is either removed from office, or stripped of any political independence, he will use the August Congressional recess as the moment of opportunity to provoke a confrontation with Russia that could lead to a general war, including a thermonuclear war of extinction.

“We’re coming to a point,” with the August Congressional recess, LaRouche warned, 

“where Obama will be free to launch war, without any opposition.  And that’s extremely dangerous. … And that war would mean probably a thermonuclear war; Russia would not launch the war, but Russia would be prepared to react to the launching of that war, immediately. And that’s the situation. And this can mean the extinction of a lot of people on the planet.”

The only viable war-prevention option at this late date, LaRouche continued, is to remove Obama from office, or so-cripple him with exposure of his crimes, that he is unable to act.

LaRouche emphasized:

“So we have to understand that, first of all, we have to prevent Obama from being in charge of launching war, when the Congress leaves Washington in August…That’s dangerous.  There are a number of other considerations which are also similarly dangerous ones; the wrong party getting into the warfare, for example, and that complication. All these things are there.”

LaRouche singled out the escalating involvement of Turkey in the ongoing conflict in Syria, as one prime example of the kinds of provocations, like the activation of the Right Sector in Ukraine, that can serve as the pretext for Obama’s launching an attack on Russia.

“And this is going to require on our part, I think, more stress than we’ve ever gone through before, in order to meet all the requirements which represent reasonable security of avoidance of thermonuclear war.  And that’s where we are.”

Among the options for taking down Obama’s war plans, cited by LaRouche in his weekly Policy Committee live dialogue, is the prospect of Hillary Clinton coming clean on what she knows of President Obama’s willful lying about the Sept. 11, 2012 Benghazi terrorist attack, which resulted in the murders of U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other American officials.

“Now, you’ve got the Hillary case.  The Hillary case is extremely significant at this point, because the issue is, did she lie on the question of Obama’s role [in the Benghazi affair]? And so, Obama can be stopped, if Hillary is honest.  If she’s not honest, then we got trouble. And we’ve seen recently that on these matters, she is not honest.  On the Glass-Steagall case, for example, she’s not honest.”

LaRouche emphasized that the challenge on the table, immediately, is to take the necessary actions to prevent a war, a potential war of extinction, from being launched by President Obama.

He concluded:

“That’s what I was concerned about:  How can we prevent this thing from happening? Not, will the war occur, but how do we act, in order to make sure this does not happen?

“And therefore, if we don’t get some leadership, in terms of the United States government, and if we don’t get the job done before the Congress goes out of session, then the maximum danger is reached, unless Obama has been removed beforehand. And that’s where we are.”